Birthline: Maine-Wyoming
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Birth Mother looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 30 August 1969
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasion
Hospital of Birth: Cary Hospital
Agency Involved:: DHHS?
City of Birth: Caribou
County of Birth: Aroostook
State of Birth: Maine
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Looking to find my daughter that I gave up for adoption in 1969.
Posted 06/2012  Email Contact:
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: November 1955
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Maine
Comments:: Name of female adoptee is Debbra Lee. Her mother's birth name (also my birth mother) is
Lora May (Sparks) Taylor. Debbra's birth father is Johnny Taylor Jr. Debbra was given up for adoption in the
spring/summer of 1959 in Maine.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birthmother
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/17/1960
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: Bidderford
  •     County of Birth: USA
  •     State of Birth: Maine
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Birthmother was 36 at time of birth with 3 other children 2
  •    girls and a boy. Was adopted through Catholic Charities.  Mothers name was Eileen Doucet not sure
  •     if it is maiden or married name.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 01/2010
 Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth May 18, 1951
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Caucasian
Hospital of Birth Sinai Hospital
Agency Involved: Private attorney: Rose S. Zetzer
City of Birth Baltimore
County of Birth Baltimore
State of Birth Maryland
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: My name at birth was:
Jean Bennett
It was officially changed on:
July 18,1951
Email Contact
Posted 3/2016
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4/7/1987
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: african american
Hospital of Birth: Dont know
City of Birth: Baltimore
County of Birth: Baltimore City
State of Birth: Maryland
Email Contact:                 Posted 2/2012
Birth Relative looking for:   Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 9, 1968
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Mexican-American
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Miami
County of Birth: MD
State of Birth: Maryland
Comments:   All I know is that the mother of my father James Craig was 19 at the University of Miami and the
father is Mexican and he left when he found about my father James Craig. I am Craig's oldest daughter, Hailey.
I am also curious of any health related problems that either parent might have and I would like to keep in touch
with the parents of my dad. Also, I would learn more about the family that are my dad's biological family.
Email Contact: Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05191987
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: asian
Hospital of Birth: franklyn square
City of Birth: baltimore
County of Birth: baltimore county
State of Birth: Maryland  
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 2, 1987
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: African-American (possible mixed race)
Hospital of Birth: Unknown
City of Birth: Montgomer County
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Maryland
Comments:  I am a 24 year old woman.  My Mother's name is Maria Thorne (Duckett or Gillis were her other
last names).  I have 2 brothers.  I was adopted by my grandparents Tommie and Regina McElhaney when I
was 2 years old.  I lived in VA beach.  Now I live in DC and I am looking for my birth father.  I was told that my
father's real name is Donnell Nathan.  He was a man of mixed race, half polynesian, half black.  I was also told
that his family lived by southern ave station (I of course dont know how true that is).  I now have 2 children of my
own and I really want to meet my real father.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4/18/1989
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Maryland
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/26/1980
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: saint Joseph hospital towson
City of Birth: baltimore
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Maryland
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: adopted may 7,1982,name at birth was bobbie my birth mom was thought to be 13 when she had
me  father was much older. i need you and want to know you i feel we have been looking for me the whole
time,im 31 with your grandchild and need to set his world correct and it starts with this. bobbie nka robin
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Sibling looking for: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6/2/1968
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Bethesda Naval Hospital
City of Birth: Bethesda 
State of Birth: Maryland
Comments: Looking for sister.  Born prematurely 6/2/1968. Catholic Charities handled adoption.  Handed over
to adoptive parents at hospital after you were cared for a month by birth mom. Told adoptive parents were a
lawyer and doctor, not sure if accurate.  Trying to locate you since I found out about you.   Would love to meet
you and give any medical/family information to you.
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1956
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: fredrick memorial
  •     City of Birth: fredrick
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Maryland
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: mother had one child when married to james mcbride, a
  •     second child out of wedlock.possible father robert stien.third child a boy was given up to birth
  •     father,was told this child was named micheal. mothers name was kathleen mcbride. birth most likely
  •     took place in fredrick maryland.please contact candi at
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010 
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3-5-61
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: don't know
  •     City of Birth: balitmore
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Maryland
  •     Comments:  i was adopted from family and children service of central maryland in nov 10,1961 , have
  •    a birthbrother in maryland that was adopted by my birth aunt and uncle. i am told that my birthmother
  •    is living in tennessee and might work for the post office. i think her name was Thelma my name at
  •    birth was Louise. she was the youngest of three girls. my grandfather had open a small restaurant
  •    and confectionary store -he was scotch and irish.  i think when she had me she would be in her late
  •    20ys,if this sound like anybody family please get in touch with me i edon't want anything just answers
  •    as i have a beautful 7 yr old son. i alos have a very support family who has bee behind me every step
  •    of the way.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted: 03/2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: march 13 1949
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: baltimore
  •     State of Birth: Maryland
  •     Comments:  my brother was adopted birth name willian timms, my name ronald timms
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2010
  Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4-17-1987
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: franklin county
  •     City of Birth: baltimore
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Maryland
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 01/2010
Birth Sibling looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth 2/14/1978
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth Quincy Hospital
Agency Involved: Catholic Charaties
City of Birth Quincy
County of Birth Norfolk
State of Birth Massachusetts
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: (no answer)
Email Contact
looking for: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth Feb 19 1955
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth Harrington hospital
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth Southbridge
County of Birth (no answer)
State of Birth Massachusetts
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I am looking for a man my mom, Marie Lazure, was dating in 1954. All she knew for his first name
was Cap. Caplette, they use to go boating in Maine. Etc. he has one or two kids, but when they found out she
was pregnant he disapeared  all I want to know if he is dead or alive what his health was and maybe a picture
or two. I am someone's half sister that's all I want thank you. I know southbridge mass has a lot of Caplette's. 
Someone should know something .
Email Contact
Posted January 2017
Female Adoptee looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 22, 1969
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Hispanic
Hospital of Birth: ST Margaret Boston MA
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Boston
County of Birth: Suffolk
State of Birth: Massachusetts
 Comments:: My brother's birth name is David Garcia we were together in a foster home in Chelsea MA until
1974 when we were separated; I was adopted by my foster parents but social services took my brother and we
never heard from him again. My biological's mother name is Aida Garcia and she lived in Dorchester or
Roxbury back then.
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11-20-1964
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: somewhere in worcester ma
City of Birth: worcester
County of Birth: ?
State of Birth: Massachusetts
Comments:   My birth name is valerie tomlinson born nov 20, 1964 i am a adult adoptee searching for my 
biological brother who was adopted out also , i think his name is john p penney, born 3 21 1968 our birth 
mothers name was carol a tomlinson, born in ma died in ma i have been
Email Contact:       Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/1/1959
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Boston Lyin Inn
City of Birth: Boston
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Massachusetts  
Comments:   Born Theresa Marie Parent; Birth mother's name believed to be Juanita Parent and lived in Lynn, MA.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Birth Mother looking for:   Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/29/1968
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Beth Israel
City of Birth: Boston
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Massachusetts  
Comments:   I am looking for my daughter her birth name  is Jennifer Lynn Duncan
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1973
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: St. Margaret's
City of Birth: Dorchester
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Massachusetts
Comments:  I am looking for my sister who was born sometime in 1973 with the birth name of Warren (last name)
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/31/1986
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: St. Margarets Hospital for women and infants
City of Birth: Dorcester, Boston
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Massachusetts
Comments:  Newborn girl born at 11:51 on August 31, 1986 and was lovingly surrendered on September 4,
1986.  Adoptive parents were an accountant and teacher in the suburbs of Boston.  Catholic Charities in
Quincy, MA, arranged the adoption.
Email Contact:  Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02-25-1983
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Worcester
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Massachusetts
Comments:  I am now a mom of 2, one of whom is a severely special needs child. My birthmother kept my
older sister and gave me up for adoption, not long after that she had another child and kept him. i had a great
childhood, just need more medical/family history that could help my child. Please help if you know her or how i
could contact her or my birth-siblings.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10-25-1978
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: st margaret’s
City of Birth: Dorchester
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Massachusetts
Comments:  I'm trying to find my older sister "sandy" her name probably isnt sandy anymore but thats what my 
mom originally named her.  My brother and I were told at a very younge age that we had older sister that was
adopted i cant remember not knowning.  My mom has always talks about her she didnt want to give her up but
was only 16 and was forced to. We all love her and would love to meet her or atleast know shes OK.  My moms
worries all the time about her. If she had a good life and if she safe. we all love you.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: approx 1967
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Worcester
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Massachusetts
 Comments:: I am looking for my husband's birth sister. She would have been born to mother Donna Hanulla
in one of the Worcester, Ma hospitals. I was told she was either 2 years older or younger than me. His mother
is a permanant residential patient and a ward of the state in Worcester. She suffers from skitzophrenia amonst
other things and has no concept of time. She still thinks of my husband and his sister as  babies. She was
allowed permission to leave the facility when she wanted but would get into trouble at a local bar, where we
believe she was taken advantage of and became pregnant, twice.She was then moved to a more private
setting. She can cross the street to buy cigarettes but that is all. When her mother Ruth died she was made a
ward of the state. We found her just before Ruth died and we were able to meet with her once. There is a
brother who does not remain active in Donna's life. His name is Bruce and he was last in New Hampshire.He
was visiting her about every 5 years last we heard. My husband was adopted as a baby and we are still in
Massachusetts but not in that area.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Father looking for: Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1965 1967
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Mixed
Hospital of Birth: dont rember
City of Birth: Boston Mass.
County of Birth: unknow
State of Birth: Massachusetts
Comments:: It was between 1965 !967 Mothers name Jane. Fathers Name Robert Tavares
Email Contact: Tangoorgie@gmail,com
Posted 11/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/22/75
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: boston
City of Birth: boston
County of Birth: essex
State of Birth: Massachusetts
Email Contact:
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: SEPTEMBER 1964
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: CAUCASIAN
Hospital of Birth:
County of Birth: PLYMOUTH
State of Birth: Massachusetts
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Posted 7/2011
Birth Mother looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5-11-1989
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Newton Welsley Hospital
City of Birth: Newton
State of Birth: Massachusetts
Comments: Birth name Britany Nicole Sanutelli.  Her first name was changed to Laura.  Her birth parents
names are Judy and Richard.  Adoption agency was Adoptions with love.  Her 2 brothers and 2 sisters are also
looking for her.
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Birth Aunt is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 15, 1957
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: South Shore Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Weymouth
  •     County of Birth: Norfolk
  •     State of Birth: Massachusetts
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I'm not postive on the year.  It's give or take a year. I believe
  •     she was born Donna Marie Myatt.  She is my neice
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 07/2010
Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 12/28/1948
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race 85% white
Hospital of Birth St Marys
Agency Involved: Royal Oak Baptist Children's Home
City of Birth Detroit
County of Birth Wayne
State of Birth Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I’d just like to meet some family before it’s too late
Email Contact
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth O9/22/1946
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth Ingam Country Hospital,LansingMichigan
Agency Involved: The state
City of Birth Lansing
County of Birth Ingam
State of Birth Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I know my mothers name was Georgia Wright, she was from Michigan, she was born in March, 1924.
The doctor who delivered me,,was Dr. S. Porter , he had his office and home on E.Grandriver .  My birth father's
was a soldier.My mother was also the eldest of 9 children. She got married to a different man in April of 1947,
she had two more daughters one in  1953 and the other in 1955.  I would like any information on any of the
relatives we can find.,  also to give you another clue to go by Georgia's father passed away just before marriage
in April. 47.  Both of her daughters names started with D., middle initial is L.  I was adopted by Lyle LeRoy
Phillips and Nona Mae Pratt Phillips.  I would like as much about my adopted parents family history too.
Email Contact
Posted 12/2016
Birth Relative looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Feburary 27,1974
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: ?
Agency Involved:: ?
City of Birth: ?
County of Birth: ?
State of Birth: Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking to obtain the adoption records of my father. I do not know what City or Agency it was from. But I would like to meet my birth grandparents if possible.
Email Contact:  Posted 03/2014
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3-23-1926
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Mercy Hospital
Agency Involved:: unknown
City of Birth: Jackson
County of Birth: Jackson
State of Birth: Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: My twin sister and I were given up for adoption one month after
birth. I know my adoptive parents were Anna and Edward Ferris of Bay City,
Michigan. I am searching for birth mother information. No names of parents
listed. We were named at birth as Elizabeth and Louise.
Email Contact:
Posted 07/2013
Male Adoptee looking for:  Biological mother & father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/26/1960
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasion
Hospital of Birth: Booth Memorial
Agency Involved:: Lutheran Social Services
City of Birth: Detroit
County of Birth: Wayne
State of Birth: Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I was given up for adoption at birth.  Possible name given to me may have been Jeffery Lynn Smith but not confirmed.
Email Contact:
Posted 06/2013
Searcher looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Sep 7,1987
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: None
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Detroit
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I was born without a name. I was found in a duffle bag on a porch. I was not born in a hospital.
I could be biracial I'm not really sure if I'm all black.
Email Contact:
Posted 03/2013
Birth Sibling looking for:   Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: march 21 1982, april 14 1989
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: detroit
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:   Male born in 1989 possible last name searls. Female born in 1982 possible last name parr
Email Contact:              Posted 2/2012
Searcher looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2-10-1957
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Mt Pleasant
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:   looking for my dad's birth mother or father. He was born on 2-10-1957 in Mt Pleasant Michigan
(at the hospital). The name on his original birth certificate was Baby Brush. We were told his mother was
young, however I do not know that for a fact. He was adopted the next day. His adoption did not get finalized 
until 1958, I'm not sure why. My grandparents (the adoptive parents) were registered as foster parents at that 
time.  Adoption was finalized in Osceola or Clare County (Michigan)
Email Contact:             Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5/31/1969
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Butterworth
City of Birth: Grand Rapids
County of Birth: Kent
State of Birth: Michigan  
Comments:   Birth mother's name: Victoria. Father : Robert. She was 18, he, 20. They were in college. They
may have named me Susan Ann. My adoptive parents went through Catholic Services to adopt me. She had
strawberry blond hair & blue eyes. He had brown hair & brown eyes. At least one wore glasses for near-
sightedness. I am curious to know who I look like,if I have any siblings, and my family medical history.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Birth Relative looking for:   Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/5/1991
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:   I am looking for my sister amber Constance-Lee Smith. she was born to Shawn Marie Smith
& Robert Edward Turner on the above birthday.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05-27-92
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: ?
Hospital of Birth: childrens hospital
City of Birth: detroit
County of Birth: ?
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:   im looking for whoever gave birth to me, and some siblings if i have some. my birth name was 
Kaleasha L. Smith until it got changed. all i remember is my moms first name which i think was Kimyatta or
something like that.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: March5 1959
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: ST.Ignace
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:   I was given papers with the name baby boy Hayes adopted from orphanage in Marquette MI. did 
search through catholic social services some backround was available believe to beb born in ST. ignace MI
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: january 22 1964
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: grand rapids
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Michigan
 Comments: searching for family history
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8-26-1983
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: Detroit
County of Birth: Wayne
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments: Birth parents were 18 at the time of birth. Mother had been in a car accident in 1980- she had a
severe head injury. Scottish and Slovakian   Mostly interested in health info, but would love the opportunity to
meet if all parties were comfortable.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/10/1967
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Unity Hospital
City of Birth: Buchanan
County of Birth: Berrien
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments: Born in 1967, mother was supposedly 16 years old and had a guardian sign adoption papers.
Supposedly born in Buchanan, MI at Unity Hospital in 1967. Told almost nothing more.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Searcher looking for: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: mount pleasant
County of Birth: Michigan
State of Birth: Michigan
 United States
Comments: im looking for my father scott kinsey and his two children shawn and kayla i want to get to know
them and have my dad meet his grandson.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1990
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Michigan  
Comments:  My mom won't really give me much information on my younger brother. I know he is 21 this year,
and his birth name is William Hand. Please contact me if you have ANY information! Thank you.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/12/1968
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Blodgett (?)
City of Birth: Grand Rapids
County of Birth: Kent
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:  I am looking for my brother who was adopted through Blodgett DA homes for Children at birth. 
He was born with the name Danny Lee
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1952
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:  Mother was Peggy Bishop, father William Redd both of Michigan
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth:
Comments:  I am looking for my half brother Todd Leonard Collins or Adams. Mothers name Florence
Elizabeth Adams. Approximate age of Todd would be 45-49 years of age. His birth fathers name is Ralph
Leonard Collins from Michigan.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/06/1979
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasion
Hospital of Birth: St. Joes or U of Mich
City of Birth: Ann Arbor
County of Birth: Washtenaw
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:: I am older birth brother. Mothers name at time of adoption was Janet Smith or Vinson. Mother was
told adoptee was placed with a "professional family" somewhere in the western half of lower Michigan.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6-3-1958
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: Battle Creek
County of Birth: ?
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:: I was told that I was the 8th child of a family born in Battle Creek MI. I would like to find my
biological family and learn my medical history.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09/09/1967
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasin?
Hospital of Birth: providence
City of Birth: southfield
County of Birth: oakland
State of Birth: Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Looking for birth parents.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: January 8, 1967
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Providence
City of Birth: Southfield
County of Birth: Oakland
State of Birth: Michigan
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011      
Father looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1968 or 1969
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Genessee County
City of Birth: Fenton or Flint
County of Birth: Genessee
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:: The female child was named baby Shila.
The birth mother was Sharon  K. Steadman.  Maiden name Sharon K. Miner.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/25/1970
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: McLaren
City of Birth: Flint
County of Birth: Genesee
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:: I was adopted from Children's Aid Society.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Relative looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: march 1968
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth: oakland county
State of Birth: Michigan
 United States
Comments:: Birth mother's name is Batina Ewing
Birth Father's name Mark Burns
Adopted through Catholic Social Services and private adoption in Oakland County Michigan.
Born in March of 1968
Has a brother by Birth Father and a huge family waiting to meet her,
Father never wanted to give her up.
Any information please contact me
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Searcher looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06/29/1987
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Providence
City of Birth: southfield
County of Birth: oakland
State of Birth: Michigan
 Comments:: I have been searching for my dad since I was 10 years old
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011                                                                        
Male Adoptee looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1942 or 1943
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Univ of MI
City of Birth: Ann Arbor
County of Birth: Washtenaw
State of Birth: Michigan
 Private adoption
Comments:: Born in the hot months of the year bet. June & October. I know her birth parents & place of
residence. Mother deceased,father?? Sent in my request to State of MI & they said it was put in her file.
I was born 1938 in Ann Arbor too & adopted.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 15,1983
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Native American/white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Detroit
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:: Angela Marie Calm.. Thomas, Robert, Bradford, and Joseph  are looking for you.. if you would like
more info please email me
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Relative looking for:  Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/21/1975
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
City of Birth: Cincinnati
County of Birth: Michigan
State of Birth: Ohio  
Comments:: I've been Looking For My Great nephew His Name Is Shawn Eugene Long For Many Year Hoping
2 Find Him If Your Out There Please Contact Me ASAP My Name Is Betty Long
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Searcher looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1-26-1963
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Crittenton
City of Birth: Detroit
County of Birth: Wayne
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:: Male adoptee born 1-26-1963 searching for birth mother or other birth family.  Name given at birth
was Ian Michael Clarkson.  Birth mother is believed to be of Scottish or English descent.  Birth mother is
believed to have had some college.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011         
Sibling looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: September 7, 1962
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Hispanic
Hospital of Birth: unknown
City of Birth: Detroit (?)
County of Birth: Wayne County
State of Birth: Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: My mother had this child, he was given the name Anthony Peter Lopez. He was adopted in 1964
and final papers completed in 1966.  Due to unfortunate circstances and wanted to make sure he was
provided for.  I was born many years later
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3-7-1977
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Detroit
County of Birth: Wayne
State of Birth: Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for my brother who was adopted in Michigan. Adoptee's name at birth is Steve Smith.
Birth mother's name is Ella Smith.
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/10/1958
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Borgess Hospital
City of Birth: Kalamazoo
County of Birth: Kalamazoo
State of Birth: Michigan
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Adopted through St. Agnes Foundling Home in Kalamazoo, MI
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/01/1985
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Shelby Twp
County of Birth: MI
State of Birth: Michigan
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2/17/1945
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
City of Birth: lansing
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:: Look for my twin brothers. Born 1943.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Feb. 6, 2011
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: cauc
Hospital of Birth: McLaren General
City of Birth: Flint
County of Birth: Genesee
State of Birth: Michigan
Comments:: There are several Birthdates described in Feb, 3rd, 6th and 7th.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/28/1991
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Mercy
  •     City of Birth: Grayling
  •     County of Birth: Crawford
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Posted 02/2011 
  Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: December 12, 1956
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: Saint Joseph Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Flint
  •     County of Birth: Genesee
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Daughters last name at birth: Vaughan
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 28 1975
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: ?
  •     City of Birth: Rochester??
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: In search of birth parents and birth Family. Adoption through
  •     Oakland Family Services Pontiac Michigan - adoption was closed - information given was birth
  •     parents worked at horse stables together - no other information.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2/23/1972
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: native american
  •     Hospital of Birth: Foote west
  •     City of Birth: Jackson
  •     County of Birth: jackson
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 4, 1969
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: William Beaumont - Warren, MI
  •     City of Birth: Warren
  •     County of Birth: Macomb
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I never had any other children and now just want to know that
  •     (Joshua) found the family and love he deserved. I also wanted him to know that he was the greatest
  •     gift I could have shared with the couple that adopted him... My love and forever hugs.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: aug 1957
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: cauc
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth:
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Have found everything that had been told to me has been  lie
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/25/1958
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: Garden City
  •     County of Birth: Wayne
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Last name was Knapp.  Looking for any information on birth
  •     mother, birth father.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 07/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birthmother
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 30, 1967
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Mt. Carmel
  •     City of Birth: Detroit
  •     County of Birth: Wayne
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: My birth mother raised horses. She loved going to the rodeo
  •    with her mom. She wasnt a people person, but loved her animals. She didnt tell my birth father that
  •    she was pregnant until right before she gave birth. He was already engaged, and I do believe his
  •    fiance was pregnant as well. I am of Irish, English, German and French decent. I am mostly English
  •    though. I was adopted through Catholic Social Services in Wayne County when I was 6 weeks old.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 05/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: March 19, 1965
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasion
  •     Hospital of Birth: Garden City Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Garden City
  •     County of Birth: Wayne
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I was a tiny baby wieghing 5 lbs, 7 ounces, born on Friday,
  •     March 19th, 1965. I have just had my 45th birthday. I have lost both my adoptive parents within the last
  •     3 years. They had never held me back in finding my birth parents, but out of love, respect and
  •     adimiration, I didnt need to. Now Im at the point of my life where I am ready. I hope you are ready too.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Daughters are looking for:
  •     Deceased mother's Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/05/1919
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: Unknown
  •     City of Birth: Parma
  •     County of Birth: Unknown
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: My sister & I just discovered that our mother was adopted as
  •     documented on the 1920 census.  Our mother and her (adoptive) parents are all dead and we have
  •     no other immediate relatives to inquire of.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/09/1977
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     County of Birth: St. Clair
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Posted 01/2010
  Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birthmother
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/09/1966
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth:
  •     County of Birth: Genesee
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Comments: Birth name was believed to be Betty.  Mother was a college student.
  •     email:
  •     Posted 01/2010
  Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1/27/1963
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: providence
  •     City of Birth:
  •     County of Birth: wayne
  •     State of Birth: Michigan
  •     Comments: Catholic Social Services in Mount Clemens handled the adoption.  The hospital was
  •     Providence that you were born in.  I was told the family adopting you were teachers.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 01/2010
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 07/22/1961
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth Deaconess Hospital
Agency Involved: LSS
City of Birth Big Lake
County of Birth MN
State of Birth Minnesota
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: (no answer)
Email Contact
Posted 10/2017
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 12/18/1969
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth St. Joseph's Hospital
Agency Involved: Catholic Charities
City of Birth St. Paul
County of Birth United States
State of Birth Minnesota
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I'm looking for my birth mother, birth father, & half brother.  My birth name is Lynn Marie.   My birth
mother's name is Mary Frances Wall.  My birth father is unknown.  She was 20 yrs old when I was born.  She
stayed at Seton Residence from 6/24/69-12/18/69.  My birth mother had a son born in 1971 also placed for
adoption thru Catholic Charities.  I was placed with my adoptive home on 2/2/70.   I have a serious medical
condition and need to know my medical information.
Posted 01/2017
Birth Mother looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/03/72
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Abbot Northwestern Minneapolis
Agency Involved:: Catholic Charities/Catholic Welfare society
City of Birth: Minneapolis
County of Birth: Hennepin
State of Birth: Minnesota
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Am longing to be reunited. Also have pertinent medical history of my own and my family that should
be shared.
Email Contact:
Posted May 2014
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8//18/1949
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: unk possibly St. Paul MN
Agency Involved:: Children's Home Society St. Paul MN
City of Birth: St. Paul
County of Birth: Ramsey
State of Birth: Minnesota
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for my birthmother who would be 80 years old (2013).  She lives in northern MN and
has two other daughters and a son.  I know it's a farming community she lives in and her first name is Nancy. 
The youngest daughter was pregnant while in high school.
Email Contact:
Posted 06/2013
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10-30-1972
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: montevideo
ounty of Birth:
State of Birth: Minnesota
Email Contact: 
Posted 3/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:   Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11-23-93
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: St. Paul
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments:   I am looking for my sister. Her real parents are Roland Robins and Teresa Priestley. I was told
her birth name was Salina, and it was changed to Emily Helen after being adopted in New Jersey....
Email Contact:     
Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10.17.1970
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments: I am searching for my birth mother, half brother and birth father.  I do not know if my half brother or
birth father even know that I exist. From what I remember being told - could be misremembering, etc...
I was born on or around October 17th, 1970 in Minnesota.  I have a half brother that was three at the time I was
place for adoption.  My birth mother was a single mother and in a relationship with a married man.  He was not
from Minnesota, I don't think.  He was an electrical engineer who was in town for an extended period of time or
periodically for an extended period of time.  When he was told of the pregnancy, he terminated the relationship.
I was placed for adoption with Children's Home Society in St. Paul, MN.  I was not born in a "sterile
environment", which I would take to mean that I wasn't born in a hospital. My birth mother had two brothers, one
was in the army, I believe.  Red hair was mentioned.  Asthma was mentioned.  My birth mother enjoyed cross
stitch or crocheting - I don't remember exactly. When I was born, I was "tongue tied", which means that the
vertical piece of skin under your tongue with your salivary gland was attached all the way to the tip of my tongue.
This is really all that I know/remember.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/07/52
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: st joseph
City of Birth: st. paul
County of Birth: hennepin
State of Birth: Minnesota  
Comments:  Cynthia Louise was on original birth certificate. Hazard may have been last name.
Leo Francius Burns & Elaine Burns adopted me.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Sibling 
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7-18-1959
adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: St.olaf
City of Birth: austin
County of Birth: mower
State of Birth: Minnesota
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/07/1967
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasion
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Duluth
County of Birth: St, Louis
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments:  I think my birth name was John. The adoption agency said that my biological birth mother has been
trying to contact me every couple years.
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06-24-1974
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: HCMC
City of Birth: Minneapolis
County of Birth: Hennnepin
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments:  I am looking for my birth mother. I was told her name was Janet Glassman. She was 19 when I
was born. I am sure she is married and has a different name now. Anyone with any information that could lead
me to her I would appreciate it. I know she has gone on to have at least 3 other children. Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11-29-1968
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Hennepin County Hospital??
City of Birth: Minneapolis
County of Birth: Hennepin
State of Birth: Minnesota  
Comments:  looking for my birth mother or birth father and any siblings that I might have
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: april 7 1952
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: st joseph st. paul mn
City of Birth: st paul
County of Birth: ramsey
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments:  original birth certificate named me Cynthia Louise. Hazard may be last name.
Elaine Shaffner & Leo f. Burns adopted me thru Catholic Charities.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee  looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4-4-1974
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Rochester
County of Birth: olmsted
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments:: mother was 15 years old when I was born. Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/25/67
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Minneapolis
County of Birth: Ramsey
State of Birth: Minnesota
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: unknown
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: HCMC
City of Birth: Minneapolis
County of Birth: Hennepin
State of Birth: Minnesota  
Comments:: Looking for half sister.  She would be in her early to mid 30's.  I was told her birth name was
Erin Jean Butler and it was changed to Nicole Elaine when she was adopted.  He birth parents are Jean Erin
Butler and Robert Eugean Satre.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02-04-1979
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Minnesota
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/20/1982
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Multi-Racial
Hospital of Birth: St. John's Hospital
City of Birth: St. Paul
County of Birth: Washington
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments:: Adoption was through Children's Home Society of Minnesota. Mothers dob 08/10/64 Father dob
unknown. She was 16 at the time of adoption. She named baby girl Susan Lynn but name might have
changed. I am the eldest daughter looking to meet adopted sister.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6/3/1951
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: minneapolis
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments:: my mom was adopted and we would love to find her birth mother.all we know is her birth mother
gave birth to twin girls and she was around the age of 16yrs old
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: November 8, 1960
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: City of Birth: St Paul or Minneapolis
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments:: Looking for my moms birth family. Her adoption was through Jewish family services. Her mother
may have been a student and father a professor. She was adopted by a Jewish couple named Joseph and
Lois Hyman. They moved to Ohio and then to New York. My moms name is Lisa. Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Searcher looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: January 27, 1949
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
City of Birth: Minneapolis
County of Birth: Hennepin
State of Birth: Minnesota  
Comments:: I don't know much info about my mother's birth family.  Her name before she was adopted was
Mary Ann McEldune and was changed to Kathleen Ann Mollick.  My mother said she has already found
someone who she thinks may be a cousin but nothing so far of her parents or any siblings.  I would like to hear
from anyone who thinks they may know about my mom.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Birth Relative looking for: Male Adoptee 
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 1964
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: St Joseph's
City of Birth: St Paul
County of Birth: Ramsey
State of Birth: Minnesota
Comments: Baby was born sometime between august 20th and 30th. most likely around 22-24th
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3/ /58
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: st.paul
  •     County of Birth: ramsey
  •     State of Birth: Minnesota
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: my sis is one yr. older than me her name is colynne connie francis
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Mother
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: Feb 2/ 1959
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Memorial Booth Hospital
  •     City of Birth: St. Paul, MN
  •     County of Birth: Ramsey
  •     State of Birth: Minnesota
  •     Comments: I was born at Memorial Booth Hospital and then was transfered to U of MN. I am looking
  •    for my birth mothers family. My birth certificate shows her name as Penelope Jean ____. She was 16
  •    when had me. her birth grandparents and birth parents told her to give me up for adoption. i was not
  •    adopted until i was 24 years old. remained same foster home for years . My foster parents are Elvira 
  •    and  Pierre. Iam looking for my birth grandparents, my birth mothers birth siblings.  Her dad is full
  •    german and her mother is half Dutch and English.She had a sibling that died at age 14 due to heart
  •    problem. She grew up in  Minneapolis, MN. Penelopes birthdate is 1943. She is currently married to
  •    Mervyn and has two grown sons name Dean and Tim .She married him in 1962. anyone who knows
  •    her or has information on whereabouts her birth family  at. i did also do and i find that
  •    her mother there shows as Charlotte and her father is Everett . No idea if thats her birth family or
  •    adopted family.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6/24/1985
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Jackson
County of Birth: hinds
State of Birth: Mississippi
Comments:: Searching for my biological father, John Donaldson.  If not to reconnect to at least get some 
background information.  Also interested to know if i have any siblings..  already found my mother, she said 
she has no way of getting in touch..
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/14/1954
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Emery home
Agency Involved:: Emery home
City of Birth: Richton
County of Birth: Perry
State of Birth: Mississippi
Comments:: My birth mother's name may have been Earline or Eloise White.I may have siblings.
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/21/1971
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Mississippi Baptist Hospital
City of Birth: Jackson
County of Birth: Hinds
State of Birth: Mississippi
Comments:   I was born in the old baptist hospital that was torn down.  All I have is my birth certificate after my
adoption  was final in 1973.  I have been told stories but they have been very inconsistent over the years and I 
believe them to be false.  I am blond, with very blue eyes and olive skin.  I am approx. 5-5 and thin/athletic built.
My adoptive uncle was Dr. George Truett (Deceased)who worked at the hospital.
Email Contact:           Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2-16-1974
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Mississippi
Comments:   All I know is his name is Camen Lee, and I'm having a hard time finding him. He was in Summit
Mississippi back in 1973 when he met my mom Aurtherine Summers. I just want to know my history for my
own family.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Birth Siblinglooking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: abt 1977
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Mississippi
 Comments: My father had a son at the age of 15. He was put up for adoption. He did contact my father when I
was about 8 years old and I have always been curious. I would love to just see a picture or even better to
actually meet in person. It is a strange feeling knowing that someone so closely related to me is out there and I
have no idea what he looks like or if he has kids or anything at all about this person who is my half-brother. I
know his name is Casey White and supposedly lives in Louisiana
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/11/1975
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: jackson ms
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Mississippi
Comments:  Would like to know more medical history and know more about my biological mother and father
and if I have any siblings. All I know is there is a history of diabetes in my family. I was born with a hernia and
had surgery to remove it.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1967 or 1968
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Biloxi or keesler Air force base
County of Birth: Harrison
State of Birth: Mississippi
Comments:  Brother born in ither biloxi or keesler air force base while dad was in military
Robert H Meade  Anne Meade
Email Contact: sales@rrtreeservice .com
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3-1-84
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: black
Hospital of Birth: barnes jewish
City of Birth: st.louis
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  My mother gave my brother up @ birth. We live In St.Louis which is where the adoption took place.
She gave my brother the name CHAD he was born MARch1st 1984. He was fostered by white couple days after
his birth. We have dreamed of meeting him.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: November 28, 1978
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Clarksdale hospital
City of Birth: clarksdale, Ms or Marks, Ms
County of Birth: Quitman
State of Birth: Mississippi
Comments:: My adoption was closed and was done by a social worker and a lwyer...I just really need my
medical history really bad if tht is all i can get...I would love to meet or talk to my biologival mother or fater, but
the history is more important for my kids.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4/28/1946
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Clarksdale
City of Birth: Clarksdale
County of Birth: Coahoma
State of Birth: Mississippi
Comments:: Looking for contact with siblingsor any birth family.
record listed
Mary Louise Brown Barrett
Martin Lee Barrett (deceased)
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1/22/1957
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Emery Memorial Home
City of Birth: Richton
County of Birth: Perry
State of Birth: Mississippi
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for a possible twin born 1/15/1957 or 1/22/1957. My birthday was changed.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Mother
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/19/1987
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: hinds
  •     City of Birth: jackson
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Mississippi
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: my birth mothers birthday is january 20
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010
  Searcher is looking for:
  •      Birth Father
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/20/1966
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race: white
  •      Hospital of Birth: Biloxi Regional Hospital
  •      City of Birth: Biloxi
  •      County of Birth: Harrison
  •      State of Birth: Mississippi
  •      Enter any additional comments below.: My biological father's name is unknown. My mother had an
  •      affair and I am the love child. Both my legal father and mother told me the same story shortly before
  •      their deaths. I know my biological father was in the military of some form and stationed on the MS
  •      Gulf Coast. He went to Panama sometime shortly after my birth. He came to see my mother about 3-6
  •      years after my birth. He also has my birth certificate with my footprints from the hospital.
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 04/2010
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 1/24/ 1966
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race White/cuban
Hospital of Birth Los angeles county general hospital unit 2
Agency Involved: Never adopted
City of Birth East los angeles
County of Birth Los angeles
State of Birth California
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: I was born January 24 1966 mothers name sofia cruz she was born in Cuba and she was 26 years old
at the time of my birth my father's name was John Dean Parmeley he was 29 at the time of my birth and he was from
missouri sofia cruz lived at 1343 west kellam avenue los angeles california my nam at birth was Joann Haydee Parmeley
my father was a automobile salesman from Missouri  I was never adopted and grew up in foster homes and orphanages
the only information I have is the above which was in my birth certificate and a not written by sofia cruz giving
frances andrade permission to have me medically treated in the event of an emergency in 1967 she returned
about 8 months later took me for about 2 to 3 weeks then returned me to frances andrade and sofia cruz was
never seen nor heard from again seeking any relative call me at 816-988-1467
Posted 04/05/2020
ale Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth 11/05/1981
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth St. Marys Hospital
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth Jefferson City
County of Birth Cole
State of Birth Missouri
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: Looking for my birth mother. Maiden Name: Shaffer (I know first and middle name but will use this
information to verify accuracy). Born on 11/05/1981: adoption was just a few days after that.
Birth fathers name: Douglas (Doug). 
If you have any information please contact me. I would love to find her.
Email Contact
Posted 03/25/2019
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth March 6 1963
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Caucasian
Hospital of Birth St Mary’s KCMO
Agency Involved: Catholic social services
City of Birth Kansas City
County of Birth Jackson
State of Birth Missouri
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: The Dr who delivered me is E Ramey (sp?) I was born at 4:54 pm . My birth mother was from Clay Missouri
and was 16. She had auburn hair and brown eyes ..Father was 17.  He had blue eyes and blonde hair.
My adoptive parents are Robert and Janice Malone.
Posted 01/2019
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 06/06/1959
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Caucasian
Hospital of Birth City Hospital
Agency Involved: Lutheran Family Services
City of Birth St. Louis
County of Birth Missouri
State of Birth Missouri
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: I am looking for half-siblings, father, aunts, uncles, or anyone related to me genetically.
Birth mother has refused contact twice. I will respect her privacy!
Email Contact
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2/26/1967
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: North Kansas City
Agency Involved:: Clay County Juvenile Division
City of Birth: North Kansas City
County of Birth: Clay
State of Birth: Missouri
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/10/1972
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: joplin(st john?)
Agency Involved:: ??????
City of Birth: joplin
County of Birth: jasper
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:: my mother was 16 when i was born..last name used was bailey....was named baby boy bailey,,,in 1972
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4/27/1968
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: hispanic
Hospital of Birth: KU Med
City of Birth: kansas city
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  I've been told my birth Mother was from New Mexico.
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/1982
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: Depaul Hospital
City of Birth:
County of Birth: St. Louis
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  I am looking for my son who was adopted through the Missouri Baptist Childern's Home.
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:   Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5/1980
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: causian
Hospital of Birth: St. Joeseph Health Center
City of Birth: St. Charles
County of Birth: St. Charles
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:   Looking for younger sister that was put up for adoption by mother around 1984 in North Carolina.
Birth certificate should state mother of Elizabeth Jeanne Back Harper.
Email Contact: Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10.24.1971
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St Mary's Hospital
City of Birth: Kansas City
County of Birth: Jackson
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:   I know that my birth mother's last name was Tate and that my doctor was Dr. Youngblood.
Email Contact:               Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12 13 87
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Barnes
City of Birth: St.louis city
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:   I am looking for the person who posted about sandra l hunt and said she wore contacts and her
name may have been sandra lee hubbs that is my biological mothers name on my birth certifacate i believe i
may be your sister i was adopted and had other siblings as well if this sounds familiar please email me i
would like more information and to find my family
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/3/1975
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Luke's
City of Birth: St. Louis
County of Birth: St. Louis
State of Birth: Missouri
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12 13 1987
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Barnes hospital in st.louis
City of Birth: St louis city
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  I am looking for my birth mother and siblings i was born at barnes hospital my mom was 19 when
she had me i was adopted  around three one of the workers that took me to see her first name was bob she
had brown hair and contacts and was semi tall her name i believe was sandra lee hubbs not sure if it is
spelled right she had an adress on kings highway  on my birth certificate i had a special needs sister named
angel and a brother nicknamed fat head that i know of my adopted mom met her at a dennys restrant before i
was adopted with bob the worker  please if any of this seems like something you know anything about let me
no as i have been searching for a while and desprately wish to find them i was born early and weighed 2
pounds 10 ounces at birth dont no much else thank you god bless
Email Contact:  Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09/12/1990
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: N/A
City of Birth: St. louis
County of Birth: N/A
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  I am not so sure of the details of my birth but I do know y mothers name is Christine and my 
fathers name is Brian. I also know my father rode motorcycles and was a house painter and my mother was in
high school some where in the Missouri area. I just want to know them and tell them I've been searching my
whole life.
Email Contact:  Posted 01/2012
Searcher looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: April 17, 1942
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: The Willows Maternity Sanitarium
City of Birth: Kansas City, MO
County of Birth: Jackson Co.
State of Birth: Missouri  
Comments:  baby born: Hartha Park. On papers it looks like mother's name is Janette. I am assuming her last
name is Park. Janette was from english/german extraction and was 15 at the time of the birth. (1926-28) Father
was 17 and from Norwegian extraction. Baby was born at the Willows.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03-10-1985
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: black
Hospital of Birth: unknown
City of Birth: peidmont
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  My mother was hearing impaired in both ears. my grandparents gave her an ultimatium and
forced her to give me up.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Feb, 1 to 3 1979
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Golden Vally hos.
City of Birth: Clinton, Mo.
County of Birth: Henry
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  Our mom was only 16 and made to give you up.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee
looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09/20/1977
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: St Louis
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  The Lawyer was Casseb, Leon, Rodgers, Strong & Pearl in San Antonio, TX on November 29, 1978
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/3/93
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: biracial
Hospital of Birth: Des Peres
City of Birth: Des Peres
County of Birth: St Louis
State of Birth: Missouri
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Relative looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9-15-1987
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: St. Luke's Hospital
City of Birth: Chesterfield
County of Birth: St. Louis
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  I am looking for my half brother (father's side), John Dereck Johnson.  Mother: Deborah Marie
Smith (born approx 1960 in Michigan). Father: John David Johnson (born approx 1964 in Illinois). He has an
older half brother (mother's side) named Damascus. I have everything listed here, a copy of a birth certificate, a
photo from age 3, and hearsay of him becoming a ward of the state of Colorado around age 9.
if you know him, heard of him, or anyone who might, please email me.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 25, 1983
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Doctors Hospital
City of Birth: Poplar Bluff
County of Birth: Butler
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  I am looking for my beautiful twin daughters Amamnda Dawn and Rhonda Kay that I was forced to
give up for adoption 6/25/83.  I desire so much to find you both...there is and has been and always be a void in
my life since that aweful day I was forced to sign the papers. Your mother and family loves you girls and have
been praying daily for you both all these years and look forward to finding you both and having you back in our
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: October 1970
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: kansas city
County of Birth: jackson
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:  I have 2 brothers that were put up for adoption together through the HEART OF AMERICAN INDIAN
mothers name is FRANCES G RIVERS
There was 3 girls but our oldest sister Sheila was killed in 1994
Our other sister is Jamie.We lived on Mcgee St when they were given away.I pray for someone to find them
& I love them both so much.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/15/1985
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: kansas city
County of Birth: jackson
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:: The information I have is that I was adopted through Highlands child placement (services of the
Assemblies of God).  My mothers info is : she was 21 years old in 1985, height: 5'10, weight:125, eyes: blue,
hair: blonde, backround: caucasian, she was outgoing, friendly and enjoyed sewing and working with jr. high
age kids. My father's info is : he was 20 yrs old in 1985, height 6'3, weight 195, eyes:brown, hair: brown,
backround: halian( italian) and was easygoing, athletic and musical.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1/26/2010
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: cox south
City of Birth: springfield
County of Birth: green
State of Birth: Missouri
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: December 6, 1927
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Willows Maternity Sanitarium
City of Birth: Kansas City
County of Birth: Jackson
State of Birth: Missouri
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: kansas city
County of Birth: us
State of Birth: Missouri
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for my half brother my father attended Van horn high-school in the late 60s early 70s
and he got a young girl pregnant. My fathers name is Daniel Wilson. Pls contact me if you've got any info me
and my siblings have been search hard and having no luck
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: feb/10/1970
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: unknown
City of Birth: i think "stella"
County of Birth: mcdonald
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:: i am looking for my brother his name is ralph charles richards i do not know if he still goes by this
name or if he has a different name birth mothers name betty mae richards and i think his fathers name is the
same as my father leonard ralph waeltz adoption was out of missouri mcdonald co.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Relative looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1-1-1955-56
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucassion
Hospital of Birth: St.Rose
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:: I am looking for my Aunt her name was Arlene Evans born on 1-1-1955- or 1956 Not sure which
year. Her mothers name is Lorraine Dorothy wipson and at the time it was LORRAINE DOROTHY STEVENS
EVANS married to EUGENE Lloyd Evans in which they gave her up at birth in MISSOURI. She has Two older
sisters names Rita Eugena Evans and June Kay Evans which where given up as well. My mother Rita is
searching for her and cannot find her sister. Thanks much.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8 Jul 1926
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: st. louis
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: adopted before 1930 by edward and susan charles.
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Searcher looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 1987
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Truman Medical Center East
City of Birth: Kansas City
County of Birth: Jackson
State of Birth: Missouri
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Step Mother & Father desperately searching for birth son.
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10.24.1971
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St Mary's Hospital
City of Birth: Kansas City
County of Birth: Jackson
State of Birth: Missouri
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I know that my birth mother's last name was Tate and that my doctor was Dr. Youngblood.
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/20/1946
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Lukes
City of Birth: Kansas City
County of Birth: Jackson
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:: There seems to be a big mystery. I was adopted in 1946 at approx 1 yr old. thru an adoption
agency that never existed in Kansas City, Mo. (Garret/Holmes)the registrars' name on my B-certificate is
Geraldine Holmes, the Dr. is Van Del. I have learned that there were many improprieties with adoptions in
those days. now I am 65 yrs old & would still like to fine my birth parents. my family has all passed away,
brother, sister, adoptive parents, aunts & uncles. I'm told my bio mother were from southern Mo. any info or
help would be. appreciated.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: MO Baptist (?)
City of Birth: Sullivan (?)
County of Birth: Franklin (?)
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:: I am looking for 5 of my nieces and nephews, who are all siblings, who were adopted out back in
1980 I think.  They were last living with their birth parents in Bourbon, MO.  Birth parents are Brenda Joyce
Stringer and Glen Eugene Stringer.  The childrens names were Brenda Lee, Glen Eugene, Crystal Gayle,
Cheryl Lynn and Tammy Jo.  Brenda Lee was about 6, she was the oldest and Tammy Jo was an infant and
she was the youngest.  I believe 3 of the children went with one family and 2 went to another...possibly in St.
Clair, MO, or Union, MO, or maybe even Washington, MO.  If anyone has any info on these individuals, please
contact me.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/12/67
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Listed as African American
Hospital of Birth: Firmin Desloge
City of Birth: St. Louis
County of Birth: St. Louis City
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:: Looking for any birth family. Adoption handled via Catholic Charities/Good Shepherd in St. Louis, MO.
I was born at Firmin Desloge Hospital.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 26 1965
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Unknown
City of Birth: Kansas City
County of Birth: Jackson
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments:: Was removed from mother's care at 5 or 6 years old. I really would like to know some medical
history. A touching reunion is not probable.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: feb. 17,1942
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Freemont Home for unwed mothers
City of Birth: Kansas City,
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Comments: girl born to Ida Hall (not her real name) at Freemont Home for unwed mothers. Dr. Frank delivered her.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06/10/1953
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: don't know
City of Birth: kansas city
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Missouri
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: i just found out i have a sister and i would like to meet her.
Email Contact:
Posted 7/2011
Mother is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: dec 8,1974
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Lee's Summit Missouri
  •     City of Birth: Lee's summit
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Missouri
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: The adoption was handled by cass county missouri social
  •     services in harrisonville mo. I don't know any other details.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 01/2011
  Birth Relative is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 6, 1970
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Booth Memorial Hospital
  •     City of Birth: St, Louis
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Missouri
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I am an Aunt just searching for my sister's adopted Son. 
  •     I believe the date was the 6th, but not real sure.  My sister was single and had been going to college.
  •     We are from Illinois.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: february 8 1979
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: independence
  •     County of Birth: jackson
  •     State of Birth: Missouri
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: My mother Ruth Marie Denny Hoke, (Father Ronald Gene
  •     Hoke)gave birth to a baby girl February 8, 1979. She was told the baby died at birth. We have reason
  •     to believe the baby was adopted out. There are no records of anything, no birth no death. I could have
  •     a whole sister out there?
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/12/1970
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race:
  •     Hospital of Birth: unknown-st louis area
  •     City of Birth: st louis
  •     County of Birth: st louis
  •     State of Birth: Missouri
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: adoption thru Childrens Home Society Missouri
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1969-1970
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: home birth
  •     City of Birth: Independence
  •     County of Birth: Jackson
  •     State of Birth: Missouri
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: You were born to Oliver and Thelma Atkinson.. You were
  •     named "Connie". We believe you were taken and placed for adoption around 1974. You have 13
  •     biological brothers and sisters living and are looking for you. You were the 13th Child born to the
  •     Atkinsons.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family/ Medical History
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/30/1968
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: St. Louis General (I think)
  •     City of Birth: St. Louis
  •     County of Birth: St. Louis
  •     State of Birth: Missouri
  •     Enter any additional comments below:  I was said to be born on 12/30/1968 but this could be the date
  •     that I was adopted.  I was said to be born at St. Louis General in St. Louis County and Catholic
  •     Charities is who handled the adoption.  I am mainly interested for family medical history, but I am
  •     also curious, too.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birthparents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/13/1967
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: unknown
  •     City of Birth: kansas city
  •     County of Birth: unknown
  •     State of Birth: Missouri
  •     Comments:  I was born in florence crittenson (spelling?) unwed mother home in north kansas city.
  •     My adoptive mother will tell very little. I was born january 13, 1967 and my birth parents at that time
  •     were supposedly 17 and 18. my adoptive parents names were Charles Franklin and Pauline Beatrice Love
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09/10/1970
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Missouri Baptist Children's  Home
  •     City of Birth: Bridgeton
  •     County of Birth: Jackson County
  •     State of Birth: Missouri
  •     Comments: I am searching for Birth Parents, or Siblings- my Birth mother - 20 years old in 1970-
  •     Swedish, Danish, German Irish, Blue eyes Light brown hair 5'2", Business school, baptist - her father
  •     born in 1918 her mother born in 1928 one sister was 29 in 1970- Birth father, 17 years old in 1970-
  •     Irish, Scottish, Brown eyes, Brown hair 6' 2 brothers age 21 and 17 in 1970 and 2 sisters one married
  •     and 9 years old in 1970 -one brother is a twin.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 01/2010
Birth Mother looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04-29-1973
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Trinity Hospital
Agency Involved:: Catholic Social Services
City of Birth: Wolf Point
County of Birth: Roosevelt
State of Birth: Montana
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Email Contact:
Posted 03/2013
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 9, 1974
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Community Memorial Hospital
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Sidney
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Montana
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/18/1968
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Deaconess
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Billings
County of Birth: Yellowstone
State of Birth: Montana
Comments:: I have been reunited with birth mom, she refuses to give me any info about birth father. There is a 
part of me missing and I would really like to know medical history etc. I have three children and a grand child
on the way. It would mean so much to know our history.
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09/05/1967
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: cree indian
Hospital of Birth: sacred heart
City of Birth: havre
County of Birth: hill
State of Birth: Montana
Comments:  i was told my mom was put in a  catholic school to finish high school. father worked on railroad he
was 57.birthname david thomas.adopted name sherman neal.reason?tribal dna.  who am i?
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/16/1993
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth: st josephs
City of Birth: polson
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Montana
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Sept 1, 1963
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: decons hospital
City of Birth: helena or Billings
State of Birth: Montana
Comments:: On my birth certificate, my mothers name is Dianne Moore, I was listed as baby boy moore.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: November 13,1974
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Patricks Hospital
City of Birth: Missoula
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Montana
Comments:: You were born premature and in the hospital for 3 months due to your lungs not being fully
developed and had pnemonia.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Birth Relative looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: april 29,30 1966
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: kalispell general
City of Birth: kalispell
County of Birth: flathead
State of Birth: Montana
Comments: I am searching for my sisters adopted son he was rn on or around april 29/30 1966. unfortunately
and  sadly my sister is deceased, she passed away jul 2005. her wish was ti someday meet her son
Email Contact: tdavis_56@yahoo,com
Posted 4/2011
Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/06/1978
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Missoula Community
  •     City of Birth: Missoula
  •     County of Birth: Missoula
  •     State of Birth: Montana
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted May 2010


Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth 04-16-1976
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race Caucasian
Hospital of Birth (no answer)
Agency Involved: Catholic Social Services
City of Birth Freemont
County of Birth (no answer)
State of Birth Nebraska
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I am not looking for something that you owe. I want to fill a part of me that has been missing for all these years..
Email Contact
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: August 31, 1946
Adoptee’s Sex: Female
Adoptee’s Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Superior
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Nebraska
Comments: My parents wrote down her name as Geraldine K. Geraldine physically placed me in my
adopted  mother’s arms when I was 2 or 3 days old(as per the law at that time). 
 Email Contact:"
Posted 01/2012 
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 6-7-1973
Adoptee’s Sex: Male
Adoptee’s Race:
Hospital of Birth: ogallala community hospital
City of Birth: ogallala
County of Birth: keith
State of Birth: Nebraska 
Comments:  Searching for biological family, really don’t have much info to go on, but really would like to
find them 
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012 
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling 
Adoptee’s Date of Birth:
Adoptee’s Sex: Male
Adoptee’s Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Nebraska
Comments:  I am looking for my brother, Albert, and sisters Jamie and Stacy. They were adopted
sometime in  the late 80s or early 90s. I don’t have much information about any of them, other than
names of birth parents  and such. I hope one of them sees this.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011 
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 4/11/1968
Adoptee’s Sex: Female
Adoptee’s Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Our Lady of Lourdes
City of Birth: Norfolk
County of Birth: Madison
State of Birth: Nebraska
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments: In search of any information on my birth family. Dr. Dunlap was the doctor that delivered me.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011 
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 3-19-1968
Adoptee’s Sex: Male
Adoptee’s Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Booth Memorial
City of Birth: Omaha
County of Birth: Douglas
State of Birth: Nebraska
Comments:: BM born May 1949 *Nurse’s aide, 3 brothers--ages 21, 16, 15, Parents divorced, back problems -
BF born Feb 1946 *Vietnam January 1968, College--Dentistry, 1 brother,
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011 
Birth Mother is looking for:   Male Adoptee 
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 09/19/1983 
Adoptee’s Sex: Male 
Adoptee’s Race: caucasian 
Hospital of Birth: St Joseph’s 
City of Birth: Omaha 
County of Birth: Douglas 
State of Birth: Nebraska 
Posted 06/2010 
Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth 051/4/1979
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth maricopa county
Agency Involved: na
City of Birth phoenix
County of Birth maricopa
State of Birth Arizona
State of Adoption: Nevada
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: SO me and my sister we discovered in a car out side of a casino sleeping  whiile are parents had gone inside.
I'm assuming it was 83-84 ish.. Have been told last name was car or carr  michael  possible first name... but not sure
about.. just looking to see where I come from.. would be nice to know some one missed me at some point lol..  if you have any info..  thanks for every ones time.
Email Contact
Posted 03/2020                                              
Birth Relative looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee’s Date of Birth 05/09/1993
Adoptee’s Sex Male
Adoptee’s Race Caucasian
Hospital of Birth St Marys
Agency Involved: a Catholic Agency
City of Birth Euless
County of Birth United States
State of Birth Nevada
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: I am your grandmother. We know you as Robert Cole. You have a 24 year old brother and a
22 year old sister. You were given up due to poverty and the hopes of a better life for you. Your parents,
although no longer together, want to meet you, as well as your siblings.
Email Contact                                                                                                         
Posted: 09/2016
Female Adoptee looking for:Birth Family 
Adoptee’s Date of Birth September 16, 1975 
Adoptee’s Sex Female 
Adoptee’s Race White 
Hospital of Birth Washoe Medical Center 
Agency Involved: LDS Social Services 
City of Birth Reno 
County of Birth Washoe 
State of Birth Nevada 
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer) 
Comments: I was 2 1/2 when put up for adoption. I was told I have an older sibling and a younger sibling 
(sister and brother) My mother went to the LDS social services I apparently look like my father 
Email Contact
Posted March 2016 
Searcher looking for:Birth Mother 
Adoptee’s Date of Birth 2/2/1971 
Adoptee’s Sex Female 
Adoptee’s Race (no answer) 
Hospital of Birth (no answer) 
Agency Involved: (no answer) 
City of Birth Las Vegas 
County of Birth (no answer) 
State of Birth Nevada 
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer) 
Comments: Searching for a birth monther who gave her daughter up for adoption in Las Vegas, NV in
February   of 1971.  The baby was listed under an alias last name starting with a G.  Please email me if
you think you have leading information or may know of someone who this may relate to. 
Thank you! 
Email Contact                                                          
Birth Relative looking for:: Female Adoptee  
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 10/19/78
Adoptee’s Sex: Female
Adoptee’s Race: caucasian                                                                         
Hospital of Birth:
Agency Involved:: DSHS , Supreme Court of California
City of Birth: Chico
County of Birth: Butte
State of Birth: California
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: My niece, Heidi Bridget Anzbock, the dau of my sister, Tanya (Elder) Bridges Anzbock was taken by Calif ,
placed for adoption in 1980. Heidi was renamed Danelle Reese , her bro Jack Andy, DOB 02/24/81, born Seattle, WA
was also adopted , renamed John Ryan Reese, both in Nevada, same family. full bro Ken Wilson, Kirkland, WA
ken@avisomedia. Bio mother, Tanya in hosp, WA
Email Contact:
Posted 03/18/16 


 Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: August/30/1985
Adoptee’s Sex: Male
Adoptee’s Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Carson City
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Nevada
Email Contact:
Posted March 2012


Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 06/14/57
Adoptee’s Sex: Female
Adoptee’s Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Rose De Lima
City of Birth: Henderson
County of Birth: Clark
State of Birth: Nevada
Comments: Birthmother’s first name:Shirley
Birthfather’s first name:Carl
Email Contact:                                 


Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: September 7,1980
Adoptee’s Sex: Female
Adoptee’s Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Grover C. Dils, Medical Center
City of Birth: Caliente
County of Birth: Lincoln
State of Birth: Nevada
Comments:  Ihave always been scard to look but hv had the want for as long as I knew I was adopted.
I don’t know the names of my birth parents but I was told that my parents were go n to collage and not
together at the  time of my birth. This is a dream of mine to meet and look into their eyes and thank
them for beliveing in chances because of them im here today!!
Posted 01/2012 


Searcher looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 03/28/1962
Adoptee’s Sex: Male
Adoptee’s Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Nevada?
Comments my birth father passed away last year in june 2010,i have two half sisters and one half
brother they r approcimently in late 20’s to early 30’s Fathers name Stanley Eric Mathews AKA Richard
Mathews. would like to meet my Brother and Sister’s
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012 


Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family 
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: May 5th 1972
Adoptee’s Sex: Male
Adoptee’s Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Clark Memorial
City of Birth: Las Vegas
County of Birth: Clark County
State of Birth: Nevada
Comments:: I was adopted at 5 days old to two wonderful parent, my father has since passed away and
my  mom is kinda out of touch with life. I would really like to find out where I came from, I was told that
my father was a farm kid about 18 at the time and my mother was possibly about 16 or so.
Email Contact:                                                                                                 
Posted 12/2011 


Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 1990’s
Adoptee’s Sex: Male
Adoptee’s Race: white/?
Hospital of Birth: possibly ST. Rose
City of Birth: Henderson
County of Birth: Clark
State of Birth: Nevada
Comments:: Looking for half brother John Paul (not sure of last name, believe it started with a C or
K)Born to Becky Denny , Carl. Carl moved to Texas with John Paul then he may have been adopted.
Email Contact: 
Posted 11/2011    


Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: December 1974
Adoptee’s Sex: Male
Adoptee’s Race: caucasion
Hospital of Birth: Las Vegas Memorial
City of Birth: Las Vegas
County of Birth: Clark
State of Birth: Nevada
Comments:: Would love to find you Michael Clayton.
Email Contact:   
 Posted 11/2011 


Female Adoptee is looking for:  Birth Family 
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 4-3-73 - 4-6-73 ?? 
Adoptee’s Sex: Female 
Adoptee’s Race: White 
Hospital of Birth: Left on door step of St. Mary’s Hospital 
City of Birth: Reno 
County of Birth: Washoe 
State of Birth: Nevada 
Enter any additional comments below.: I was left on the doorstep of St. Mary’s hospital in Reno,NV. on 
April 6, 1973. It was said that I was probably a couple of days old, and thought that I was not born in a  
hospital due to the way my embilical cord was tied. Desperately want to find someone that knows  
something!!! PLEASE HELP. 
Posted 11/2010 


Male Adoptee is looking for:  Birth Parents 
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 07/18/1985 
Adoptee’s Sex: Male 
Adoptee’s Race: Caucasin/Hispanic 
Hospital of Birth: St. Rose Dominican Hospital 
City of Birth: Henderson 
County of Birth: Clark 
State of Birth: Nevada 
Enter any additional comments below.: Im looking for my Birth Mother and Father, it was a closed  
adoption. It would be great to meet them! 
Posted 06/2010 


Searcher is looking for:  Male Adoptee’s Birth Parents 
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: 4/15/1968 
Adoptee’s Sex: Male 
Adoptee’s Race: 
Hospital of Birth: Washoe Medical Center 
City of Birth: Reno 
County of Birth: Washoe 
State of Birth: Nevada 
Country if Birth outside of US: 
Enter any additional comments below.: Birth Mothers last name is Wayne she was 20yrs old when 
she had me. Birth Father was 28yrs old. Birth Mother is now 62yrs old and Birth Father is now 70yrs  
old. Birth mother also had a son that was about 2 or 3 yrs old at time of birth. 
Posted 05/2010 
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 17, 1972
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Anglo
Hospital of Birth: Rehoboth Hospital
City of Birth: Rehoboth/Gallup
County of Birth: McKinley
State of Birth: New Mexico
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I know that my birth dad was19 and my birth mother was 17.
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06/29/1969
Adoptee's Sex: Male
doptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: st.mary's
City of Birth: carmel
State of Birth: New Mexico
Comments: birth name was dale robert dont know last name at birth. looking for any birth family
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Biological Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11-24-63
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: hispanic
  •     Hospital of Birth: fairview clinic
  •     City of Birth: fairview
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: New Mexico
  •     Country if Birth outside of US:
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I would love to meet any bio family members.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 07/2010



New York                  

Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth 06/18/1972
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race African American
Hospital of Birth Harlem Hospital
Agency Involved: Division of Adoprions
City of Birth Manhattan
County of Birth NY
State of Birth New York
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: (no answer)
Email Contact
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 02/14/1970
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Black
Hospital of Birth Lennox Hill Hospital
Agency Involved: Spence Chapin
City of Birth New York
State of Birth New York
Comments: I was adopted my Carl and Carmen Holmes.  My birth mother was from Trinidad and lived with her
older sister and her older Sister's husband.  At birth, my birth mother named me Elizabeth Marie....I think. 
My birth mother's sister and husband owned a store back then. My birth mother came from Trinidad to go to college
and lived with her older sister
Email Contact
Posted 06/2019
Birth Mother looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth 08/16/1986
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth St. Francis hospital
Agency Involved: Olean DSS
City of Birth Olean
County of Birth New York
State of Birth New York
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: I placed my son up for adoption at 8 mo with Olean Social Services His name was Michael Justin
we called him spike cause his ears were pointed.  He will be 33 this year.  Please Help me find him as i also don't
feel that he his not in this country. Any information contact me
Email Contact
Posted 02/2019
Female Adoptee
looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09-03-1953
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: 
Agency Involved:: 
City of Birth: Oneida
County of Birth: United States
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.: 
Comments:: I was adopted on 07/27/1956 in Des Moines, Iowa. Prior to the adoption, my mother left me
in the care of my father, who apparently loved me very much. I know nothing else of my birth parents but
would really like to locate them, if possible.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2018
Birthmother Looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee’s Date of Birth: August 3, 1973
Adoptee’s Sex:  Male
Adoptee’s Birth Name:  Stephen Peter Vanikiotis
Adoptee’s Race:  Caucasian
Hospital of Birth:  St. John’s Riverside
Doctor:  Dr. Fox
Agency Involved:  St. Faith’s Maternity Home
Attorney Involved:  Gerald  J. Garner – Private Adoption
City of Birth:  Yonkers
County of Birth:  Westchester County
State of Birth:  New York
Comments:  The attorney Gerald  J. Garner that handled the adoption was later
disbarred in New York for falsifying adoption records.
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth March 23 1980
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Hispanic
Hospital of Birth Mount Sinai hospital
Agency Involved: Catholic home  Bureaus
City of Birth Manhattan
County of Birth New York city
State of Birth New York
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: Im trying to find my birth family i was adopted when i was a baby and the name that i had was ivette
but now i go by aileen Ivette Galan. All i got is a nickname that my birth mother goes by MILLIE
Email Contact
Birth Mother looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth November 19, 1966
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Caucasian
Hospital of Birth Meadowbrook Hospital
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth East Meadow
County of Birth Nassau
State of Birth New York
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: Social services at hospital arranged the adoption from the hospital.  I am looking for my daughter for
several years and would love to hear from her.  I was a young (19) year old nursing student and was unable to
care for her.
Email Contact
Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 07-26-1970
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth (no answer)
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth Utica
County of Birth Oneida
State of Birth New York
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: Looking for any birth family.
Posted May 2016
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth 05/02/1969
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Mixed
Hospital of Birth St. Johns
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth Brooklyn
County of Birth (no answer)
State of Birth New York
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: Looking For birth mother.  Last name (maiden) Louis.
She was originally from Trinidad and Tobago,
My birth fathers name is Kenneth Grant originally from Massachusetts
Email Contact
Posted 05/2016
Birth Father looking for: Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth 1957-1959
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth Don't know
Agency Involved: no
City of Birth Rochester
County of Birth Monroe
State of Birth New York
Country of birth if not U.S. USA
Comments: Looking for woman last name(Dunford) and son or daughter, grand or even great grand of.
Lived in Irondequoit at that time. I am 74 years old, maybe father who lived in Greece. I just have to know.
I have DNA and mtDNA.
Email Contact
Posted February 2016
Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth February 5, 1964
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race White/Caucasian
Hospital of Birth Lenox Hill Hospital, New York CIty
Agency Involved: Not aware of name
City of Birth New York City
County of Birth Manhattan
State of Birth New York
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: Based on what I was told, is that I was born to my birth parents who were around the age of 21 and
attending Art College in Manhattan, NYC.  One of my birth parents is of Mongolian decent.  My birth name was
Aaron John Glatfelter.  My birth parents took me home, but then at 3 months of age, they gave me to a foster
home and I was placed for adoption.  My adoptive parents are Harry & Ellen Coddington and I was given the
name David Coddington.  I was raised in Margate, FL all of my life and now still reside in Florida.  I have two
grown children, one is a nurse and the other a fireman/paramedic.  I am a V.P. of a huge corporation in Ft.
Lauderdale.  I would love to meet my birth parents to let them know that I am doing well and healthy and to also
tell them that I thank them for giving me a great home and that I am able to be who I am.  I want them to be
proud of their decision.  As a parent myself, I would always wonder how my child was if I had to give them up for
adooption.  Love to meet my Mom & Dad and family, even just for a HUG.  It would bring closure for all of us,
I am sure.  Thank you for this opportunity.  David A/K/A  Aaron
Email Contact
Posted 8/2015
Birth Mother looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth 8/23/1966
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth upstate
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth syracuse
County of Birth onadoga
State of Birth New York
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: would like to know if child is looking or still alive always hoped she would looked for her mother
when she became of age, did not want  to cause any disruption in her life hoped that her life was better then I
could have given her.  Never forgot her and never will think of her every day was the only child I had.
Email Contact
Posted May 2015
Searcher looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04-10-1969
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth: HIGHLAND HOSPITAL
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: ROCHESTER
County of Birth: MONROE
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: looking for natural parents of the above adoptee
Posted 11/2014
Email Contact:                                                                                                                       
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09/06/1985
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: 
Hospital of Birth: st vincent
Agency Involved:: st christopher ottilie
City of Birth: new york
County of Birth: new york
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.: 
Comments:: Posted 10/2013
Email Contact:
Female adoptee looking for: birthmother/biological family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5-13-68
Adoptee's Sex:  Female
Adoptee's Race:  Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Monroe Community Hospital - Monroe County Rochester, New York
Agency Involved: Monroe County Social Services
City of Birth: Rochester
County of Birth: Monroe County
State of Birth: New York
Email Contact:
Posted 09/2013
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/25/71
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St vincent
Agency Involved:: Catholic charities
City of Birth: NYC
County of Birth: Manhattan
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for my birth family. My mother was from the British Islands and my father from
el Salvador. My birth mother named me Rebecca.
Posted 12/2012
Email Contact:
Birth Mother looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/30/1962
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
Agency Involved:: Angel Guardian now known as Mercy First
City of Birth: Brooklyn
County of Birth: Kings
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.: United States
Comments:: i am looking for my daughter who was born in brooklyn, ny on 1/30/62.  I named her Deborah
Email Contact: Posted 10/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Febuary - 3 = 1965
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasion
Hospital of Birth: Brady Maternity Hospital
Agency Involved:: Catholic Charities
City of Birth: Albany County of Birth: Albany
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: My mother was 24-26 at the time of adoption. I think she was divorced after 5 year marriage.
She had a son who was 5 or 6 and lived with her parents.
Email Contact:
Posted 05/2012
Birth Mother looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/14/1980
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Africian American
Hospital of Birth: Harlem Hospital
Agency Involved:: Louise Wise Services
City of Birth: New York County of Birth: New York State of Birth: New York
Email Contact:
Posted 03/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: march 20,1978
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: african american
Hospital of Birth: harlem hospital 135st lenox avenue
Agency Involved:: catholic home bureau
City of Birth: manhttan
County of Birth: ny State of Birth: New York
Comments:: Im looking for my birth-family my mother's maiden name is magrett or margaret grant, i was 
adopted through catholic home bureau agency ny . i am 33 i have 2sisters and 2 brothers. my younger
brother's nickname was Ezay
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/01/1986
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: African American
Hospital of Birth: Harlem Hospital or NYC Area
Agency Involved:: Harlem Dowling
City of Birth: New York
County of Birth: NY
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: I am 25 now and have been searching since I was 18.  I truly hope and pray for the same.
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2/13/1972
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: huntington hospital
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: huntington
County of Birth: suffolk
State of Birth: New York
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06/28/1975
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Rochester
County of Birth: Monroe
State of Birth: New York  
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/12/1962
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Our Lady Of Victory
City of Birth: Lackawanna County of Birth:
Erie State of Birth: New York
Comments:  Searching for Birth Mother and or family. Medical history is needed.
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/21/87
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Mixed
Hospital of Birth: Syracuse memorial
City of Birth: Syracuse
County of Birth: onadoga
State of Birth: New York
Comments:   I know my birth name and my birth mom's and her mom's name.Please help me find my mom.
Email Contact:        Posted 2/2012
Searcher looking for:   Other 
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 8th, 1972
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: African American
Hospital of Birth: Beth Israel Hospital
City of Birth: New York City County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:   Please contact me if you know any information.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Jan 27 1967
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasion
Hospital of Birth: long beach
City of Birth: hempstead
County of Birth: nassau
State of Birth: New York  
Comments:   My name given by natural mother was Mary Presti
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Birth Relative looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 8th, 1972
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: African American
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: New York
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:   My name is Drina, and I am looking for the birth family of my mother Angela. When she was born
she was originally named Drina, but her name was changed as she was adopted. She was born in New York,
but taken from her mother at birth by the state. There are no records of anything. Angela passed when I was
three, and I am now adopted. All I want is to at least know of I have any other family. I am 19, and I just feel it's
time. And I'm ready.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3 19 86
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: African american
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Queens or manhattan
County of Birth: US
State of Birth: New York
Comments:   My name is birth mother name is olivia and I was told she died right after giving
birth to me and my father name is carl....I have two other brothers that I don't know that I would like to know....I
was adopted from Saint vincents services....for some reason I think my birth mom is still alive.....if you have any
information please let me is you
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3.4.65
Adoptee's Sex: Female Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Doctors
City of Birth: Freeport County of Birth: Nassua
State of Birth: New York
Comments: My bm was 30 when I was born I have an older sibling and maybe a younger  one as well . The 
adoption was a privet one the lawyer was Marvin Cohen. I was born with a strawberry mark and my bm may be
from England.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: JUNE 21 1965
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: WHITE
City of Birth: BROOKLYN
County of Birth: NYC
State of Birth: New York
Email Contact: DAWN AT GUCCINYC@AOL.COM  Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1/15/1958
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: WHITE
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: NEW YORK CITY
County of Birth: ?
State of Birth: New York
Email Contact: TONY.DREAMR@YAHOO.COM Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6/29/79
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: Kings county hospital center
City of Birth: Brooklyn
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  Birth mom 22 at the time of my birth. She had a 21 month old son. She was from trinidad and
came to NY after she graduated from high school.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06/05/1964
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  My birth family might be from some other place than what is stated on my birth certificate. Per DNA
I am able to say that my ancestors came from European origins. Possible German, Scottish, Irish, or French.
They might have ancestors that lived in Canada at sometime.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Birth Relative looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/19/1940
Adoptee's Sex: Male Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  father was adopted.  He was given the birth name of Wayne Edward Sprung.  His birth mother
was named Ailene Sprung. She had him until he was aroung 15 months old before adoption.  So family
members must be aware of him. He has passed, but would love to make connections with any surrviving relatives.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1/15/1958
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: NEW YORK CITY
County of Birth: MANHATTEN
State of Birth: New York
Email Contact: TONY.DREAMR@YAHOO.COM Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/30/1984
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Suffern
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York  
Comments:  My fiancé was born in Suffern New york on November 30,1984. We are getting married in June
and then will eventually start our family.  He doesn't know his families health history which I find to be very
important.  We hope to find out some information by his mother or his biological family.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/03/1991
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: stonybrook
City of Birth: stonybrook
County of Birth: suffolk
State of Birth: New York
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: March 6, 1980
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Newburgh
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  I have been looking for my birth parents since I was 19 and now I am 31.  I still haven't lost hope. 
This is very important to me to find my birth parents.  I only have my non-identifying information, sorry I don't
have more info.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: january 21.1967
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: African American
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Buffalo
County of Birth: Erie
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  Born in Buffalo New York, but raised in Detroit Michigan. I was 2 or 3 years old when adopted.
I now reside in Clearwater, Florida. Searching for anyone in my birth family Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6-14-1954
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: st. claires
City of Birth: manhattan
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  birth mothers married name was SNELL, married 1949-1950 in the south. she was born in 1927
somewhere in the northeast into family of 8. blue eyed/blonde of austrian/irish descent/ catholic. i have sister
born in 1952- brown eyed, blonde possibly raised by maternal aunt. Husband (Snell)allegedly not the birth
father to me or sister.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 13, 1975
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  My adopted sister's name is believed to be Marilyn. My mom had her when she was 17 years old,
and my grandparents forced her to give the baby up for adoption.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/5/1985
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Glen Cove
County of Birth: Nassau
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  Biological mother was 25 yrs old at the time. She also had a child 7 years prior (~78?)
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Relative looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: may 11 1929
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: hospital for women? not sure
City of Birth: york, manhattan or brooklyn
County of Birth: us
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  My name is Elizabeth Isenberg.My mother was adopted as an infant.  Her birth name was Bernice
Lorraine Rosenberg.  Her name after adoption was Joan Barbara Bendow.  My mother know her mother was
Jewish and her father was not.  Her father had blond hair and blue eyes.  I was told he had a last name that
could not be clearly identified with a particular country.  My mother also said her mother came to this country
from Russia when she was ten.  Her parents and siblings had already come over when she was three and
she was left with a grandmother.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Relative looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1-5-1970
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: black
Hospital of Birth: mahattan new yok
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  my mom told me my father name was robert wanye wright please help
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Sept.  (19, 20, 21) 1959
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasion
Hospital of Birth: Griffiss Air Force Base
Hospital City of Birth: Rome
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:  Adoption was handled by Agnes O'Reilly @ Catholic Charities.Albany. I believe the 21st to be
accurate date of birth but not positive.I was told the adoptive couple were professionals from Rochester
area.The papers were signed in Oct 1959 I have 4 Children from my msrriage born after 1959
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 18th, 1980
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: ?
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: I know my biological mother was around 15 when she had me. She had 1 brother at the time.
I want to  meet her to say thank you for going through the pregnancy and giving me my beautiful life now.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/13/1961
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: middletown
County of Birth: orange
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: I cant find any record of my birth. My mothers name was joann beebe or beebee or bebe. dont 
know.I dont know anything else. My birth record said I was born to Jean and Lawrence Webb in 1961. Not true 
They were my 1st family after she gave me up.Now my birth record says Candy and Ronald Maxwell because 
they adopted me at 15. I just want to find out who I am!!!!
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: Saint Mary
City of Birth: Brooklyn
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 11, 1974
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Brookhaven memorial
City of Birth: Patchoge,new york
County of Birth: Suffolk
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: Birth mothers name is Marion hill and she has a daughter that is three years older than my niece. 
We are trying to find her so that we can get medical history and also find sibling
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: good sam
City of Birth: central Islip
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: Iam looking for a son a had given to a loving family back in 1995-1996 i know that the family was
through a family friends mother her name was tina aybar her mother new thisa couple very well they ethier live
in oster bay or syoset ny i know he has blond and blue eyes just trying to find him please i would really like the
help. I used to live in west babylon ny my parents still live there. There last name is cohn trhank you scinerely
yours phyllis cohn/crispell he also has a sister at that time ashley cohn
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6/68
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucation
Hospital of Birth: Mercy
City of Birth: Lackawanna
County of Birth: Erie
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: Strawberry birthmark over eye at birth.  Catholic Charities, OLV birth certificate on June 5th. Sent to
OLV in Platsburg, NY.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 11, 1974
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Brookhaven memorial hospita
l City of Birth: Patchogue
County of Birth: Suffolk
State of Birth: New York Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Birth mothers name is Marion holland she would be approximately 60-64 lived in patchogue,
new York and has an another who is three years older
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1968
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for my half brother. My mother had a son at age 18 who she gave up for adoption. Her
name was Kathleen Ann Teresa VonWrycza and I believe Fathers name was Art. She lived in Buffalo NY and it
had to be in 1968. She always said she named him Kevin. Any info on my search please contact me. mother is
now deceased as of 2009. Thank You
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3/30/70
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: italian irish
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Brooklyn
County of Birth: Kings
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: I am looking for my birth mother or any relatives. My adopted name is Dawn Kelly. I was born in
brooklyn NY 3/30/1970. I spent first year in hospital because of Hip displasia. My biological brother who was
adopted as well, with me in 1972. He was her son also but had a different father he was born 8/14/1972 have
all the non information info and know she did not want to give me up but had to because of her parents. She
had me when I was 19 I also know that my biological father was not involved. Also looking for any family
members. I was adopted through Angel Guardian Children and Family Services.
Email Contact:  Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: march 1, 1970
Adoptee's Sex: Female Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: St. Joseph
City of Birth: Syracuse
County of Birth: onondaga
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: Have been looking for a very long time ..
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/09/1991
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: hispanic
Hospital of Birth: ConeyIsland Hospital
City of Birth: brooklyn
County of Birth: united states
State of Birth: New York  
Comments:: looking for birth family
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011                     
Male Adoptee ooking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/28/1968
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: wht.
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Oswego
County of Birth: oswego
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: lookimg for any biological family members . I believe I was born in Oswego ny,I have been
thinking about my haritage since I have adopted my son back in 2001. I have little info. to go on , I was told my
father may have been a school teacher, and born into  the Renske family.
Email Contact: rawwild
Posted 11/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: july 15 1966
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: niagra falls
City of Birth: buffalo
State of Birth: New York
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011                             
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/30/1970
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Albany Medical Center
City of Birth: Albany
County of Birth: Albany
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: This was a private adoption. Attorney Allan Gandler represented my birth  mother.  Adoptive
parents were represented by Marcus Filley. Adoption was finalized in Rensselaer County Family Court. I was
told that my birth mom was 18 years old, had blond hair, blue eyes, and had plans to continue her education.
She was working as a secretary around the time I was born in the summer of 1970.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011            
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1963
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: South Shore hospital, Long Island
City of Birth: Long Island
County of Birth: Kings (Brooklyn) • Queens • Nassau • Suffolk
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: I am the half sister of a women I am looking for. My mother had a closed adoption and has no way
of finding her. The doctor who delivered might be Dr. Kessler. The lawyer's first name may have been David
near Brentwood Rd. Long Island NY. The hospital I have here I cannot find so the name may not be accurate.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06/30/1961
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Brady Hospital
City of Birth: Albany
County of Birth: Albany
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: My birth name was Sandra Ann McGrath.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: march 27, 1981
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: rome
City of Birth: rome
County of Birth: oneida
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: im looking for my birth mother and siblings. i was born march 27 1981 in rome ny. mother and
father were getting a divorce and thats why i was placed for adoption. i had a brother who died of sids in the
70's and two sisters at the time of my birth. one sister was a half sister and 18 at the time of my birth and the
other sister was maybe 5. mother was polish and 35. father was italian and 38. my birth name was shawn.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6/16/61
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: St. Peters
City of Birth: New York
County of Birth: Kings
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Female Frazier Searching for any birth family. Possible older sibling. Born with red birthmark on
left forearm and smaller similar on upper left back.
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Bronx
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for Ebony Baxter and Julisa Baxter tooken away from my mother Mamie Baxter when
thy were toddlers by St. Chistophers foster care ancy and my mother as not seen them or heard anything about
them since i believe 1990. can someone please help me locate my two sisters. My ster Ebony Baxter has
down syndromn and my mother blieves he was adopted
Searcher looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1964 Sept-Oct-Nov
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Italian/Jewish/Catholic
Hospital of Birth: St. Vincents/New Foundling Home
City of Birth: NY
County of Birth: NY
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: ISO-Baby Girl-Female-Sept.Oct. or Nov. 1964 St. Vincent Hosp-New Foundling Home, NY
May be listed at NY,NY, Manhattan or Brooklyn. If you were born at either St. Vincent’s Hosp. or The new
foundling home in late 1964, I have information you may wish to know. You may not know your full birth history,
so I will list possibles below....You would be a female, poss. dark eyes; Caucasian; have maybe Italian and or
Jewish features; Poss. dark hair. I have pictures of your birth siblings who look like their mother; it is poss. that
you will have a striking resemblance to your birth sisters. You were born in either Late Sept. October or early
November. You have a birth family I am helping to locate you. If you wish to know your history, but would not like
to locate your birth family, this is fine too. Your birth family does not want to interup your life, only give you
information you may wish to know for your own personal questions. I am a reunion angel given this information
to pass on to you under your terms.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/29/1958
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: albany memorial
City of Birth: albany
County of Birth: albany
State of Birth: New York
Posted 9/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: january 30th 1962
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St Vincents NYC
City of Birth: New York
County of Birth: Manhattan
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: Any information greatly appreciated, I was baptised and was only 3lbs at birth.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2/17/67
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Lomg Island N Y
City of Birth: County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: 13 ar time of delivery. gave her the name Laurie Ann.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 21, 1965
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: north shore university hospital
City of Birth: oyster bay
County of Birth: long island
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: mother's name might be annemarie
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: april 19, 1953
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: brockport
City of Birth: brockport
County of Birth:
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: my brother was born in april 1953 his birth name was timothy rittner hehir. the doctors name was
charles rittner our mothers name is jane ann hehir  he has many siblings looking for him mainly my sisters
and i. my mother is very old now and in bad health she would love to see her son. mother was 16 when tim
was taken from her and placed for adoption
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03 02 1960
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: meadowbrook hospital
City of Birth: east meadow
County of Birth: nassau county liny
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: foster care with the robert ahrens family east meadow ny from 1964 to 1974
Email Contact:
Posted 8/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/15/1972
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Albany Medical Center
City of Birth: Albany
County of Birth: Albany
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for my birth sister who would be 39 years old right now. I just found out my parents
had another child when they were too young to raise her.
Email Contact:
Posted 8/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: july 12,1971
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: cornwall
City of Birth: Cornwall
County of Birth: Orange
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Email Contact:
Posted 8/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4/22/1988
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: black/mixed
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: Staten Island
County of Birth: ?
State of Birth: New York
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: i was born in april in nyc. all i know about my birth mother is that is was a dug addict and her
name. i also may have a brother or a sister. i would like to find them
Email Contact:
Posted 8/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: sept 08 1980
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: massena mamorial hospital
City of Birth: massena
State of Birth: New York
Comments:: looking for birth mother or siblings
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/01/1966
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Puerto Rican
Hospital of Birth: Maimonides Hospital
City of Birth: Brooklyn
County of Birth: Kings
State of Birth: New York
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Mother
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/31/1962
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: Patchogue or Port Jefferson
  •     County of Birth: Suffolk
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I grew up in Centereach, NY, adopted parents names were
  •     Daniel and Madeline Hogan. Birth mother's name on birth certificate was Dorothy Bray, age 22.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2011
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/04/1968
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: St. Luke's Women's Hospital
  •     City of Birth: NYC
  •     County of Birth: NY
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Desperately searching for ANY family members. I was @ NY
  •     Foundling from Aug.1968 to 1970? and then to poss. foster care/adopted in Staten Island until
  •     1974...foster/adoptive/etc. family's surname was Barone. Possible relatives incl. Evelyn (Joan) Kelly
  •     or Williams b:1925 d:197?; Sharon Williams aka Sophia Contegas b:12/1950; Michael O. Sullivan
  •     aka Michael O'Sullivan b:1943; Mark Anthony Albano b:1957; Arthur Kelly Albano b:1959. All relatives
  •     are believed to have lived in NY at time of my birth.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Sister also placed for adoption - born 1960
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09/11/1950
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: St John's
  •     City of Birth: Elmhurst/Long Island City
  •     County of Birth: Queens
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Looking for sister also placed for adoption, born in November
  •     1960.  Last name would have been Micheline at birth.  Our Mother was Jennie Micheline.  We were
  •     both placed in Angel Guardian Home in Brooklyn.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted November 2010 
  Female  Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/08/1970
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: Port Jefferson
  •     County of Birth: Suffolk
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Birthname: Victoria Anne Wagner -  Birth Mother: 18 years at
  •     birth - Birth Father:  21 years at birth - I was given to foster parents at one month of age who then
  •     adopted me at 1 year of age
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted November 2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •       Birth Parents
  •       Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/04/1973
  •       Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •       Adoptee's Race: african american
  •       Hospital of Birth: lenox hill
  •       City of Birth: manhatan
  •       County of Birth:
  •       State of Birth: New York
  •       Enter any additional comments below.: birthmother went through orange county social services
  •       possibly from goshen ny 18 years old had college scholarship father was possible foster child.
  •       I have really light brown eyes. Mom or dads dob 11/23/55. mom possibly had scholarship to suny
  •      delphi or delhi.i miss and love you and have always wanted to find you
  •       E-mail:
  •       Posted September 2010
   Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •      Birth Family
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/02/1960
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race: white
  •      Hospital of Birth:
  •      City of Birth: Staten Island (Richmond) NY
  •      State of Birth: New York
  •      Enter any additional comments below.: Looking for birth mother and birth father and any other relatives...
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted September 2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: sept 1969
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: hispanic
  •     Hospital of Birth: pennisula hospital
  •     City of Birth: rockaway
  •     County of Birth: queens
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Country if Birth outside of US:
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: looking for female adoptee, she was adopted maybe by the
  •     age 4 to 5. She was named at birth annamaria. Adoption ocurred at St Mary children Hospital maybe
  •     the yr 1973-1974. Maybe adopted parent name pedro... looking for her.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: april 5, 1970
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: black
  •     Hospital of Birth: unknown
  •     City of Birth: port jefferson
  •     County of Birth: nassau? unsure
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I was adopted when I was a baby less than a year old.  I am
  •     looking for birth parents.  I am a black female.  My parents were the Stephens they adopted me.
  •     Please if you see this message contact me asap.  Thanks
  •     Posted September 2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/17/1973
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: glens falls
  •     City of Birth: glens falls
  •     County of Birth: warren county
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Country if Birth outside of US:
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: all i was told is i was born in glens falls and the adoption was
  •     through warren county department of social services
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family Members
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3/13/1959
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Queens General
  •     City of Birth: Jamaica
  •     County of Birth: Queens
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Birthmothers name was Lillian Devine - Birthfather possibly
  •     named Fred Behr - Adoption was private. Lawyer was Frank Silverman and the judges name was
  •     Savarese - I also know my birthmom had a sister with children so I have relatives out there. Would
  •     like info and history.My"roots"so to speak
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/18/1969
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Buffalo
  •     City of Birth: Buffalo
  •     County of Birth: Erie
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Bio Mother - Mary, Born 1950, 5'8, brown hair & eyes. Sent to
  •     unwed mother's home in Buffalo, NY. Accepted into Michigan State Univ. fall of 1969, major-
  •     Psychology/Counseling...named me Angela Marie?? Brother is paralyzed, mother is a
  •     teacher/counselor. Bio Father- Mark, Guitarist in College Band, Mother is a teacher, father is a car
  •     salesman
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/45 or 46
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Meadowbrook hospital
  •     City of Birth: East meadow
  •     County of Birth: Nassau
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Looking for birth sister. I believe given to family in
  •     Massapequa NY. I think her name was Bunny, could of had last name of Regan or Hall
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 06/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: nov 18,1972
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: unknown
  •     Hospital of Birth: unknown
  •     City of Birth: unknown
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I was adopted from  the New York Foundling orphanage/
  •     hospital. I was 9 months old when I was adopted.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted May 2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family Members
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/29/64
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: unknown
  •     City of Birth: Glenfalls
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I am trrying my hardest to locate some of my family.I will love
  •     to meet my mother and possilbly any brothers and sisters.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Searcher is helping Birthmother look for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: sept 8,1959
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: st. elizabeth mo
  •     City of Birth: brooklyn new york
  •     County of Birth: kings
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: this is alleged baby death..they told me my son
  •     dad told me before he died that my son was switched...another family has my son.  He may not even
  •     know he is not with his true family...He had a coffee stain on his left leg.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02/28/1963
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race:
  •     Hospital of Birth: St. Mary's
  •     City of Birth: Syracuse
  •     County of Birth: Onondaga
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Adopted through Catholic Charities. My mother was a dental
  •     hygienist and my father a S.U. student. Would really enjoy meeting them and getting to know who they
  •     are. I have lost both my adoptive parents and would like to feel that I am not alone!!!
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/17/1954
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: Millard Fillmore Gates Circle
  •     City of Birth: Buffalo
  •     County of Birth: Erie
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below:  I am not sure if the hospital is correct.  I am searching for my
  •     birth family.  I have been told I have possibly four half siblings.  Just would like to know who I am and
  •     where I come from.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010
   Searcher is looking for: FOUND!!
  •     Birthmother/ Birthfamily
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02/25/69
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: New York Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Manhattan
  •     County of Birth: NYC
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: ISO son-in-laws birth family. He was born in the late morning.
  •     His birthmom was young, unmarried & Irish-American descent. Her maiden name was "XXXX". He
  •     was officially adopted at 6 months old. Adoption took place in White Plains Westchester County NY.
  •     He was adopted into a family that had adopted a boy about 3 years older than him. Would appreciate
  •     medical info. He has children.
  •     E-mail:XXXXXXX
  •     Posted 03/2010 
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02/24/58
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Good Samaritan
  •     City of Birth: Troy
  •     County of Birth: Renselear
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Both of my adopted parents are gone.My family and I would
  •     like to meet my biological parents and siblings if there are any?
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010
  Birth Relative Looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/27/1951
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: White?
  •     Hospital of Birth: Lenox Hill
  •     City of Birth: NY
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth:
  •     Enter any additional comments below:  He was born John Edward Krieghoff and seems to have been
  •     adopted sometime in OCT/NOV of 1951.
  •     He has cousins looking for him.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birthmother - Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/15/1958
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Liberty Loomis Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Liberty
  •     County of Birth: Sullivan
  •     State of Birth: New York
  •     Comments: I was in a foster home until 18 months old, adopted through Sullivan Co Dept of Social
  •     Services.  My birth mom was 20, birth father was 34 and a bus driver.  I have blond hair and blue
  •     eyes... would love to meet any birth relatives also searching.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2010



North Carolina
Relationship to Adoptee I am a Birth Father
looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth Antonio / Antoine  ( Twins )
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race Black
Hospital of Birth Moses H Cone
Agency Involved: Children’s Home Society
City of Birth Greensboro
County of Birth USA
State of Birth North Carolina
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I am the Birth Father. I am looking for Twin Black boys born July 7, 1986. Being young and afraid I placed
them for Adoption. I am still connected to the Birth Mother. I want to to meet them and ask them to forgive me.
I want to know that you are ok. 
Email Contact
Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth 03/20/1971
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth Pitt County Memorial Hospital
Agency Involved: Pitt County Dept. of Social Services
City of Birth Greenville
County of Birth Pitt
State of Birth North Carolina
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I know nothing about my birth family. Immediately following my birth, I was placed with a foster
family for the period of 1 month per the state of NC at the time. My foster mother called me "Baby Rob".  My
adoptive parents were told that others were passed over and they were allowed to adopt me because they were
educated.  They were also told that my birth parents were musically inclined and wanted me to be exposed to
Email Contact
Posted 05/2017
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 01/31/1955
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth (no answer)
Agency Involved: Alamance County Social Services
City of Birth (no answer)
County of Birth (no answer)
State of Birth North Carolina
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I am looking for any of my birth family including an apparent twin sister (believed to be fraternal).
I am a female who was born 1-31-1955 in North Carolina. I’m unsure of the exact city of birth, but my adoption
was handled through Alamance County Social Services.  I had also been told that it was handled by the
Children’s Home in Greensboro, so I’m not exactly sure if one or both of those places assisted in my adoption.
 I received my non-ID information from Alamance County Social Services. I was born at 12:08 a.m., weighted
4 lbs, 8 ozs and was 17" long. My twin sister was born at 12:05 a.m. and weighed 5 lbs., 15 ozs. My twin sister
& I were both adopted out to separate families. I was placed in my adoptive home on 10-31-1955. My twin sister
had been placed in another adoptive home earlier in October 1955. My birth mother applied for maternity home
services with Alamance County in early November 1954 and expected to deliver in February 1955 however, we
came at approximately 36 weeks gestation on 1-31-1955. My birth mother had only one brother, who was
approximately a year younger then she was. My birth maternal grandfather and birth maternal grandmother got
divorced in the fall of 1952. My mother supposedly worked in a mill and she left school halfway through the 11th
grade. She was approximately 5’9” tall, weighed 130 lbs., she had gray eyes and brown hair, a fair complexion.
My birth mother was 20 years old at my birth. My birth father supposedly completed the 11th grade, worked with
my birth mother but then was drafted and was in the Army. He was described as 6’1” tall, 190 lbs., with blue
eyes and blonde hair, a fair complexion. From the non-ID information, it appears that I was blonde and my twin
sister was brunette. Currently, I am approximately 5’8” tall, with blue eyes and blonde hair. My adoptive parents
resided in Franklin County (Louisburg, NC), but also had familial ties to Durham, NC; Wake Forest, NC and
Raleigh, NC. My adoptive father was a lawyer and insurance salesman. My adoptive mother was a homemaker,
but she did have a couple of part-time jobs at a local college and with my adoptive father's businesses.
Posted 07/2016
Searcher looking for:   Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5/11/1990
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: charlotte
County of Birth: mecklenburg
county State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments:   my fathers name is Michael Neal and at that time i was conceived my father Michael Neal lived in
Fayetteville NC and was living with a roommate named Jim miller  and Jim miller was dating an Angela
Hamman and my dad Michael Neal dated my mother Melissa Odom.
Email Contact: Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6/26/1978
Adoptee's Sex: Male Adoptee's Race: caucasian/black
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: ashville,ashboro
County of Birth: bubcombe/ what birth certificate say
State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments:  Would like to meet if possible, not to cause any hurt or pain. Have great life want to fill in missing
pieces. To know of any brothers or sisters. I have beautiful children. Also for any health concerns. Still love you,
my adopted mom (lovely lady) who passed in 2002 explained what she thought had happen. So I do
understand. I have a picture whom I think is you. Beautiful red hair. Was told that you were young had a relation
with a man(black) that created a stressful situation for you and your family. So you done what you felt was best.
I do understand. Miss you.
Email Contact:  Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9-15-1970
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: BLACK
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: County of Birth:
State of Birth: North Carolina
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/9/1993
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Carolina's Medical Center Charlotte
City of Birth: Charlotte
County of Birth: Mecklenburg
State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments:  Looking for daughter born 9/9/93 and placed for adoption through Catholic Social Services on
10/27/93.  CSS told me that the birth parents unknowingly gave her the same middle name that I named her so
her middle name is Elizabeth. Had contact with adoptive family via CSS until she was 2 1/2 years old.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1990
doptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: african american
Hospital of Birth: central carolina hospital
City of Birth: sanford County of Birth: lee
county State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments:  I am looking for my sister who was giving up at birth. I think it was a closed adoption, but my mom
has a few pics of her, when she was under a year old. Her name at the time was Teresa McLean Cameron.
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1/19/1991
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: not sure
City of Birth: Greensboro or close to it
County of Birth:
State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments:: I am looking for anyone who may be biologically related to me. I am 20 years old. My birth mother
was 14 when she had me. I was 2 pounds 4oz at birth. My birth mother gave me a little doll, dressed in yellow, I
still have it. I just want to talk to you, or meet you, or even just know your names.
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/03/1973
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: wilson hospital
City of Birth: wilson
County of Birth: wilson
State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments:: It was hard times when I gave birth, and I would really love to find him. This has eat at me all my life.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 5,1977
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth: Scotland
State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments:: I'm looking for birth family. I do have some information from the social worker who did the
Posted 12/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June/July 1980
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Unknown
City of Birth: Charlete North Carolina
State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments:: My mom had my brother back in June/July of 1980 in a Home For Unwed Mothers in Charlete 
North Carolina. Shortly after having him, I believe she gave him up for adoption, which was a closed adoption
at the time, and he was taken from her the day he was born due to being adopted out.She wrote :Boy Hyams"
on his birth certificate. Because she felt she didnt have the right to name him. I've been looking for years to find 
my brother, who I believe is now in his thirties, and if anyone knows anything I would be highly appriciated and
honored in helping to find my brother, thanks.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09/29/86
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Julia Butterfield
Hospital City of Birth: Cold Springs
County of Birth: Olmsted/Putnam?
State of Birth: North Carolina  
Comments:: I am longing to meet my "Little Prince" your adoptive Parents are Christian I lived in an all girls
home for the last 3 months of pregnancy I gave you a medallion at Birth Garrison NY through Catholic Charities
I wish to meet/express my love for you!The Sacrifice I made hurts deeply! I have always loved/prayed for you.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: October 3,1990
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: Not Sure
City of Birth: Not Sure
County of Birth: Not Sure
State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments:: I am looking for my birth mother I have a closed adoption and would like to find anyone that is a
Spinks that is all that I know about my birth mother. From what I was told my adopted mother came to Raleigh
NC and picked my up from the Department of Social Services. Please help me to find my mother or family.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Relative looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: October 8, 1945
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: High Point
County of Birth: Guilford
State of Birth: North Carolina
Comments: I am a relative looking for a baby boy given away a few months to one year of age probably around
the first or middle of 1946. Samuel Keener Kennedy at birth.
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/13/85
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: african american
  •     Hospital of Birth: carolina memorial
  •     City of Birth: charlotte
  •     County of Birth: meclenburg
  •     State of Birth: North Carolina
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: the process was through children home society he weight 8lb
  •     12 0z were adoptive at birth
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 05/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Two Birth Brothers
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1-19-1970
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Sprucepine
  •     City of Birth: Sprucepine
  •     County of Birth: Mitchel
  •     State of Birth: North Carolina
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I have  birth brothers in which I would love to get to know.  My
  •     sister an I were so lucky to have been adotpted by the same family,but our hearts long to know our
  •     birth brothers named Larry,and Ricky
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Birth Relative is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/30/1972
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Duke University Medical Center
  •     City of Birth: Durham
  •     County of Birth: Durham
  •     State of Birth: North Carolina
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Weight: 8 lb. 2 3/4 oz. - Length: 20 3/8 in. - Birth Mom: Ann
  •     Bridgers -Birth Dad: Grady Gene Causey - Time of Birth: 6:43 p.m. -Doctor: Dr. Romig - Birth Name:
  •     Russel Allen Bridgers
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03/31/1982
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Onslow memorial
  •     City of Birth: Jacksonville
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: North Carolina
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/13/85
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: african american
  •     Hospital of Birth: charottle memorial hostipal
  •     City of Birth: charlotte
  •     County of Birth: meclenburg
  •     State of Birth: North Carolina
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010



North Dakota

Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4-28-1987
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: Native American/Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: St. Joseph's Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Minot
  •     County of Birth: Ward
  •     State of Birth: North Dakota
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: My mother named him Eric Allen Stoeser. He had dark hair
  •     blue or maybe green eyes(might be diabetic). My mother's name is Stephanie Ann (STOESER)
  •     Johnson His father's name is Reno Lee Brandt. My mom was 18 when he was born. His father was
  •     17. His father is Native American and lived in Cando, North Dakota. My mother lived in Devil's Lake,
  •      ND at the time of his birth. It was a closed adoption and my mother believes they may have moved
  •      from that area soon after the adoption. His adoptive father worked for the state and his adoptive    
  •      mother did daycare in her home. The adoption was handled through Catholic Family Services in  
  •      Minot.(Now Catholic Charities) 
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010




																																																																	Female Adoptee
looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth Dec 16, 1964
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth St Elizabeth Hospital
Agency Involved: Family and Children services Assoc
City of Birth Dayton
County of Birth Montgomery
State of Birth Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: I am looking for my birth mother or any relatives of hers.I don't know her name. All I know is she was 17 when I was born. My name was Marcia, 8lbs 1 oz and we left the hospital on Dec 22, 1964. Eventually I ended up in Foster care and later adopted by my parents in Springboro OH. Any info would be grateful. Just want to know who my Birth Mother is and she is doing well.
Email Contact
*********** Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother Adoptee's Date of Birth 7 September 1968 Adoptee's Sex Male Adoptee's Race Biracial Hospital of Birth Kettering Memorial Hospital Agency Involved: Montgomery County Children Services City of Birth Kettering County of Birth Montgomery State of Birth Ohio Country of birth if not U.S. United States Comments: Birth mother name is Barbara Bailey age 19, white female.  Birth father black male 38 yes of age. Email Contact Posted January 2019
Searcher looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 08/03/1957
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth Bucyrus Community Hospital
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth Bucyrus
County of Birth Crawford
State of Birth Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: (no answer)
Email Contact
Posted 10/2018
Birth Mother looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth 11/21/85
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race Biracial
Hospital of Birth Allen Memorial Hospital
Agency Involved: Elyria Children Services
City of Birth Oberlin County of Birth Lorain
State of Birth Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S. USA
Comments: I know the foster parents that fostered my son named him Randy. I'm not sure if that is still his name
or if the adopted parents changed it. He was 7lbs 2oz, 20 1/2" long, born at 5:47am delivered by Dr. Jonesco at
Allen Memorial Hosp. He was only placed in one home from the hospital and was adopted. I was allowed one visit
when he was 2 Months old But was never able to see him again after the final court hearing.   I'm told the adoption
didnt take long but iwas in I know it took place in 1986.
Email Contact
Posted 02/2015
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/23/1968
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Elyria Memorial Hospital
Agency Involved:: Lorain County Children's Services
City of Birth: Elyria
County of Birth: Lorain
State of Birth: Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S.: 
Comments:: Birth mother 20 at time
born at 927 am
7lbs  2 oz
possible birth name was Jacqueline
Email Contact: 
Posted 08/2013
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1/14/1993
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Black/ African American
Hospital of Birth: Good Samartian Hospital
Agency Involved:: Lutheran Social Services now known as Grace Works
City of Birth: Dayton
County of Birth: Ohio
State of Birth: Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S.: United States
Comments:: Birth mother was 17 years of age, year and a half old daugher, taking care of of her mother who
was ill at the time of my birth.
Email Contact:
Posted 97/2013
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: January 01,1976
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: African American/cherokee
Hospital of Birth: General Hospital
Agency Involved:: N/A
City of Birth: Cincinatti
County of Birth: Hamilton
State of Birth: Ohio  
Comments:: I am 36 and searching for a woman(mother)I have never known and know nothing about. I would
like to know and meet her and any family.
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/16/1989
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: bi
Hospital of Birth: st. ritas
City of Birth: lima
County of Birth: allen
State of Birth: Ohio
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Searcher looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/24/1967
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Saint Joseph
City of Birth: Denver
County of Birth: Denver
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:  My Mother's maiden name is Brake. I was born Thomas (Tommy) Anthony Lee I think I was a Jr.
my brothers name, Derek. My birth father had parents with the last name Mcgillicudy. My birth faterh left when I
was just over a year and my brother was just born. He and my mom went to Denver Christian
Email Contact: Posted 3/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/16/66
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Cleveland
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Ohio Comments:   I'm just casually searching for my birth parents and siblings.  I don't really
expect to find them. I was adopted into my family from Saint Vincent DePaul infant home which is no longer there.
Email Contact:     Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5/30/1993
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Mount Carmel
City of Birth: Columbus
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Ohio
Email Contact:            Posted 2/2012
Adoptive Parent looking for:   Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/6/1981
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Ann's
City of Birth: Columbus
County of Birth: Franklin
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:   Looking for my son 30 years, The story was in The Charlotte Observer paper, on 2/4/2012, called
A Mother's Endless Search, please read it and try to help us. God Bless All who reads this, love all.
Email Contact:     Posted 2/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:   Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/1961
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasion
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Hamilton
County of Birth: Franklin
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:   I am looking for my brother who would have been born 12/1961 in Hamilton Ohio. His birth
mother was Pamela A Mergenthal.
Email Contact:       Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08-17-1965
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Biracial
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Dayton, Ohio
County of Birth: Montgomery
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:   My Mother was a junior in college and a bank teller when I was born. My Father was a First
Lieutenant in the USAF and worked as a chemist. I have tried without success for the last six years to get any
info I can on either of them.
Email Contact:            Posted 2/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:   Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1954-1961
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: ?
County of Birth: possibly Ashtabula County
State of Birth: Ohio Comments:   
Birth name Debra Karen Fenton  birth father Victor Calvin Fenton birth mother Gertrude Patience
Fenton (maiden name Atkinson) child was removed from  home by welfare dept along with 2 other female
siblings in the late 50's or early 60's. One of the girls was Cindy Lou Fenton birthdate 3-26-55 she has been
located was adopted through Catholic Charities I think. One more girl was taken away in Flagstaff, AZ. I've
heard probably in the early 60's also. Birth names of girls searching for are Debra Karen Fenton, Sherry Jane
Fenton & Mickey Jane Fenton.
Email Contact:               Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03/21/1968
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Sowthwest General
City of Birth: Berea
County of Birth: Cuyahoga
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:   Have been searching for the past few years.
Email Contact:    Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: mount carmel
City of Birth: columbus
County of Birth: us
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:   Im not sure if it was Mount Carmel for sure. I was born 12/21/71 i know nothing about my birth
family at all. i am looking for just any info that you are willing to give.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: AUGUST 1985 A
doptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: AFRICAN AMERI
City of Birth: CINCINNATI
County of Birth: HAMILTON
State of Birth: Ohio
PENNY.his grandmother may be affiliated with a West Chestnut Church in Kentucky.I need to meet my father
and hear his-story.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01221983
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Toledo
City of Birth: Toledo
County of Birth: Wood  County
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:   I was adopted through Catholic Charities, I know that my birth mother was 1 of 13 and I believe
that my birth father was an only child.  It was a closed adoption.  I have a blanket and booties that came with
me, the foster parents advised that my biological mother knitted it for me.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Birth Relative looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 4th 1986
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St John West Shore
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:  I am your cousin been seaching for you for a few years.
Email Contact:  Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/06/82
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: fremont memorial
hospital City of Birth: fremont
County of Birth: sandusky
State of Birth: Ohio  
Comments:  I am looking for my son that was born Janaury 6th. 1982.He had some heart problems and was
sent to Toledo M.C.O. Hospital in Toledo,oh.43606.I go by my nick name "Shelly".My birth name on birth
certificate is Rochelle Marie Gray..your fathers name is Mickey Hardy and is from fremont,ohio 43420. I have
been trying to locate you for a long time and think about you daily.You have lots of brothers, sisters and family
members that truely "Love and Miss You"...Love Mom!
Email Contact: whitediamondwine@yahoo,com Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: august 23, 1961
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: adams county hospital
City of Birth: west union
County of Birth: adams co.
State of Birth: Ohio  
Comments:  would like to get to know parent, or siblings if i have any.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Searcher looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9-10-1978
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: van wert
county hospital
City of Birth: van wert
County of Birth: van wert
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:  Looking for Ronnie/ Ron/ Ronald Robbins. He was born in Virginia or West Virgina. Has a twin
sister. He is in his 60's or higher. He lived in Ohio for a while back in 1978 or previous. He was a truck driver.
Worked as a truck driver out of a company in Ohio in 78 or previous.
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: approx 1959
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Cincinnati
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:  My mother gave up a child for adoption before she met my father when she was about 17. Her
maiden name was Sandra Duell and she was from Balston Spa New York. All I know is where she gave birth
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Nov. 9th, 1988
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Bucyrus Hospital
City of Birth: Bucyrus
County of Birth: Crawford
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:  I'm a mother looking for my daughters who was adopted in the state of KS. In 1996.
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/15/1975 A
doptee's Sex: Female A
doptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: hillsboro
City of Birth: hillsboro
County of Birth: highland
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:: I am looking for any of my birth family whether it be siblings, mother or father. I have been told that
i was adopted around Dec. 3rd of 1975. My maiden name was Tracy if this makes any difference. I was also
told that there was another child that was being adopted out the same day i was that was possibly some 
relative to me. I would just like to be able to meet them. I expect nothing from anyone just a chance to get to
know them.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1940's
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Akron
County of Birth: Summit
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:: Searching for my Mother's brother also adopted.  He may be a twin (06/26/1942) or separate birth
sometime before of after this date. Birthmother: Ivone (Yvonne) Alice McFarland. She married Floyd Chambers
and then Carl Hoffman. Possible adopted name Bob.  He found birthmother in Brady Lake/Ravenna Ohio
around 1962-64.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/02/90
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: Mt Sinai
City of Birth: Cleveland
County of Birth: Cuyahoga
State of Birth: Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Mother's Maiden Name:Gill She was born in '62. I have 3 other sisters that she kept born in '79,
'81, and '89. They moved to another state after she had me.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: DEC. 1971  before xmas
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: WHITE
Hospital of Birth: DRS. NORTH HOSPITAL
City of Birth: COLUMBUS
County of Birth: FRANKLIN
State of Birth: Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Exact day of birth not sure of except it was before xmas Dec. 1971 !! not sure of day because it
was a difficult birth and breech and a emergence c section! so after that I was kept isolated and drugged and
never got to see the baby,but from hearing the nurses I believe it was to have been a little girl ....very traumatic
so I have a lot of mental blockage that I'm still working through the adoption was set up by a doctor his name
was Dr.Harden or Harding,but I believe it's Harden and I believe the baby was adopted by Doctors? that were
friends of his.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02/12/1964
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Mixed
Hospital of Birth: Akron Commumity
City of Birth: Akron
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Ohio C
omments:: I was adopted through Norwalk Probate Court - in 1965.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011                                                                        
Female Adoptee looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: cleveland
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: african american
Hospital of Birth: st lukes
City of Birth: cleveland
County of Birth: cuuahoga
State of Birth: Ohio  
Comments:: I was in foster care in1967. And I was officially adopted in1969!
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011 
Sibling looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5-31-89
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: blk
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: toledo
County of Birth: lucas
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:: I'm bout to have a baby. I really want to meet my parents and siblings. My adopted mother and
father passed away. So I really need my family right now. I feel like i have no one out here. Please get a hold of
me soon. Thank you....
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02/21/1965
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: St Anns Hospital
City of Birth: Columbus
County of Birth: Franklin
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:: I am searching for my birth mother or any related to her,I think the last name may have been
Leech at my date of birth
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Searcher looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12-23-1945
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Columbus
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:: My father was adopted, and I am looking for his birth family, and MY family. I believe his mother's
last name was Garn. This was a private adoption done by a Judge Rose. I would really like to meet my family,
I have been missing you my whole life!
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011 
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Not adopted/ white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Ohio?
Comments:: This is all I know. My mother told me when she was pregnant with me, a pregnant women came
to the door of our trailer claiming my father was the father of her child and had him give up all custody rights to
her child. I  was born in 1979. I was born in cincinnati, but moved back to Atlanta Georgia till I was 3 and my
mom left my dad, when we moved back to Cincinnati. Chances are this sibling of mine never knew this, and
was raised by someone known to them as their father. I don't want to turn anyone life upside down, I just feel
like a piece is missing from the puzzle. At 32 I shouldn't be such a dreamer to find you after all this time, but I
truly hope your alive and well and have found all the pieces to your puzzle. Always in my mind, sincerely, Lil Lou
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/03/1976
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: ohio valley general hospital
City of Birth: wheeling
County of Birth: ohio
State of Birth: West Virginia  
Comments:: she was born in WV Belmont County Childrens Services in Ohio handled adoption.
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011                
Searcher looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12-27-73
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: spanish - italian
Hospital of Birth: comunittee hospital
City of Birth: Springfield
County of Birth: United States
State of Birth: Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I have always wanted to meet the woman who had carried me  in her womb for months, who had
nurtured me in her belly and gave me my first sight of life, the man who had gave her the seed to start it all.
Meeting my birth parents had always been a dream and a wondering, pondering thought that looms over my
head, if you believe you are my parents please contact me so we can be united once more,
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/11/1983
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Holzer Hospital
City of Birth: Galipollis
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:: You may have been out of sight but you have never been out of my mind or my heart.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6-25-1976
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: bellaire hospital
City of Birth: bellaire
County of Birth: belmont
State of Birth: Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: looking for birth mother and siblings if any non-identification of her is russian decent,5"6,120
lbs,blonde hair blue eyes, and she was young.any info would help.father unknown.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: September 21, 1968
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Ann's
City of Birth: Columbus
County of Birth: Franklin
State of Birth: Ohio
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Email Contact:
Posted 8/2011
Adoptive Parent looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/03/1969
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: St Ann's Hospital for Women and Children
City of Birth: Columbus
County of Birth: Franklin
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:: Catholic Social Services, Columbus, Ohio placed baby early September 1969...adoption finalized
May 1970.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 20, 1965
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Euclid
City of Birth: Euclid, Ohio
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:: My Birth Name was Pamella A. Morgan.  I was adopted around Oct. 1965 to a couple in Bedford, Ohio.
Email Contact:
Posted 05/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/15/1961
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: Columbus, Ohio
County of Birth: Franklin
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments:: My adoptive name is Randolph Tracy Smulo and my adoptive parents are Belle and Ralph Smulo
from Cleveland, Ohio.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Birth Father looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1981
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Fairview General
City of Birth: Fairview
County of Birth: Cuyahoga
State of Birth: Ohio
Comments: Walter, I've missed you every day. We have much to talk about. I love you, Dad
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Searcher helping Male Adoptee look for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2-9-46
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Childrens Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Akron
  •     County of Birth: Summit
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Birth mother born abt. 1924 in Pelzer, South Carolina. Robert
  •     had one older 1/2 brother born abt 1943. Birth mother worked for BF Goodrich Rubber Co. just prior to
  •     birth of Robert. Believe birth mother's maiden name is SIMPSON and she had 6 brothers and sisters        
  •     in South Carolina.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Searcher is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/15/1975
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Wayne Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Greenville
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Would like to know birth parents info for ancestry heritage purposes.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: AUGUST 14, 1963
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: BLACK ????
  •     Hospital of Birth: UNKNOWN
  •     City of Birth: CINCINNATI
  •     County of Birth: HAMILTON
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: ADOPTED FEB. 1965, DOCTOR A.G. KING M.D. WHO
  •     SIGNED BIRTH DOC. BIRTH CERT. # 134-63-520519  OH AND DIST # WAS 3101.  ADOPTED
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:  FOUND!
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: January 15, 1961
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Doctors Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Columbus
  •     County of Birth: Franklin
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Country if Birth outside of US:
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: My biological brother's adoption was arranged by a Doctor
  •     McBride, who is likely deceased now. He worked at Doctors Hospital in January 1961. I do not
  •     know his adoptive name or the name of his adoptive parents' attorney who took care of the
  •     paperwork.
  •     E-mail: (removed)
  •     Originally Posted 06/2010:  Found 07/16/2010 Thanks, Judy.  My brother remains stunned that he
  •     has had two full biological sisters (I am one of them) that he never knew until last week. Thanks
  •     for your support and effort to assist in my search. I am glad it did not last very long. :)
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/20/1962
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Cleveland Cinic
  •     City of Birth: Cleveland
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I am looking for my birth family I was born in Cleveland Ohio I
  •     know my birth mothers maiden name was Herzog any info would be wonderful....
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 06/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06/09/1952
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Black
  •     Hospital of Birth: Grant Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Columbus
  •     County of Birth: Franklin County
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Searching for widowed birth mother,... biological father, or 2
  •     half brothers who may have served in the military.  I was adopted at 7 weeks of age.  Last name of
  •     mother could have been Jackson - but I'm not sure of that AT ALL.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 05/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 9, 1966
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Miami Valley
  •     City of Birth: Dayton
  •     County of Birth: Montgomery
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Looking for birth family or information.  Closed adoption don't
  •     even know birth mother or father's names.  Adopted by Joachim and Annelise Keller in Dec '66.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family Members
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: October 4, 1949
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: Sheltering Arms Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Athens
  •     County of Birth: Athens
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I believe my mothers maiden name was Vivian Darnell and I
  •     have a birth sister who may be six years older than I am. My sister was being raised by our
  •     Grandmother at the time of my birth.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: june 1973
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: boothe memorial hospital
  •     City of Birth: Euclid
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07-25-1965
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: good samaritan
  •     City of Birth: dayton
  •     County of Birth: montgomery
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Comments:  son looking for birth mother
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01-16-72
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: Bi-Racial  Black & White?
  •     Hospital of Birth: O blessness
  •     City of Birth: Athens
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Ohio
  •     Comments: From what I do know - Mother & Father where attending Ohio University in 1972
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 01/2010


Birth Relative looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 10/1959
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race Caucasian / African American
Hospital of Birth Unknown
Agency Involved: Unknown
City of Birth Unknown
County of Birth Unknown
State of Birth Oklahoma
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: My father was adopted. Looking for any family. From Oklahoma...adopted by Lorraine and Bob
Davis. Named Robert Kenneth Davis. His Little brother was adopted too, named Joseph. If you are related
please contact us.
Email Contact
I am a Birth Father looking for: Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth 1962 - 1965
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth (no answer)
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth (no answer)
County of Birth (no answer)
State of Birth Oklahoma
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I was stationed at Clinton Sherman AFB, Oklahoma from 1961-1965. Looking for son or daughter
born around 1962-1965, may have been adopted. Clinton Sherman AFB, is in western Oklahoma  between
Clinton and Elk City, Oklahoma. I have DNA and mtDNA if interested.
Email Contact
Birth Mother looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth 02/14/1988
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race caucasion
Hospital of Birth shawnee medical center
Agency Involved: marion county div. human services
City of Birth shawnee
County of Birth potttawatamie
State of Birth Oklahoma
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: looking for my son,andrew Thomas powers and his sister heather renee.
Email Contact
Posted May 2015
																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		Birth Mother looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09-02-95
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: black
Hospital of Birth: st johns
Agency Involved:: dhs in tulsa ok
City of Birth: tulsa
County of Birth: tulsa
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Country of birth if not U.S.: none
Comments:: I miss my boy so much my heart has been empty without him he does 
have two other silibings a brother and sister age 9 and 2 and his    brother is 
waiting to meet him
Email Contact:
Posted 09/2013
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5/16/1996
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White / Hispanic
Hospital of Birth: Deaconess
Agency Involved:: Boren & Boren Attorney
City of Birth: Oklahoma City
County of Birth: Oklahoma
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Looking for my birth son who was adopted by a couple named Rick &
Janeice (sp?) His name by given by his parents is Adam. It was a semi open
adoption. Thank you
Email Contact:
Posted 05/2013
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 26, 1964
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Deaconess
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Oklahoma City
County of Birth: Oklahoma
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I was raised being told that my adoptive mother had given birth to me,until,at age 13 I discovered
otherwise. She said that ALL she knew was that my 15 year old birth mother had an affair with a teacher; I was
born at 3:15am; weighed 5 lbs 7oz,and she and her(then)husband had taken me from the hospital when I was
2 days old. I don't know if any of that is true or not, as she passed away suddenly 2 months after I discovered I
was adopted, so any more info she may have possessed was lost to me at that point.But,it's all I've ever had to
go on and will have to be my starting point!
Email Contact:
Posted March 2013
Birth Relative looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1995-09-25
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Sayre Memorial Hospital
City of Birth: Sayre
County of Birth: Beckham
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/16/1979
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Hillcrest Medical Center
City of Birth: Tulsa
County of Birth: Tulsa
State of Birth: Oklahoma  United States of America
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1985
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white/native american
Hospital of Birth: St. Francis Hospital
City of Birth: Tulsa
County of Birth: Tulsa
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Posted 2/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:   Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02-11-1981
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Norman
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Comments:   I found out that I have a birth sister that was born only a year before I was. I would like to find you
and get to know you. Your birth parents names were David and Karen Jones.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Birth Sibling looking for: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: September ? 1981
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Anthony-?
City of Birth: Okc, Ok
County of Birth: OK
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Comments: My Sister was gien up for adoption in September of 1981. Her Birth Mothers name is Tammy Call
or possibly Tammy Flowers on Birth Certificate. Her Birth Morthers Birthday is August 24, 1963. I think my Siters
parent may hae named her something like Melissa Lee or Leann or Whitney Lee or Leann, these are just
things I hae heard oer the years now so her name really could be anything.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1/3/94
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: jane phillips memorial
City of Birth: bartlesville
County of Birth: washington
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Comments:  my son along with his two younger sisters were adopted in benton co. arkansas bentoville ark in
2007 my rights were NEVER takin away from i want to find my children ive never stopped looking for them
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/08/1965
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: St John
City of Birth: Tulsa
County of Birth: Tulsa
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/24/1988
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white/black
Hospital of Birth: Oklahoma Memoriail
City of Birth: Oklahoma City
County of Birth: oklahoma
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Comments:: At time of seperation was in  washington county  Bartlesville Okla. Daughters name Ashley Faith
O. could be under Ashley Faith J.  may be under my maiden last name
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/08/1965
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St Johns
City of Birth: Tulsa
County of Birth: Tulsa
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08-20-1979
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasion
Hospital of Birth: St. Francis Hospital
City of Birth: Tulsa
County of Birth: Tulsa
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Comments:: It was a private adoption.  She weighed 7 lbs. 4 ozs.  I went to the Courthouse to sign the papers
on 08-25-1979.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05-05-1965
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Navajo Indian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Oklahoma City
County of Birth: Oklahoma
State of Birth: Oklahoma  
Comments:: Has an older brother mother dropped me off at st. mary's catholic church in guthrie ,ok in may
1965. Looking for mother, family. Anything i can find. Want to know family history for myself , my 3 kids, grandkids.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 16, 1969
Adoptee's Sex: Female Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Baptist Hospital
City of Birth: Oklahoma City
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I was the result of an affair between a married doctor and his nurse. I was placed for adoption 3 to
6 days after birth, and the attorney handling the adoption was Wayne Campbell (now deceased). I've been told
that my birth mother is also now deceased. I have a pretty good idea of who my birth father is, and he's still
alive and practicing medicine. There's been a lot of cover-up with my adoption records because of his high-
profile status in the community. My adoptive parents are Mary Kaye and Robert Sterling Birk (my adoptive father
is deceased). I have a soon-to-be 4-year-old daughter so I'd really like to know my family's medical history.
Email Contact: Sheri Birk-Fowler
Posted 10/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/03/1926
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White & Native American
Hospital of Birth: University
City of Birth: Oklahoma City
County of Birth: Oklahoma
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/19/1972
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Oklahoma City
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Comments:: I don't have any information. I was contacted by someone that remained anonymous that stated
that I was adopted only a few days after birth.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 21, 1980
Adoptee's Sex: Female Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Holdenville Hospital
City of Birth: Holdenville
County of Birth: Hughes
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Comments:: My brother and I were born to the same birth mother in Holdenville, Ok hospital delivered by
Dr. McDougal.  My brother was born on October 9, 1977. I know my birth mother's name was Kathryn, Kathy
Reed or Reid and I believe she was a widow but also know that she had two children at the time of my brothers
birth. Any help would be much appreciated.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/26/1967
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: salvation army
City of Birth: tulsa
County of Birth: tulsa
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Comments:: looking for birth parents. I am baby boy born 8-26-1967. Tulsa, Oklahoma born in Salvation Army
Hospital in Tulsa County. I was born at 40 weeks. I weighed 7 pounds, 4 1/2 ounces. On birth cert it says 
prophylactic drug was used in baby's eyes. Mother was tested in April of 1967 for syphilis. Dr. John W. Ward, 
M.D. delivered me. registrar was Cecil F. Jacobs, M.D. I was adopted at 6 weeks of age. So, I was in foster care
from birth until adoption
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/04/1971
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth: Doctor's General Hospital
City of Birth: Oklahoma City
County of Birth: Oklahoma
State of Birth: Oklahoma
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: Dec. 25th, 1980
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race:
  •     Hospital of Birth: St. Francis
  •     City of Birth: Tulsa
  •     County of Birth: Tulsa
  •     State of Birth: Oklahoma
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Private adoption, I really don't know a
  •     thing..
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Mother
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: june 20, 1978
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: oklahoma osteopathic hospital
  •     City of Birth: Tulsa
  •     County of Birth: tulsa
  •     State of Birth: Oklahoma
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I was told that my mother was the ages between 16-18. She
  •     was married at the time i was born and her last name was KING. She may have had two other
  •     children and married before. please contact me asap. thank you and have a blessed day.  I also
  •     believe that the doctors name was Edward D. Harbaugh D.O.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010
  Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11-6-81
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Pawhuska Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Pawhuska
  •     County of Birth: Osage
  •     State of Birth: Oklahoma
  •     Enter any additional comments below: I am looking for the daughter I have always loved.  I hope you
  •     are happy and have had a wonderful life.  I would so love to get know you and let you know about your
  •     birth family.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 17, 1973
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Black
  •     Hospital of Birth: Oklahoma Osteopathic Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Tulsa
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Oklahoma
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I I do not know where to start. I was born Aug 17,1973 in
  •     Tulsa,OK @ Oklahoma Osteopathic Hospital. I was removed from my birth family in Tulsa,Ok in 1978
  •     at the age of 5 due to abuse. I was in and out of foster care until I was adopted in 1987 in Lawton, OK.
  •     I have been searching for my family, but with me not knowing or remembering my parents first names
  •     it kind of hard. My birth name was Robbins. I would like to find them at some point.
  •     Posted 03/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05-05-1970
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: oklahoma city
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Oklahoma
  •     Comments:  catholic social services,Inc - wichita,sedgwick,kansas
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: January 25 1955
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Comanche County Memorial Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Lawton Oklahoma
  •     County of Birth: Comanche
  •     State of Birth: Oklahoma
  •     Comments:  Looking for any and ALL information on birth mother and birth father
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2010


Female Adoptee looking for: Sibling or relatives of Carl Soholt
Adoptee's Date of Birth 07/21/1949
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth Mohaje General
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth Kingman
County of Birth USA
State of Birth Arizona
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: Looking for my half brothers and half sisters. My father worked in the Navy yard in the state of
Oregon or Washington . I think he passed away in 1998 in Oregon. He was briefly married to my mother
Maxine Jean Wallen and had myself and my brother. We were later adopted by my step father (Louis Metzger)
My name is currently Victoria Beryl Bernier my brother name is Henry Keith Metzger our father name was
Carl Soholt, would like to know or converse with any know relatives.
Posted 10/2016
Female Adoptee looking for: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth March 11 1955
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Afican-American and Caucasion
Hospital of Birth E manual Hospital
Agency Involved: Albertona Kerr Adoption Agency
City of Birth Portland
County of Birth Multnomah  County
State of Birth Oregon
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: Looking for my sister Joyce Faye Green and all other siblings that I have who are the biological
children of Josephine Randle Green send her husband William Green.  My father's last name was Davis and I
was adopted at birth f r om the above agency be the Bray family in Klamath Fal L s Oregon.
Email Contact
Posted January 2016
Birth Mother looking for:   Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3/22/1970
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: White Shield Home
City of Birth: Portland
County of Birth: Multnomah
State of Birth: Oregon
Comments:   I would like for my son to know his birth family.  He has 2 brother & 1 sister that are anxious to
meet him.  Please help me locate my son after almost 42 years.  This has been my dream to reconnect. 
Thank you, Camille Knight
Email Contact: Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 1961
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Holy Rosary Hospital
City of Birth: Ontario
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Oregon
Comments:   looking for brother also given up for adoption born June 1961. Birth parents were William A and 
Grace A Kelley (mothers maiden name Reed from Vail Oregon)Birth parents were 51 yrs and 39 yrs old
respectively. Have one full brother 2 yrs older and 7 1/2 brothers and sisters
Email Contact:              Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03/26/1986
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Portland Adventist
City of Birth: Portland
County of Birth: Clackamas
State of Birth: Oregon
Comments:  Mainly looking for my birth mother or family.  The name of the birth mother was something like
Laura Rae Lawson, i know that she had a son before i was born, and she lived in Montana, but came to live
with her sister in portland, OR to have the baby.
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10-23-1973
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucation
Hospital of Birth: gresham community hospital
City of Birth: gresham
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Oregon
Comments:   i was relinquised for adoption by my birth mother at about 5 years of age. she had had two
previous adopted children first being A female named shannon dob 12-2-1969 and then we had a brother that
she adopted out 2 yrs later.plz if you are a priviate investingation do not contact me by phone just let me know
by e-mail, but if you are not a pi  plz contact me asap i am very sick and would like to find out more than i know
about me before i pass    plz help me
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Searcher looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03/04/1980
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: unwed mother's home
City of Birth: Portland
County of Birth: Multnomah
State of Birth: Oregon
Comments:: The child that was adopted had the birth name of Crystal  last name either Pratt or Kay  birth
mom's name is Carolyn  birth father Gary  I am a close friend to Gary we lived in the same foster home in the
70's and he has asked me to help with this search
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/21/82
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Willamette Medical Center
City of Birth: Springfield
County of Birth: Lane
State of Birth: Oregon
Comments:: All I know is his name Larry Moore he and my mother broke up when i was 6 months old and i am
now 29 my father is Canadian but iam not sure his age or birthplace i know he re married and has 2 sons
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1-23-1966
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasion
Hospital of Birth: Salem Hospital
City of Birth: Salem
County of Birth: Marion
State of Birth: Oregon
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Looking for the mother or father for baby boy born 1.23.66 mother potentially Joanne Bowers or
baby named Steven Scott possibly.  Just would like to know some historical information and would never want
to be burdensome.  Love, Peace and Blessings.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/18/61
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Hispanic/White
City of Birth: Portland
State of Birth: Oregon
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Relative looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 23, 1956
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White & Unknown
Hospital of Birth: Unknown
City of Birth: Klamath Falls (I believe)
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Oregon
Comments:: My father was adopted in 1956. The adoption was closed.  We were told his birth mother was in a
common law marriage and had 4 children.  Then she had another child (my father) with another man.  The
common law husband told her he would take her back if she gave the child up for adoption.  We were also
made aware that his birth father is 100% Native American. My father's name on his original birth certificate was
John J. Anderson
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/2/1952
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Holladay Park Hospital
City of Birth: Portland
County of Birth: Multnomah
State of Birth: Oregon
Comments:: Birth Father was Alvin Mauldin from Texas. Birth Mother was Florence Delano Bullard and called
Flossy. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia. She was 18 at the date of my birth, Oct 1952. Birth Mother stayed at
Dr. Ben I Phillips' home until she completed high school June 1953.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04-08-1978
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: mixed?
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Portland
County of Birth: Multnomah
State of Birth: Oregon
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Birth mother was 13y. at time of birth.
Email Contact:
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: March 31, 1972
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucation
Hospital of Birth: Woodland Park Hospital
City of Birth: Portland
County of Birth: Multnomah
State of Birth: Oregon
Country of birth if not U.S.: United States
Comments:: I was adopted at 3 days old and don't really have any information other than she was 19 years old
when I was born.
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/06/1959
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Portland
County of Birth: Multnomah
State of Birth: Oregon
Comments:: I believe my birth Mom's married last name was Boyette. My birth Mom was a nurse at a naval
base in Portland Oregon.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Mother is looking for:
Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3/18/1982
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Provodence St Vincent's Hospital
City of Birth: Portland
County of Birth: Washington
State of Birth: Oregon
Enter any additional comments below.: My son was born on 3/18/82 @ 5:35 am. He weighed 8lbs 10 oz was
21 inches long. He was delivered by c-section. I stayed in the hospital for 6 days after I had him.I was 18 years
old when I became pregnant with him. I turned 19 31 days before I had him. On my side of the family He has a
grandmother & grandfather  his great-grandmother died on dec 23 of 2009. She was 103 years old. 5 uncles 4
of which are my brothers & my brother-in-law.1 aunt 6 cousins. He has 2 half sister's they are 24 & 21. His
birthfather was 17 when he was born. I named him James Robert.  His adopted mom was a school teacher
his adopted dad worked for the criminal justice system & his adopted brother was 3 years old when he was  born
Posted 02/2010


Relationship to Adoptee I am a Birth Relative
looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth 11/05/1970
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth Community General Osteopathic Hospital
Agency Involved: Private adoption
City of Birth Harrisburg
County of Birth Daupin
State of Birth Pennsylvania
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: Date of birth is approximate w/in a few days to the best of my recollection.  I believe it was a Thursday. 
He was born late afternoon. My brother, his birth father, has passed.  His birth mother and 2 siblings including myself
are looking for him and hope to connect.
Email Contact
Poster 11/2020
Female Adoptee
looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth 09/24/1964
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth Pittsburgh
Agency Involved: Lutheran Social Services
City of Birth Pittsburgh
County of Birth Alleghaney
State of Birth Pennsylvania
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: (no answer)
Email Contact
Posted 10/2017
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth:  01/24/1954
Adoptee's Sex:  Female
Adoptee's Race:  Caucasian
Hospital of Birth:  Hamet Hospital in Erie, PA.
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth:  Erie
County of Birth:  erie
State of Birth:  Pennsylvania
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: (no answer)
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2016
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04.03.1946
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Lying In Hospital
Agency Involved:: Unknown
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Country of birth if not U.S.: United States
Comments:: Found out at age 59 that I was adopted by Walter L Petersen Jr and Ella N Petersen in April 1946.
Learned same was kept a secret within family at request of adoptive parents unless I asked a family member.
Father passed away in 2005 and birth certificate of mother found in file...she would have been too old to have
me in 1946. Thus asked family relative and was told I was adopted and that no one knew anything about birth
Email Contact:
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother 
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/10/58
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Fitzgerald Mercy
Agency Involved:: Private
City of Birth: Darby
County of Birth: Delaware
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Country of birth if not U.S.: United States
Comments:: Looking for birth mother, private adoption through New Jersey
Email Contact:
Posted August 2014
Birth Relative looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: December 1968
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Good Samaritan Hospital
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Pottsville
County of Birth: Schuylkill
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Born to William Edward Kairitis and Mary Prelovsky Casari. Baptised as William Edward Kairitis 
Email Contact:
Posted 05/2013
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5-10-1950
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
Agency Involved::
City of Birth:
County of Birth: Delaware Co.
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: Serching for birth mother or birth family.  Mother was in a home for unwed mothers in Springfield,
PA.  Her name was Paula Rice and my birth name was Crystal LaVerne Rice. May have been born in a hospital
in Chester, PA
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Birth Relative looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04-07-1970
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: African-Merican - Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: General Hospital of Philadelphia
Agency Involved:: none
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: Looking for my birth father. I was born on 04/07/1970. My mother was African American Father is
white- his name maybe Marvin Matthews. Mom is noww deceased, she attended Simon Gratz high school.
Lived in North (west) Philly.
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/30/1979
Adoptee's Sex: Female A
doptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: NOt Sure
Agency Involved:: Childrens Home Society New Jersey
City of Birth: Wilson?
County of Birth: Northampton
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: I was born as Patricia Ann Gregory 04/30/1979 in PA. My biological father's name is Arnold
Gregory, and I believe I have 2 or 3 biological sisters, one of which was given to Arnold's parents to be raised.
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03/24/1978
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: African American
Hospital of Birth: ?
Agency Involved:: ?
City of Birth: ?
County of Birth: ?
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: My name was William Johnson, I think... I believe my father was a truck driver. I have no
information on my mother. I was raised in SC.
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Searcher looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 23, 1955
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Unknown
City of Birth: Philadelphia
State of Birth:  PA
Comments:  This baby girl was adopted in Delaware County, PA, just outside of Philadelphia. A Catholic
Charity handled the adoption. The mother who adopted the girl is elderly and no longer remembers the details.
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/10/1984
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: black
Hospital of Birth: hanneman, jefferson or albert einstein
City of Birth: phila
County of Birth: phila
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:  hopefull wishing that i will connect with any of my birth family or maybe best friend of my birth
mother who may know of me, i was sent to womens christian alliance right from the hospital and had foster
mother for two years before a private and closed adoption was finalized any one with any info plse get back to
me my boys deserve to know who there real family are, nationality, anything. i need to know who i am, i hurt
every day. im dark skined and many ppl ask me if im of african or hatian desent. short 5 ft 2, had long thick hair
as a kid, a medium says my mother my look just like me
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5-7-1990
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: mixed white
Hospital of Birth: allentown general
City of Birth: allentown
County of Birth: lehigh
State of Birth: Pennsylvania  
Comments:  I would love to meet my son. He is missed greatly.
Email Contact:  Posted 3/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:   Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4/11/1965
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Citizens General Hospital
City of Birth: New Kensington
County of Birth: Westmoreland
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:   I am a sister of the adoptee, my brother. My mother,Esther Frederick  (who is deceased now)
adopted my brother out 3 days after he was born in the town of Tarentum, Pa 15084.    He was given the name
Danny Lee Frederick when adopted out to his new family.    I would really like to find him.  I don't know if he
knows about me. Thank you for all your help.
Email Contact:  Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: December 29 1981
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:  My Mom was only 14 and father 15  Mom was adopted father lived with grandparents.I was told
born in Pa
Email Contact:  Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/10/1984
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Hospital of Birth: jefferson or hanneman
City of Birth: philadelphia County of Birth: philadelphia
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:  the only thing i know is that my birth mother was very young, i was taken or given away at birth, i
may hav sibblings, no mention of my father, my closed adoption was finalized in oct or dec of 1989. im
searching for any part of me
Email Contact:  Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03/19/1966
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: Pittsburgh
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:  I am tall 5'10" and blonde hair - green/blue eyes - thin build. Was told parents were in college - but
not sure. Was named Rhonda by foster family - thought to be adopted 12/28/1966. Thank you.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: aug.18 1958
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:  need to know who i am.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07.22.1987
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Altoona Hospital
City of Birth: Altoona
County of Birth: Blair
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:  was placed in a foster care with the "Jensen" family. looking to find birth mother or father or both.
lived in altooa pa my whole life.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: june 21 1993
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: robert packer
City of Birth: sayre
County of Birth: bradford
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:  im loretta dixon looking for my 18 year old son . his name should be roger dale youngs jr and he
has a brother who is 16 his name should be joshua z stark . i just want to get to talk to him and get to know him
all over again.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5/20/69
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasion
Hospital of Birth: Pennsylvania Hospital
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:  This was a private adoption. Mother's name Sharon A Gilbert. Handled by Brian & Desantis, Attys. 
Mother was about 16 years old. Looking for all adoption family information.   Medical History very important
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/6/1985
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Email Contact: mfp210 [at]
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Vincents , possibly Hamot
City of Birth: Erie, PA
County of Birth: Erie
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: I'm in search of my birth sister. My parents put her up for adoption. I know it was before 1985 But
not sure of her exact birth date. Appox 81' or 82'. Month of birth is January. Parents last names are Rockwell.
Contact me with any information please!
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/08/1963
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Berks County
City of Birth: Doystown?
County of Birth: Berks
State of Birth: Pennsylvania Country of birth if not
U.S.: Comments:: I was always told that parents died and all records destroyed in some flood at lawyers office
Posted 12/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: believe to be 1978 give or take a year or so
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasion
Hospital of Birth: na
City of Birth:
County of Birth: around somerset area i believe
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: i am looking for my sister and brother they were taken by cys of somerset county my sisters name
is kelly jo fazenbaker or was and i believe my brothers name was thomas orr not really sure it hurts my birth
mother to much to even ask her but she would like to meet them as well
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10-25-1969
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: we are identical twins both looking for birth parents
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2/9/1967
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Temple University Hospital
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth: Philadelphia
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: My birth certificate lists my adoptive parents Frank Hays & Alma Hays, birth certificate lists place of
birth as Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia PA. Birth certificate lists my name as Douglas Brian Hays.
I was adopted around July or August of 1967. Adoptive parents lived in Philadelphia PA. birth parents were
college students. Adopted "possibly" thru Catholic Social Services.Mother claims adoption agency "burned
down" and she forgets where it was/what the name way & claims to have no records. I'm sure you can
empathize with my frustration! I am looking mostly for health history info. I have Crohn's Disease along
with a lot of complications. Doctors all agree that knowing my family health history could help them treat me
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1991
Adoptee's Sex: Male A
doptee's Race: African American
Hospital of Birth: Womens Medical Hospital
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth: Philadelphia
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: Name at Birth Walter Warren Wilson Birth Mother's name: Elise Wilson
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: January 1989
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: African American
Hospital of Birth: Womens Medical Hospital
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth: Philadelphia
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: Name at Birth Taneana LaShawn Wilson Birth Mother's name: Elise Wilson
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1990
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: African American
Hospital of Birth: Womens Medical Hospital
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth: Philadelphia
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Name at Birth: Marcus Mandela Wilson Birth Mother's name: Elise Wilson
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Other Adoptee's
Date of Birth: January 1989
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: African American
Hospital of Birth: Womens Medical Hospital
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth: Philadelphia
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: There are three siblings that we are searching for.  First cousins..this one being the oldest
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Citizen General Hospital?
City of Birth: New Kensington
County of Birth: Westmoreland
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: I just found out after asking for years the name of the family my sister was adopted to.  The name I
was given was Woodings, they used to live or still live in Oakmont Pennsylvania.  I would like to get in touch
with my sister.  Thank you very much.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03/10/1986
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Biracal
Hospital of Birth: Franklin/ Oil City
City of Birth: Franklin/ Oil City
County of Birth: United States
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: I been looking for my real mother. All I know that she was 27 and she was white. My birth father
was black. I would like too know her and the rest of my family.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 1953
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Temple University
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth: Philadelphia
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: ISO: Debra Ann - July 1953 George Stuart - July 1954 John Joseph - July 1955 All born at Temple
University Hospital, Philadelphia.  All three placed at St. Vincent's Catholic Home for Children in the 50's;
adopted - closed adoptions.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Searcher looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12-3-61
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Lower Bucks Hospital
City of Birth: Bristol Pa
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: Attorney Morty wapner private adoption and Dr.Dan Belsky delivered me this is all i know
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/08/1966
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: My mother was adopted from a philadelphia hospital in 1966. Her birth mother named her Julie
Johnson. My mother was born with blue eyes and brunette, but don't know if that would be determined at birth
(sometimes hard to tell)I'm looking for her birth parents, or relatives
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 6-23-1984
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth: Delaware or Philadelphia county
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: Just looking for medical details to pass onto my children really. Not sure about anything else
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3.28.66
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: ?
City of Birth: Philadelphia
County of Birth: ?
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee is looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Sept. 5, 1958
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Cauc
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Philadelphia
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: Baby Girl Plummer was told her mother was very young @ time of adoption and born in Phila. PA.
Maybe Michigan. Maybe Presbyterian. Would like to know about Mother/Family.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/2/1964
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: ?Rolling Hill or Einstein Medical Center
  •     City of Birth: Philadelphia
  •     County of Birth: Philadelphia
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Iola Dolin was the attorney that performed my adoption.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
Birth Mother looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/17/1972
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Biracial
Hospital of Birth: Harrisburg Hospital
City of Birth: Harrisburg
County of Birth: Dauphin
State of Birth: Pennsylvania  
Comments:: Adopted through Catholic Charities to a Puerto Rican couple.
Email Contact:
Posted 8/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 10, 1961
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Rochester
County of Birth: Beaver
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments:: Mothers name Nancy Margaret Holmes (Wherry) Father, Robert holmes also searching for sister
Teresa. She may have been adopted by a family named Martin in New Brighton PA.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1974
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Biracial
Hospital of Birth: Metro Health
City of Birth: Erie
County of Birth: Erie
State of Birth: Pennsylvania
Comments: I would just like to know my health history.
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03-15-1963
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: Germantown Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Philadelphia, PA
  •     County of Birth: USA
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: My birth name was James J. Doland.  My adoptive name is
  •    James J. Trinacria.  The only thing I know is that my adoptive parents adopted me thru Catholic Social
  •     Services in Philadelphia.  My adoptive parents did not know much. They believe I have five brothers
  •     and sisters out there. I am interested in finding them and my birth parents if alive
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Searcher is helping Male Adoptee look for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08-09-1969
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth:
  •     County of Birth: USA
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Birth Mother's last name was Ramsey, long strawberry
  •     blonde hair about 23 when my husband was born. Father was married and from FL.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04-10-1935
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Veil Hospital For Unwed Mothers
  •     City of Birth: W. Chester
  •     County of Birth: Chester
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: male adoptee born Anthony Frank 4-10-35 Veil Hospital for
  •     Unwed Mothers, W. Chester, PA. Searching for any birth family.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1/26/1964
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: philadelphia
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/29/1971
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: Chinook Indian ? & German?
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth:
  •     County of Birth: Lycoming County
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I do not know much about my adoption and records have
  •     been destroyed in flood.  I am told I am chinook indian and german.  I was told I was adopted out of
  •     Lycoming county orphange however I can not find that facility ever existed.  I was adopted by a family
  •     in NJ..I was also told I do have birth siblings
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010
  Searcher is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/26/1942
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: east stroudsburg
  •     City of Birth: east stroudsburg
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Looking for my father's twin sister
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Other Birth Relative - Aunt is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9-28-1971
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: St.Vincent's
  •     City of Birth: Philadelphia
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: DOB, Place of Birth, and other information on Birth Certificate
  •     may have been altered. The originial one is kept under Closed Files. I am searching for my nephew,
  •     DOB 9/28/71 born to my sister Patricia, 5:39am, 8lbs/21" white, in Philadelphia PA through Catholic
  •     adoption, CHS, at St. Vincent's Hospital. Pattie has allergies....and we are working together to try and
  •     find him. I know that Monsieur Flatly of Philadelphia (family friend) said they had a family already so it
  •     was a quick adoption.Please email me at  I look forward to hearing from you.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/12/1976
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: Westmoreland Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Greensburg
  •     County of Birth: Westmoreland
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Mother
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: April 24, 1961
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: Philadelphia
  •     County of Birth: Philadelphia
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Born Kimberly Lin Cole
  •     MOther is Barbara ellen Cole.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted May 2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: September 18, 1961
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Albert Einstein Medical Center
  •     City of Birth: Philadelphia
  •     County of Birth: Philadelphia
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/09/1971
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: Harrisburg
  •     County of Birth: Dauphin
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I am looking for my birth parents in an attempt to get medical
  •     histories. I would like to meet them as well but I understand if they don't.
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: april 11,1983
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white,native american
  •     Hospital of Birth: hamot
  •     City of Birth: erie
  •     County of Birth: erie
  •     State of Birth: Pennsylvania
  •     Enter any additional comments below: in search of female born april 11,1983 of erie,pa
  •     birth name was jessica lyn kasper
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010


 Rhode Island
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 02/18/1994
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Causcasion/white
Hospital of Birth Women & Infants
Agency Involved: DCYF
City of Birth Providence
County of Birth RI
State of Birth Rhode Island
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: I was adopted at the age of 2. As I understand it my mother's name is Christine Prefontaine, born in
the year 1970. My father's year of birth 1965. My birth name was Brianna Alexis Prefontaine. My biological
mother went on to have two children in 1999 and 2008
Email Contact
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4/15/1969
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Prov/RI
  •     City of Birth: Providence
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Rhode Island
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I was adopted through Cath.Char.Adoption in Prov RI
  •     My Bio. Mom requested for me to be named Stacy. My adopted parents honored that.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: apprx. 1953
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: providence
  •     County of Birth: r
  •     State of Birth: Rhode Island
  •     Enter any additional comments below: I have a sister that I have never met my name is Melissa
  •     Carvalho and our father is or was Jonathan Baptist Carvalho and our mother's name was Joyce G.
  •     Carvalho. My sister's name is Shirley Carvalho or I am assuming that is her maiden name now, I am
  •     51 and there is another sister named Sandra she is 54, so that would put Shirley about 56ish. I have
  •     searched for lots of years trying to find my father and sister, my father is supposed to have a home in
  •     Martha's Vineyard... I don't know much more..
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010


Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother, Father, Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth:  02/20/1958
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:  White
Hospital of Birth: Roper
Agency Involved: Private - Lawyer - Doctor
City of Birth:  Charleston, SC
County of Birth:  Charleston
State of Birth: South Carolina
Email Contact:
Posted 05/2017
Birth Mother looking for:   Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12-29-81
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Francis Xavier
City of Birth: Charleston
County of Birth: Charleston
State of Birth: South Carolina
Comments:   He has 2 brothers and a sister. I thought he was a product of rape, however, that may not be the
case. Even if it were, we as a family are missing him. We can't be whole without him.
Email Contact: Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: january 9 1964
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: black / mixed
Hospital of Birth: florence general
City of Birth: florence
County of Birth: florence
State of Birth: South Carolina
Comments: adoped by a family in Bennettsville south carolina attorney Frank cain thru marlboro co DSS.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/8/1966
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Unknown
City of Birth: York,SC
County of Birth: York,SC
State of Birth: South Carolina  United States
Comments:  Adopted through Catholic Charites. I believe birth mother was a nurse and had red hair and was
shorter women.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: January 24, 1987
Adoptee's Sex: Male Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: City of Birth: Fort Mill, SC
County of Birth:
State of Birth: South Carolina
Comments:: I am looking for more information on my birth mother. Her name is Leslie Bryant. She died in April
1990. She worked through Tender Loving Care Adoption Agency based out of Fort Mill, SC. I am really just
trying to find more information about her and her parents. If you have any information or may know someone
who knows something please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time.
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: aug.,16,1969
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Baptist
City of Birth: Columbia
County of Birth: Richland
State of Birth: South Carolina
Comments:: I am looking for my daughter. It was a private adoption so not much of a paper trail. I was told she
was adopted by a local family, this may not have been true. I hope her family told her she was adopted. I have
been consumed by this search. Thank You
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/03/51
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: \
City of Birth: Anderson
County of Birth: Anderson
State of Birth: South Carolina
Comments:: Trying to find any one that knows about my adoption or my birth family.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/30/1978
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: blk
Hospital of Birth: aiken
City of Birth: aiken
County of Birth:
State of Birth: South Carolina
Comments:: just found out my bio mother name is Annie Mae White now im lookin 4 my father she told me he
from Aiken,SC but she dont no his name
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09/20/1981
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: Roper Hospital
City of Birth: Charleston
County of Birth: Charleston
State of Birth: South Carolina
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12-21-1974
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: allen bennett
City of Birth: greer
County of Birth: greenville
State of Birth: South Carolina
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: my moms name was sally ann ward.
Email Contact:
Posted 8/2011
Birth Relative looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: july 1974
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
City of Birth: Charleston
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: South Carolina
Comments: I am looking for my Niece Born July 1974 in Charleston SC. Birth Father name Gary Stephen Gregory 
Birth mother Betty Jean Hancock BJ
Email Contact:
Posted 4/2011
Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: September 6, 1968
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Roper Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Charleston
  •     State of Birth: South Carolina
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: ISO birth parents / siblings and wanting to know medical
  •      history as well. Born on September 6, 1968 in Charleston, SC at Roper hospital at 12:33am and
  •     delivered by Dr. Bonner. Weight 7 lbs and 13 oz and 21 inches long. Adoption handled by private
  •      lawyer: Richard Lawrence (deceased). Adoptive parents were Margaret Rodenberger Asher
  •     (deceased) and William Asher.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Birth Relative is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/24/1968
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: F. Crittenton Home for Unwed mothers
  •     City of Birth: Charleston
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: South Carolina
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Looking for female, birth name given, Marjorie Dawn (Grady),
  •     last name fake. Mother was 16 yrs. old (Lisa Goodman) father was in Vietnam, no other info. Please Help!!!!
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family/ Health History
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/03/1966
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: memphis
  •     County of Birth: shelby
  •     State of Birth: South Carolina
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: i was born in memphis nov 3 1966 and was adopted by a
  •     mike and mary mccartney i was told my original birth name was robert angel walker wiliams i am 43
  •     now and am encountering health problems but have no idea my family history please help me
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 08/2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: july 31,1989
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: black
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth:
  •     County of Birth: sumter
  •     State of Birth: South Carolina
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: adoptee birth name was terrance jar'rod small - my mother
  •     said the adopted parents told her that she can choose one name for him to keep and she chose jar'rod.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 06/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/01/1988
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Wilson Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Darlington
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: South Carolina
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 04/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family/ Medical information
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: March 4, 1972
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: Naval Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Charleston
  •     County of Birth: Charleston
  •     State of Birth: South Carolina
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Went home with adoptive parents, a local Charleston couple,
  •     James and Wanda Brown, when I was three days old.  This was a private adoption, but there was a
  •     bracelet left on me with the name "Charlotte." My daughter and I have been diagnosed with a
  •     debilitating genetic disorder.  Any information will be greatly appreciated.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/01/1988
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth: Wilson Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Darlington
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: South Carolina
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Medical history
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/17/1970
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: w
  •     Hospital of Birth: medical university hospital
  •     City of Birth: charleston
  •     County of Birth: charleston
  •     State of Birth: South Carolina
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: in desperate need of medical history.  8 year old son was
  •     born with  sever infantile scoliosis.  and i have several health issues also.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010


South Dakota
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07-13-1961
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white/other mixed?
  •     Hospital of Birth: Sioux Valley Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Sioux Falls
  •     County of Birth: Minnehaha
  •     State of Birth: South Dakota
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Looking For bm/bf or any family members. All the info. I have
  •    is my bm was a white lady, last name was BUMGARDNER and that was married and had children
  •     already, and I was the product of an affair. I have no info. on the bf.
  •     E-mail: tandv4ever7@gmail.con
  •     Posted 08/2010


Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 04/11/1992
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race Black
Hospital of Birth Not sure
Agency Involved: Agape
City of Birth Davidson county or williamson county
County of Birth United States
State of Birth Tennessee
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: I am 26 years old now.. My birth name cymbil/symbil radley .not sure of spelling I was adopted at the age of 4
thru a foster care agency by the name of agape in nashville tn. Im searching for whomever knows me personally.
I want to know where i came from no matter good bad or ugly. I know i have siblings i want to know  them.
My dad came to visit me a few time in the foster home but i was told he signed his rights over after awhile( i was 4 i dont
remember).. My birth moms name was i believe to be pam radley (?) From davidson county- assumed to be in her 50/60 now
Mommy if your looking at this plz contact me. Im not mad..
Please if anyone knows of anything contact me via email .
Email Contact
Posted 11/2018
Birth Mother looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth:  02/06/1976
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race:  Bi-racial (mother white, father black)
Hospital of Birth: Baptist Memorial Hospital
Agency Involved: St. Peters Children's Home
City of Birth:  Memphis, TN
County of Birth:  Shelby County
State of Birth: Tennessee
Email Contact:
Posted 05/2017
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth 1 1/01/1968
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth (no answer)
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth knoxville
County of Birth knox
State of Birth Tennessee
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: i was adopted at age 3, dont know anything about any of my b-family, i was told i have 5 siblings,
we were all taken by child services, i have a whole other family whom i would love to meet and have a
relationship with if they are willing, i need to know where i come from and who i look like,i have kids of my own
who need to their gparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, i pray this finds them, i dont want to leave this earth not
Posted May 2015
Birth Father looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: At or near July 1994
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucassion
Hospital of Birth: Not Known
Agency Involved:: Not Known
City of Birth: Morristown
County of Birth: Hamblen
State of Birth: Tennessee
Comments:: Was notified in the last couple days there was a child given for adoption, and I was the father.
I have little information. I do know that the fathers name was left unknown on birth cert. and I do have the
mothers name and date of birth. I will provide mothers info if anyone thinks they may have info.
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/26/1988
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Lincoln County
Hospital Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Fayetteville,Tn
County of Birth: Lincoln
State of Birth: Tennessee
Comments:: I don't know a whole lot about my birth family. All that I do know is that my birth mother's
MARRIAGE name was Maryann(not sure how she spells her name) Maples. I do not know what her maiden
name is. her husband was not my birth father. I was told that she had two sons after I got taken away so I have
two brothers out there somewhere that I do wish and hope to find. I could have more siblings I am not
sure..only two that I know of. I don't know anything at all about my birth father or siblings. thats all that I know
sadly enough:(
Email Contact:  Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/25/1971
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: womens hospital
City of Birth: chattanooga
County of Birth: Hamilton
State of Birth: Tennessee
Comments:   I was told my birth mother had 3 other children, Maybe her name was Betty Howard or Hayward or
Elizabeth Howard I was named in the hospital Angela and a little blue and white beaded wrist that had my
name on it. I dont know what happened on why should couldnt keep me but no matter what I would like to know
who she was and who my siblings are
Email Contact:        Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/27/67
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Blount Memorial Hospital
City of Birth: Maryville
County of Birth: Blount
State of Birth: Tennessee
Comments:  I was a one night stand baby. My biological father does not know that I exist. His name is Bob
Walters (probably in 60's-70's) and he is from the New York area. As far as I know this is where he returned.
He was an efficiency man @ the Lace Plant (Tennessee) where my biological mother was an employee. I am
not looking to interfere in his life, but would like to meet him...I would just like to know some family medical
history and to see who I look like...I have wonderful adoptive parents so there is no reason for me to seek
anything other than what is stated. If anyone knows him that is reading this, please tell him to read my post...
No SPAM, please...Thanks... Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/27/1970
Adoptee's Sex: Female Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: General Hospital
City of Birth: Camden
County of Birth: Benton
State of Birth: Tennessee
Comments:  I am in search of my birth sister who was adopted in the early 1970's. Her birth name was Dorothy
Jane Davis . Birth mother is Annie L. Davis and birth father was Floyd L. Davis .There are also other siblings .
I really would love to find my sister , Our mother is getting up in age and not very healthy . And also my sister
whom i'm searching for had a heart problem and i would like to know more about that due to family history .
I need to fill this empty spot in my life . I pray every night that god will send her to me befor i leave this world .
Thanks for any help that you can be of . God Bless !!!!
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: September 1969
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: Baptist Hospital
City of Birth: Nashville
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Tennessee
Comments:  I am a birth sibling, seeking a brother given up at birth at Baptist Hospital in Nashville Tennessee
in September 1969.  The birth mother's name was Lydia E. Morris, dob, 5/3/1950. The birth father's name is
Dudley Crawford. Crawford was in the US Army stationed at Fort Campbell, KY.  My mother was 19 at the time
of the birth, but does not remember the exact date or the agency through which the baby was adopted.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 10,1973
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: caucasion
Hospital of Birth: Knox
City of Birth: Knoxville
County of Birth: Knoxville
State of Birth: Tennessee
Comments:  I was adopted in knoxville,tn.I am looking for any family members out there. I think my last name
was Robert's, I do have any contact with my adopted family so I do not know very much.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 27, 1968
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Memphis
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Tennessee
Comments:: My name is Brent. I am trying to find any info about my birth family. About my father I know nothing,
but my birth mother was 14 when she had me. Her family name was Keller and she had curly, red hair. I was
born in Memphis but adopted in St. Louis.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 20, 1989
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: The Med
City of Birth: Memphis
County of Birth: Shelby
State of Birth: Tennessee
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:  Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth: june 5 92
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: morristown hamblen
City of Birth: morristown
County of Birth: hamblen
State of Birth: Tennessee
Comments:: he has brothers and a sister we are looking for him his name was shannon michael karaus he
has a brother we are also looking for we have found one of his brothers and his sister lives with us we have
looked for him for almost 14 years and his baby brother we know where the two middle children are.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/07/1976
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: black/white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: nashville
County of Birth: davidson
State of Birth: Tennessee
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1929
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Knoxville
County of Birth: Knox
State of Birth: Tennessee
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Looking for any birth family of my mother. She was adopted at age 2 in Knox County. Her mothers
name was Marie Rogers. My mothers first name was Pauline. She had brothers and sisters.
Posted 8/2011
Birth Mother is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1975
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: caucassin
  •     Hospital of Birth: erlanger
  •     City of Birth: Chattanooga
  •     County of Birth: Hamilton
  •     State of Birth: Tennessee
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: im looking for my son i had to give up for adoption in 1975 at
  •     the florence crittenton home for unwed mothers in Chattanooga tenn his first name is Adam which i
  •     was promised would not be changed i would give anything to have a chance to meet him my maiden
  •     name is Anita Gail Kinsey Calhoun Ga.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Father’s Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: October 17,1969
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Saint Joseph
  •     City of Birth: Memphis
  •     County of Birth: Shelby
  •     State of Birth: Tennessee
  •     Comments: Im looking for my birth father's family. His name was Anthony West and I never met him.
  •     He passed away when I was around 15 years old. My mother never told me about my real father. I
  •     asked my stepfather and he told me who my real father was. I would love to find my father's parents
  •     or children. My birth father graduated from Bartlett High School in 1972. He possibly passed away in
  •     1984 to 1986, he got killed in car accident. I was born last name Pearce, my mother maiden name
  •     and her name Victoria Sue Pearce until she married to my stepfather they changed my last name to
  •     Edwards when I was six months old..
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 11/2010
  Birth Relative is looking for:
  •     Female Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/4/1971
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: Erlanger Memorial
  •     Agency:  Florence Crittenton Home
  •     City of Birth: Chattanooga
  •     County of Birth: Hamilton
  •     State of Birth: TN
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Family member looking for:  Birth Female DOB 9/4/71. Birth
  •    mother from Georgia & age 20 at time of birth Name on birth certificate possibly Valerie Ann
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010


Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth 2/25/1979
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race African American
Hospital of Birth (no answer)
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth Austin
County of Birth Travis
State of Birth Texas
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: I am looking for my Birth mother. All I know is she is Caucasian- I am mixed. I need to know my family.
I am sick, it would really give me peace in my heart to fight for life if I can meet any of my real family. I'm alone.
Email Contact
FOUND: Birth mother and family reunited with Adoptee January 2016!!
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth 1967
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth Harris Methodist
City of Birth Fort Worth
County of Birth Tarrant
State of Birth Texas
Posted January 2016
Female Adoptee looking for: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth Jan 2, 1997
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth Granbury, Tx
Agency Involved: CPS
City of Birth Granbury
County of Birth hood
State of Birth Texas
Country of birth if not U.S. United States
Comments: I am looking for my 3 older birth brothers. Their birth names were:
Donnie Mitchell Pruitt B. May 3, 1992
David Ian Pruitt B. March 18, 1993
Daniel Ken Pruitt B June 21, 1995
The brothers were removed late 1995 or early 1996 by child protection service in Granbury, Tx Hood County
and adopted by a Todd and Cathy(Kathy) birth parents were Donnie and Danielle Pruitt
Email Contact
Posted May 2015
Birth Father looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/27/82
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Brownwood  Medical Center
Agency Involved::
Attorney: Ray West
City of Birth: Brownwood
County of Birth: Brownwood 
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for my birth daughter, I am from Nebraska. The delivering doctor was Dr Allen Spence.
Posted 02/2015
																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															Birth Mother looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/10/1995
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: St. Joseph
Agency Involved:: 
City of Birth: Houston
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.: 
Comments:: First name of daughter is Elizabeth
Email Contact: Posted 01/2015																																
																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															Birth Relative looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 29, 1974
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Edna Gladney Adoption Center
Agency Involved:: Edna Gladney Adoption Center
City of Birth: Fort Worth
County of Birth: Tarrant
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.: 
Comments:: I am the paternal grandmother and birth parents ask me to locate 39 
year old adopted son, Baby McClain.
Birth parents were never married.
Birth father's name may not appear on baby's original birth certificate.  Date 
of birth:  10/29/74.  Baby has half brothers and sisters.  I am only living 
grand parent, age 84.  We all love you.  Please contact me or Edna Gladney 
Adoption Center, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas.  McClain is your birth name.
Email Contact:  Posted 11/2013
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 2, 1959
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian/white
Hospital of Birth: Wichita Falls
Agency Involved:: Fowler Children's Home
City of Birth: Wichita Falls
County of Birth: Wichita
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: About the age of 3 I was sent to Fowler Children's Home in Wichita Falls Texas. I believe my birth
name was Repunzel Helene, biological father was Monte (a truck driver) and biological mother was Christine
(a waitress).
Email Contact:
Posted September 2012
Searcher looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/15/1971
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Native American
Hospital of Birth: N/A
Agency Involved:: None
City of Birth: Brownsvillle
County of Birth: Cameron
State of Birth: Texas
Comments: I am helping a friend who is looking for his Birth Family.  His mother died giving birth to him at a
ranch near Brownsville.  All he has been told about her, aside from the fact she died during childbirth, is that
her  first name was Virginia and she was Choctaw.  After her passing, her boyfriend (who was not his birthfather)
gave him to a family in Mexico who raised him as their own.  He has nothing to confirm any details and 
would like to find any member of his birth family.
Email Contact:
Posted 08/2012
Searcher looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 4-17-76
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: hispanic
Hospital of Birth: born at home
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Gregory
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.: US
Comments:: My name is Laura Henneke.  I was born April 17, 1976 to Martha and Joe of Gregory Texas.
I have two biological brothers.  Ernest and Daniel.  Both of whom i have met.  I have a biological sister Joann
that i have never met.  She was born in 1977.  I am told she lives in North Tx and was adopted to a family where
the father was in the military.  If you have any information please email me.   
Email Contact:  Posted 05/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09-03-1969
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: BSA Amarillo
Agency Involved::
City of Birth: Amarillo
County of Birth: Potter
State of Birth: Texas 
Email Contact:
Posted March 2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/12/1992
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Greenville Presbyterian
Hospital City of Birth: Greenville
County of Birth: Hunt County
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:  I'd really just like to find my birth mother and/or siblings.
Posted 3/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/18/1986
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian/White
Hospital of Birth: I don't know
City of Birth: Lubbock
County of Birth: Lubbock
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:   Closed adoption. just looking to see where i come from - thanks
Email Contact:          
Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/13/1981
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Fort Worth
County of Birth: Tarrant
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:   I was adopted from the Gladney Center in August of 1981 at the age of 2 weeks old.  My birth
parents were not married, birth mother may have been a college student around the age of 19, and birth father
may have been a welder in his early 20's.
Email Contact:              
Posted 2/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02051984
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: dallas memorial
City of Birth: dallas
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:   I'm looking for my birth father William lovett aka bill lovett all I know about him he worked for 
skyline catering he was 22 when I was born now he's around 50 51 if the math is right he was born on 1962 in
Hawaii I just want to meet him
Email Contact:                
Posted 2/2012
Searcher looking for:   Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/27/1966
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Galveston
County of Birth: Galveston
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:   Looking for my birth father. My mom stated his name as Michal Rogers (spelling?). She said he 
was in the Navy, stationed in Washington in 1965, but got out and was living in Colorado in 1965 - 1966. She
also claimed to have seen him in 1969 (approx) in Seattle. I am interested in finding the truth. Did he really
know about me?
Email Contact:
Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:   Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/2/54
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: heights hospital
City of Birth: houston
County of Birth: harris
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:   mother and father both died i would like to know who my birth parents are
Email Contact:       
Posted 2/2012
Birth Mother looking for:   Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: March or April 1961
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Unwed mother's home
City of Birth: San Antonio, Tx
County of Birth: Bexar
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:   Preacher from Coleman Baptist Chapel arranged for me to go to this unwed mothers home and 
they would not let me see the baby but I heard her cry and was told she was adopted.  Do not remember the
name of the home
Email Contact:
Posted 2/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:   Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: March 2 1954
Adoptee's Sex: Male 
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Harris
City of Birth: Fort Worth
County of Birth: Tarrant
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:   Please I am looking for my brother, my Mother had to put him up for adoption, she did not want.
Email Contact:
Posted 2/2012
Birth Mother looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 19, 1976
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: St. Joesph
City of Birth: Houston
County of Birth: Texas
State of Birth: Texas
Comments: Son went through the Catholic Charities adoption system. Mother originally from Beaumont, Tx.
I left a letter to him in his file if he should ever look for me. I want to know him and so does his sisters.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/24/1982
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Hispanic
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Houston
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3/19/1979
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Black/White
Hospital of Birth: Seton Medical Center or Seton Hospital
City of Birth: Austin
County of Birth: Travis
State of Birth: Texas
 Comments: Looking for my birth father named James Bray (black guy)... he might not know about me but
most likely does. I was born in Austin TX in 1979 to Debra Marshall (white lady). He supposedly left TX when
she was pregnant with me and moved to Virginia. Not sure where he could be now. I believe his in his mid to
late 50s but possibly a little older...again not sure. If this sounds like anyone you know pls message me.
Thanks. I've been looking for about 14 yrs with barely any info other than what I just said
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/15/1985
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: dallas
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:  My real name is Gabriella Natosha Kelly and My sister is Stephanie Renee Kelly. We were
privately adopted through Stacio and Stacio. My adopted parents were Michael and Rebecca Parlington. I am
loooking for any member of my birth family if you are out there.......
Email Contact:   
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/28/1959
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: WHITE
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: SAN ANTONIO
County of Birth: BEXAR
State of Birth: Texas  
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08-02-1960
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Prespatarion Hosptial-Dallas,Texas
City of Birth: Dallas,Texas
County of Birth: Dallas
State of Birth: Texas  
Comments:  I have alway been told I have a brother who is three years older than I, who stayed with my
biological mother. I was adopted by George and Judy Blackstone though attorney Jesse Nickerson in
Pittsburg, Texas.
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 3,1962
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Breckenridge Hospital
City of Birth: Austin
County of Birth: Travis
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:  I was adopted at 3 days of age to Howard and Anita Weidner of Fischer, Tx.. My family doctor from
birth was Dr. Harold A. Holtman of New Braunfels, Tx.. He told me my birth mother was a nurse in New
Braunfels at that time.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 7, 1993
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Harris Methodist Fort Worth, TX
City of Birth: Fort Worth
County of Birth: Tarant
State of Birth: Texas
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: September 13, 1955
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Orange
City of Birth: Orange
County of Birth: Orange
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:  Birth mothers name is Doris Gibbons Patterson from Covington County Mississippi. Older sister
name was Pamela Doris Patterson. Birth fathers name Johnny Mack Patterson. Adopted by Burna Richardson.
Legal handled by R. Lee Davis, Lawyer, Orange Texas
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/11/1993
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: austin or dallas
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:  I am looking for my sister who my mom had as a surrogate in 93 for her frend. My mom can't
remember her friends last name and is taking forever to find her paper work. I've decided to look myself now.
Kaitlyn is now 18 and I can look for her myself now. Last I knew she lives in NY has blonde hair and green
eyes. I just would like to know her and how her life has been. I hope you Kaitlyn or her parents read this!
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: December 1, 1960
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Joseph
City of Birth: Fort Worth
County of Birth: Tarrant
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:  Birth Mother= Shirley G. McDonald Birth Father = Jerry A. Garrett birthmother's last name could
have been Halford
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2-4-81
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Austin
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:  Name given at birth by birthmom was Leah. I have very little information. If you know a baby girl
born on this date and the adoption went through Marywood Children and Family Services please contact me.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5-3-67
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: HOUSTON
County of Birth: harris
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:  I have very little information. I know that the adoption went through depelchin center. I am looking
for any family members.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3/1/1954
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: All Saint's Hospital or St Joseph
City of Birth: Ft. Worth
County of Birth: Tarrant
State of Birth: Texas
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: May 6th
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: austin
County of Birth: travis
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: My brothers name is Kendall. Last name before adoption was Bertsch. Blonde hair. Last known
state pennsylvania.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 5/3/1967
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: My adopted name is Kim Seamans and I am seeking birth parents/family members/siblings.
I was adopted at three weeks of age. I was told from Houston Texas and Depelchin Childrens center was the
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/14/1964
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: African-American
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Austin
County of Birth: travis
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: Email
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/28/1953
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Rest Cottage
City of Birth: Pilot Point
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09181974
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: black/hispanic
Hospital of Birth: methodist hospital
City of Birth: lubbock
County of Birth: lubbock
State of Birth: Texas
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12-2-67
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasin
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Dallas
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: Birthmothers name was Susan Campbell Lewis. We were told that she used the alias Nancy
Drew when giving birth. Her birthdate is 12-18-48
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Mother looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/03/1988
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: sid peterson Memorial hospital
City of Birth: kerrville
County of Birth: kerr
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: I am searching for my son born on May 3 1988 in Kerrville Texas. Name at birth was Dennis
Richard Mason Jr, nick name was D.J. - he was born with cystic fibrosis and was lifeflighted to Santa Rosa
childrens hospital the same night he was born. my name is Elizabeth and dads name was Dennis mason. If
you read this and know my son please tell him I love him and would love to meet him and talk to him.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011                       
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3/1/1954
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: All Saint's Hospital or St Joseph
City of Birth: Ft. Worth
County of Birth: Tarrant
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Email Contact:
Posted 11/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/11/1990
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white/ hispanic
Hospital of Birth: parkland memorial hospital
City of Birth: dallas
County of Birth: dallas county
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for my birth son his name is DANIEL. He was adopted in alabama.
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/14/1993
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: arlington memorial
City of Birth: Arlington
County of Birth: Tarrant
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.: United States
Comments:: She is one of five children who just turned 18
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11-05-1957
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: osteopathic hospital in dalllas -fortworth
City of Birth: dallas-fortworth  
texas County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: My birth parents are deceased,but I can"t find there death certificates, my parents died in texas,
though ruby hawes mccall was born in arkansas and robert clarence mccall was born in fremont, colorado.
thank you  mark mccall my  adopted name is mark  stephen brown, I changed my name to my birth name.
Email Contact:
Posted 10/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 1983
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Huntsville Memorial Hospital
City of Birth: Huntsville
County of Birth: Walker
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: I am looking for my nephew...I am not positive of the day but sure that it was August 1983. He was
born in Huntsville Memorial Hospital in Huntsville, Texas my sister(birth-morhter's) name Sharon Williams. 
We tried several years ago to look for him but to no avail.  Today I decided to start again.  His new name was
possibly William Barrington Alexander.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/01/1985
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: hispanic
Hospital of Birth: Baptist Hospital
City of Birth: San Antonio
County of Birth: Bexar
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: Diane Zuflaute was the Judge and Dr Arrambide delivered
Email Contact:
posted 9/2011
Birth Relative looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02-08-1987
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: San Antonio
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am a grandmother who tried to convince our daughter not to adopt our grandson out, but she
was young and has regretted this as the years have gone by. I do know that he was adopted out to a military
family somewhere in the NE. I hope this will get some results.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1946-1953
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: w
Comments:: Looking for two sisters. Have found 1 premature baby brother deceased so far. Last name Ross?
Birth mother was born Fay Adriana Obed. Birth mother's adopted maiden name is Fay Adriana Goodwin. Birth
mother sent to live in DePelchin Orphanage. Grew up and married as Faye A. Goodwin Ross. Father of girls 
may be B W Ross as the deceased brother's father is BW. Birth state for girls TX or CA.  Adoption state for girls
CA, NV or WY.
Email Contact:
Posted 8/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/10/1982
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Hispanic
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Bryan
County of Birth: Brazos
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am searching for my birth mom or any sibling  .
Posted 7/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/01/71
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Hendrick Memorial Hospital
City of Birth: Abilene
County of Birth: Taylor
State of Birth: Texas
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: private adoption handled by George D Jones, atty, and Robert G Chappell, atty, and Judge
Raliegh Brown. Adoptive parents are Bill and Ruth Ann Brady Jones. I was told my mother and father both were
students at a local college, Hardin Simmons University, I believe and that my birth mothers grandmothers last
name could have been either Miller or Martin.
Email Contact:
Posted 7/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7/7/1954
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: edna gladney home
City of Birth: Ft Worth
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: My birth mother would be 80 years old so I do not expect to find her.  However, she had two older
children.  I would have a sister who is approximately 61 and a brother who would be about 59.  They would
have been born in West Texas. I would like to find them.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/27/1984
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Hendrick's in Abeliene, Tx
City of Birth: Abilene, tx
State of Birth: Texas
Comments:: Searching for birthmother Teresa. Searching for family
Birth Mother looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: jan 5 1976
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: st elizabeth
City of Birth: beaumont
County of Birth: jefferson
State of Birth: Texas
Comments: mother looking for daughter born jan 5 st elizabeth in beaumont texas. i don't think she is
looking for me but i just need to know about her. i will never be at peace until i know something about her.
Email Contact: freetobe
Posted 4/2011
Birth Mother looking for: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: october 21,1993
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: black/white
City of Birth: ft. worth
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Texas
Comments: i was 15 she was adopted by a black couple named tom and millie she will be 18 in oct they were
living in the ft. woth area and also adopted a son they call t.j they renamed my daughter kearia i was given no
choice by my family and have missed her dearly my whole life i hope this helps and thank you
Posted 4/2011
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Mother & Sister
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: august 20, 1986
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: biracial
  •     Hospital of Birth: st patricio
  •     City of Birth: taft tx
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: im looking for my birth sister angela and my birth mom sylvia i
  •     dont know there last name or much about them but i was born in taft tx and i would really like to find them
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 01/2011
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth:
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth:
  •     County of Birth: Dallas
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Went through Hope Cottage as a toddler.  Has 1/2 brother.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010
  Birth Relative is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: June17,1956
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: causcian
  •     Hospital of Birth: St Paul Hospital in Dallas
  •     City of Birth: Dallas
  •     County of Birth: Dallas county
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: This little boy was born on Fathers day of that year adopted
  •    through a private arrangement. Don't know if my sister go to see or not. She was only 14 but I can
  •    safely say we have never forgotten and would like to see him or know about him if possible
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted September 2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06-30-1977
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: St. Elizabeth
  •     City of Birth: Beaumont
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: was adopted by mechanic&wife in Vidor,tx., birth mother is
  •     Linda Smith Bridges & William R. Bridges, has siblings that would like to meet him
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 06/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Parents
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1-18-1968
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: caucasian
  •     Hospital of Birth: St. Paul's Hospital
  •     City of Birth: Dallas
  •     County of Birth: Taylor county
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I am looking for birth parents. Birth father is Sgt. Dale Day
  •     birth mother is Wanda Harris. I have two sibilings an older sister & older brother.
  •     E-mail:    
  •     Posted May 2010
  •     03/10/2012 -  Email invalid - K Green please contact - info on search!
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Family
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/07/1964
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: White
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: Dallas
  •     County of Birth: Dallas
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: Looking for anyone who may know the details surrounding
  •     my adoption.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted May 2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birth Father
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/15/1982
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white
  •     Hospital of Birth: William Beaumont Army Medical Center
  •     City of Birth: El paso
  •     County of Birth: El Paso
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     Enter any additional comments below.: I am Looking for my birth Father. I was told he was
  •     italian/american, Army Man at Fort Dix, NJ somewhere between 1978-1985, and that he would have
  •     been between 17-25 years of age. My mother was 19 when I was born, and there may have been
  •     paternity related papers filed in/before 1983. Sadly mother will not give me a name.
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010
  Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •     Male Adoptee
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/21/1966
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •     Adoptee's Race: Cauc/Native
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: El Paso
  •     County of Birth: El Paso
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 03/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birthfamily
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11.7.68
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: white/birth father italian
  •     Hospital of Birth: Highlands
  •     City of Birth: Lubbock
  •     County of Birth: Lubbock
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     Comments: Birth mother born in PA 1944, birth father's dad head of military academy
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 02/2010
  Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •     Birthfamily
  •     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08-09-1974
  •     Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •     Adoptee's Race: caucasion
  •     Hospital of Birth:
  •     City of Birth: lubbock
  •     County of Birth:
  •     State of Birth: Texas
  •     E-mail:
  •     Posted 01/2010




Birth Sibling looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August  17 1964
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Italian german
Hospital of Birth: Malay dee
Agency Involved:: Christian aid society,  Ogden Utah
City of Birth: ogden
County of Birth: Weber county
State of Birth: Utah
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Adopted by Sheldon Lynn Christensen and janiel Allen christensen also had adopted sister
Christensen,  not birth sister I am said to have 4 other birth siblings
Email Contact:
Birth Mother looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth May 19,1973
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race White/Hispanic
Hospital of Birth Hill Air Force Base
Agency Involved: Catholic Social Services, Salt Lake City
City of Birth Ogden
County of Birth (no answer)
State of Birth Utah
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: He May have been given the name Michael.  He was, approx. 10Lbs 11.5 ozs at birth.
Email Contact
Female Adoptee looking for:   Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/19/74
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth: McKay-Dee Hospital
City of Birth: Ogden
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Utah
Comments:   I am looking for my biologic father.  My mothers name is Val Morgan.  My biologic father would
know her as Valerie Fraley
Email Contact:               
Posted 2/2012
Birth Mother looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 1965
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Dee Hospital
City of Birth: Ogden
County of Birth: Weber
State of Birth: Utah
Comments: It was a boy that was given up for adoption through the Children's Aid Society in Ogden, Utah
The doctor was Dr. JW McEntire. My last name was Simpson, the cover up name when admitted
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Relative looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: February 5, 1993
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Salt Lake City
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Utah
Comments:  My sister, Anne Elizabeth __________ and her boyfriend Hal David _______ gave birth to
Harmony Brooke _____ on February 5, 1993 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The adoption papers were signed on
9/29/94  relinquishing custody to LDS social services.  The family who adopted her were part of the LDS
religion.  Well, now that my niece is 18, I would love to track her down and just meet her and give her to option
to meet our family. She has 2 sisters and a set of twin brothers as well as several aunts, uncles, and cousins. 
Our mother (her grandmother) passed away last month and it has brought a wakeup call to myself to meet my
darling niece. I actually spent most my days taking care of Harmony while my sister was out and about. I would
have adopted her myself if my sister would have allowed it, but I supported her decision.  My sister, Anne was
born on October 26, 1974 to John and Elizabeth ________ in Salt Lake City, Utah. I, Charity Marie ________,
was born on May 19, 1976 to the same parents. We have 2 other sisters and 7 brothers, so Harmony has a
large family out there.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1983-1990
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: hispanic,and other unknown
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Salt Lake City, or Ogden, UT
County of Birth: USA
State of Birth: Utah
Comments:  I am searching for my 3 sisters, born in Salt Lake City, UT. I was told that they may have lived in
Ogden, UT as well. The 2 older girls were believed to be adopted by my dad's lawyer, and later moved to New
Jersey. The lawyer's  name is unknown.
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9/1/1993
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth: salt lake county
State of Birth: Utah
Comments:: Brian is his name. His bio mom name is JoAnn. Adopted by George and Rose. I believe they lived
in Long Island. George was in the computer consulting business and Rose was a secretary.
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 22, 1978
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: McKay-Dee Hospital
City of Birth: Ogden,
County of Birth: Weber
State of Birth: Utah
Comments:: My son weighed 5 lbs 15 ozs at birth, kind of low birth weight.  His biological father's name is Gary
Christensen from Gunnison, Utah.
Posted 9/2011
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9-2-60
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: c
Hospital of Birth: murray  maternaty hospital
City of Birth: murray
County of Birth: State of Birth: Utah
Comments:: theres a lot of health problems in the family he needs to know about. i would love to see him and
be a part of his life plus his siblings
Email Contact:
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1-11-1965
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: LDS
City of Birth: Salt Lake City
County of Birth: Salt Lake City
State of Birth:
Utah Comments:: Denene Dalley Meyers, Adult Adoptee. Birth Mother, 31 years old, 5'5" tall, light brown hair,
hazel eyes, a medium complexion  Scottish, Irish, Dutch, German and French ancestry, former member LDS.
Married several times, mother of seven children at the time of this pregnancy. She had worked in a
kitchen cafeteria and with laundry. The birth mother got married at the age of 16 years old. She had one
daughter from the first marriage, four sons from the second marriage and a daughter and son from the third
marriage. The birth father, 36 years old,  5'8" tall with light brown hair, blue eyes and a medium build
and complexion. He was former member of LDS. He was a high school graduate, had worked as a carpenter
for a large manufacturing company. He had served in the Armed Forces. Married three times. Had 2 brothers
and 2 sisters. 
Posted 8/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 16 1981
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Benedict's
City of Birth: Ogden
County of Birth: Weber
State of Birth: Utah
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: My birth mother was 16 when she had me.  The information I have says that my birth father was
18 and was unaware of the pregnancy.
Email Contact:
Posted 7/2011
 Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •      Birth Mother
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: March 24, 1947
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •      Adoptee's Race: caucasian
  •      Hospital of Birth: Cottonwood Maternity Hospital
  •      City of Birth: Murray
  •      County of Birth: Salt Lake
  •      State of Birth: Utah
  •      Enter any additional comments below.: Mother unmarried, already had one daughter, placed me for
  •      adoption thru Children's Service Society in Salt Lake City, UT
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 04/2010
   Birth Mother is looking for:
  •      Female Adoptee
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10-18-1984
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race: white
  •      Hospital of Birth: LDS
  •      City of Birth: SALT LAKE CITY
  •      County of Birth: SALT LAKE COUNTY
  •      State of Birth: Utah
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 01/2010
   Birth Mother is looking for:
  •      Female Adoptee
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 7-8-1988
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race: white
  •      Hospital of Birth: dixie medical
  •      City of Birth: st. george
  •      County of Birth:
  •      State of Birth: Utah
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 01/2010
   Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •      Birth Family
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: March 29,1992
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •      Adoptee's Race: White
  •      Hospital of Birth: Cottonwood medical center
  •      City of Birth: Murray/Salt Lake city
  •      County of Birth: Salt Lake
  •      State of Birth: Utah
  •      Comments below.: i was born march 29,1992. my birth mom was only 19 at the time of my birth. and
  •      from all the info i have on her she sounds like a very intelligent person. she had red hair, and very fair
  •      skin. she was the only one one in her family with red hair. My adoptive parents went through LDS
  •      social services. if this sounds like you, PLEASE respond i am getting desperate in all my searching.
  •      BTW, her only request for the adoptive parents was a good stable home.(hopefully that helps)
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 01/2010




Male Adoptee looking for:  Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10-16-1954
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Vermont children's aid society
City of Birth: Colchester
County of Birth: Cittenden
State of Birth: Vermont
Comments:  Mother name patricia russall. Born aug. 12,1929.  She was 25 when philip was born and he
weighed  9lbs and was 20 1/2 long. He was born with a small, extra appendage or finger on each hand.his
birth mother had the similar appendages that were also removed at birth. Patricia was of p yankee heritage
and protestant faith. She stood 5'5'' tall and 128 lbs. She had dark brown, almost  auburn color hair, large blue
eyes, and a medium, slightly olive complexion. She was an intelligent, independent and resposible woman
who was soft spoken and thoighful in manner.she graduated from high school age 17. She got good grades
and didn't study very hard. In school she was a cheerleader also baby-sit to earn spending money. After
graduation worked at a shoe factory doing cleircal work. Patricia's parents are philip and hazel. Patricia was the
oldest out two children born. Her brother philip was 15 when her son w born. Also  john has a half sister name
donna she was 5 when he was born. John's birth father was 33 when he was born. Patricia  was 19 when she
got married and donna was born two and half years later. Her marry ended in divorce.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012


Birth Mother looking for: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth 08/02/74
Adoptee's Sex Male
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth Home Birth
Agency Involved: Not Known
City of Birth Wytheville
County of Birth Wythe
State of Birth Virginia
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: Child was a home birth. Child was removed at birth from birth mothers care.
Email Contact 
Posted 3/2015
Male Adoptee looking for:: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06/18/59
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Norfolk General Hospital
Agency Involved:: portsmouth Virginia
City of Birth: Norfolk
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Virginia
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Looking for my birth father who I was told in the navy in 1959 when I
was born. My mother was Linda Lee Peters who is deceased now. My father maybe
from North Carolina.
Email Contact:  Posted 09/2013
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 14th 1990
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Portsmouth Naval Hospital
Agency Involved:: Catholic Charities
City of Birth: Portsmouth
County of Birth: Portsmouth
State of Birth: Virginia
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: Birth mother looking for son. Please help me find him.
Posted 3/2013
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: July 4,  1955
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: caucasian
Hospital of Birth: DePaul Hospital
Agency Involved:: private Law firm
City of Birth: Norfolk
County of Birth: Norfolk
State of Birth: Virginia
Comments:: Birth mother listed on termination of parental rights as Gloria Peterson/ baby girl Peterson/private
adoption @ birth thru local lawyer to Naval couple (Anderson)/adoption registered in Princess Anne County
Court House
Email Contact:
Posted August 2012
Birth Mother  looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 07/03/1975
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Roanoke Memorial/Carilion Hospital
Agency Involved:: Social Services
City of Birth: Roanoke
County of Birth: Roanoke
State of Birth: Virginia
Comments:: Has two siblings.  Travis Wayne Worrell, Mineral, Va and Ronnie Lee Holloway II, Roanoke, VA.
Email Contact:
Posted March 2012
Birth Relative looking for:   Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: June 1965
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Virginia
Comments:   I am looking for an Aunt born as Stella Virginia possible in Washington co va. may have been 
born around 1965 and was adopted from Russell Co va. 8 siblings were separated as children and all have
found each other except one.
Email Contact:
Posted 2/2012
Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1-21-1964
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Norfolk General Hospital
City of Birth: Norfolk
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Virginia  
Comments: Looking for Birth Parents. I was at the Child & Family Service Travelers Aid Portsmouth Va.
I weighted eight pounds one once, blue eyes. I was delivered by Dr. Cox.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Nov ? 1991
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White/Native American
Hospital of Birth: M.C.V
City of Birth: Richmond
County of Birth: Hanover
State of Birth: Virginia
Comments:  I'm looking for my Birth sister who was adopted when she was about 2 or 3. Your name at birth
was Angel Marie Bower. Our mothers name was Kathy. I'm your oldest sister. you are 1 of 6 kids born to Kathy.
We are waiting for you!!!
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11/14/1953
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Morgan Clinic
City of Birth: Fincastle
County of Birth: Botetort
State of Birth: Virginia
Comments:  Looking for ny birth family McGeorge's of Bedford County Va.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Sibling looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: March 16,1963
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Roanoke Memorial Hospital
City of Birth: Roanoke Virginia
County of Birth: Roanoke State of Birth: Virginia
Comments:  I am looking for Dorothy Lee Steele.She is my birth mother.I have been looking for a long time and
want to meet her.Birth certificate says Va was place of birth for Dorothy,no city/locality posted.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 3/7/1969
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: Norfolk General?
City of Birth: Norfolk
County of Birth: ??
State of Birth: Virginia
Country of birth if not U.S.: US
Comments:: I was a resident of the Florence Crittenton Home in The Norfolk area.  Searching for Birth Son,
given name Frederic Irl Kingsley.  Adoption was through Catholic Services.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 02/16/1969
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Portsmouth Hosptial??
City of Birth: Portsmouth
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Virginia
Comments:: I am looking for my two brothers, Alan Puckett and Richard Puckett, their biological mother was
Gloria Diane Pottios of Portsmouth VA,Last I had heard they were living in Virginia somewhere. I really need to
speak with them or meet with them. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 9/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/20/80
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race:
Hospital of Birth: Virginia Baptist Hospital
City of Birth: Lynchburg
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Virginia
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: I am looking for my Birthmother. Name on Birth Cert. Deborah Jean Brooks McIntosh. If you have
any information pls feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time.
Email Contact:
Posted 7/2011
Birth Mother is looking for:
  •      Female Adoptee
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 04/06/1963
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race: white
  •      Hospital of Birth: Danville Memorial Hospital
  •      City of Birth: Danville
  •      State of Birth: Virginia
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 06/2010
   Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •      Birth Mother
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: Dec. 16th, 1960 @ 8:15pm
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race: White
  •      Hospital of Birth: County?
  •      City of Birth: Lynchburg, Virginia
  •      County of Birth: Campbell
  •      State of Birth: Virginia
  •      Enter any additional comments below.: Birth certificate says my name is "Little Girl Bell". Looking for
  •      my birth mother. I was adopted to the Rauchfuss family and moved to Arizona. Any siblings?
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 05/2010
   Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •      Birth Parents/ Birth Family
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 09-22-1960
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race: white?
  •      Hospital of Birth: leigh memorial hospital
  •      City of Birth: norfolk
  •      County of Birth: united states
  •      State of Birth: Virginia
  •      Enter any additional comments below.: Private adoption to a Navy couple based in Norfolk at the
  •      time. They left shortly after birth and adoption. I am looking for any info on BM or family.
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted May 2010
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •      Birthmother
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 10/20/80
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race: White
  •      Hospital of Birth: Virginia Baptist Hospital
  •      City of Birth: Lynchburg
  •      County of Birth:
  •      State of Birth: Virginia
  •      Enter any additional comments below.: I am searching for my Birthmother. Name Deborah Jean
  •      Brooks McIntosh.  If you have any info please contact me.  Thanks for your time.
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 03/2010
   Birth Sibling is looking for:
  •      Male Adoptee
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: dec 16 1968
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •      Adoptee's Race: white
  •      Hospital of Birth: fairfax county hospital
  •      City of Birth: fairfax
  •      County of Birth: fairfax
  •      State of Birth: Virginia
  •      E-mail:  Posted 03/2010
   Other Relative is looking for:
  •      Birth mother of twins
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9-27-1954
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •      Adoptee's Race: White
  •      Hospital of Birth: Portsmouth General
  •      City of Birth: Portsmouth
  •      County of Birth:
  •      State of Birth: Virginia
  •      Enter any additional comments below.: im searching for my dad and uncles birth mom - they where
  •      twins. im searching to try and find outfamily and medical history. the couple that adopted them where
  •      Robert & Mae Mayes of Portsmouth, VA. I was told along time ago that a girl living in colasse or
  •      walters va gave birth to twin boys around that time if anybody knows please contact me.
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 03/2010
   Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •      Birth Family
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: March 8, 1955
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race: White
  •      Hospital of Birth: Norfolk General Hospital
  •      City of Birth: Norfolk
  •      County of Birth:
  •      State of Birth: Virginia
  •      Enter any additional comments below: My baby bracelet has the name Maxine on it.  Not sure if my
  •      Mother's name or a name given to me at birth.  I was told my Mother resided in Norfolk and that my
  •      Father was Irish.
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 02/2010
Searcher looking for: Female adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth 08271977
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race White
Hospital of Birth (no answer)
Agency Involved: (no answer)
City of Birth (no answer)
County of Birth SpokNe
State of Birth Washington
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: (no answer)
Email Contact
Posted 10/04/2020
Birth Sibling looking for: (no answer)
Comments: I am one of triplets born to Elvira E. NEHER / Elviria E Burton on November 6, 1945 at Renton
General hospital. Mother took me home with her. The other 2 babies were left behind.The attending physician
was Dr. Raymond Ballard. I am hoping to find my siblings. I was told they were sold and or Died. I feel they are
still alive and might be looking for me. Fathers name on the BC Weldon E Rowe he was not my father.
My ame on the BC Deloris I Rowe. After so many months they changed my name to Sandra Lee Zimmerman,
step father he never adopted me just gave me the name. I married June 11 1965 my name is Sandra Lee Wilder ,
I go by Lee Wilder. Looking for all the help I can get.
Email Contact
Posted 11/2016
Female Adoptee looking for: Sibling or relatives of Carl Soholt
Adoptee's Date of Birth 07/21/1949
Adoptee's Sex Female
Adoptee's Race white
Hospital of Birth (no answer)
City of Birth Kingman
County of Birth USA
State of Birth Arizona
Country of birth if not U.S. (no answer)
Comments: Looking for my half brothers and half sisters. My father worked in the Navy yard in the state of
Oregon or Washington . I think he passed away in 1998 in Oregon. He was briefly married to my mother
Maxine Jean Wallen and had myself and my brother. We were later adopted by my step father (Louis Metzger)
My name is currently Victoria Beryl Bernier my brother name is Henry Keith Metzger our father name was
Carl Soholt, would like to know or converse with any know relatives.
Posted 10/2016
Male Adoptee looking for: unknown
City of Birth Tacoma
County of Birth (no answer)
State of Birth Washington
Email Contact:
Posted March 2015
Birth Relative looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1989 or 1990
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: University of Washington
Agency Involved:: DSHS Washington
City of Birth: Seattle
County of Birth: King
State of Birth: Washington
Country of birth if not U.S.
: Comments:: My nephews, Twins, Danny Bret & Patrick Anthony were taken from their parents, My sis Tanya
(Elder) Bridges Anzbock & fath Brian Joesph Hill. Did Brian's parents adopt them? Brian's fath was a Seatle
PD. Seattle Schools? Bros Ken Wilson, Kirkland & Michael
Email Contact:
Posted 03/2013
Birth Relative looking for:: Female Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1974 Approximately
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: University of Washington
Agency Involved:: DSHS Washington
City of Birth: Seattle
County of Birth: King
State of Birth: Washington
Country of birth if not U.S.:
Comments:: My niece, Stephanie was taken from my sister, Tanya (Elder) Bridges Anzbock & her husband
Rudy Dean Anzbock, right after her birth. Contact me or her brothers Ken Wilson (Rudy Anzbock, Jr)  or Michael Baines (Eric)
Email Contact:
Female Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03/26/1968
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: St. Josephs Hospital
City of Birth: Tacoma
County of Birth: Washington
State of Birth: Washington
Comments: I am the fifth daughter to a woman named Louise. The father named Fredrick. I have  four older sisters 
at the time of my birth in 1968. My mother was 27 when she has me in 1968. She relinquished at birth but the father 
was published for 90 days. My oldest sister, Amanda was 8 when i was born and would be the only sister that probably
understood that the baby didn't come home with her mother.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: October 27, 1976
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
Hospital of Birth: University of Washington
City of Birth: Seattle
County of Birth: King County
State of Birth: Washington
Comments:  If you're an adoptee looking for TANYA DEE BRIDGES (your birth mother), and were given up for adoption
between the years of 1972 and 1990 approx, you have a few siblings who were also given up for adoption, and two of us
(adopted children) have connected, and are now working with Tanya's family to find more of her children. These children
were born in either California or Washington State during those years. Please contact Ken at the email listed here. 
We want to hear from you!  You are loved and missed! Also call 425 (area code) 263-9658 and ask for Ken, or call
941 (area code) 761-9240 and ask for Susan, Tanya's sister who is also involved in the search. You can also call Tasha
(cousin) at 956 (area code) 771-4128. Thank you! We hope you will call!
Email Contact:  Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 01/28/1971
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Caucasion
Hospital of Birth: Virginia Mason Hospital
City of Birth: Seattle
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Washington
Comments:  I know very little about my birth parents.  I was adopted at 7-days old.  I know my birth mother's (maiden)
name was Carol Russell, she was 16-years old when I was born on January 28, 1971.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Relative looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: Oct 5th 1978
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: moses lake
City of Birth: moses lake
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Washington
Comments:  Looking for nephew and niece giving up in Walla Walla Washington in 1981 Bith name paul spicer and
jennifer spicer they were 1 and three when given up.Father Rudy pasted away years ago. there mother my sister lives
in Idaho and last name is are family name of Duchsher I have the last picture of Paul and Jennifer taken with there
grandma at my home in Othello WA in 1980. They have a step sister who lives in Washington. I would like to find them
just to let them know we never stopped thinking about them, Paul has bright red hair.
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Male Adoptee looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 05/24/61
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: wht
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: tacoma
County of Birth: pierce
State of Birth: Washington
Comments:  have younger brother from same parents born in spokane wa. 1963
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Searcher looking for:: Other
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2/12/1915
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Unknown
City of Birth: Unknown
County of Birth: King County or Spokane county
State of Birth: Washington
Comments:: This is my deceased (1959) grandmother whom we know was adopted. Her birthday was Feb of
1915, she was 9 months old when adopted by Pearl and Samuel Mearns of west seattle. He Samuel worked
for Darigold where he retired from. It wasn't discovered that my grandmother was adopted until Oct of 1967
when both of my great grandparents died on the same day. Also, it looks as if my grandmother may have given
up a baby herself sometime in the very late 1930's or early 40's, as my mothers birth certificate whom we
always believed to be the oldest, asked how many live births before this one and it states one. My mother never
noticed until she was looking at her birth certificate about 10 years ago and discovered perhaps the reason
that my great grandparents had disowned my grandmother. I hope this all makes sense. THank you anyone at
all who might have information about these mysteries in my family. My mom is currently sick and it would be
grand to find out more medical and other family information if al all possible. I pray we find some answers
along the way.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth:
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Monticello Hospital/ St. Johns Hospital
City of Birth: Longview
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Washington
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Searcher looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 9-22-1970
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: monticello
City of Birth: longview
County of Birth: cowlitz
State of Birth: Washington
Comments:: I'm trying to find Richard E. Bray born in Oregon 1949.  My biological father. I've been going by
Richard E Jaspers since 1973 i think.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011
Birth Sibling looking for:  Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 06/23/1983
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: university of washington
City of Birth:
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Washington
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011  
     Birth Parents
     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 11-24-57
     Adoptee's Sex: Male
     Adoptee's Race: White
     Hospital of Birth: Doctors
     City of Birth: Seattle
     County of Birth:
     State of Birth: Washington
     Enter any additional comments below.: Looking for birth parents.
     Posted 11/2010
     Female Adoptee
     Adoptee's Date of Birth: Nov. 17 1968
     Adoptee's Sex: Female
     Adoptee's Race: White
     Hospital of Birth:
     City of Birth: Seattle
     County of Birth: King
     State of Birth: Washington
     Enter any additional comments below.: Your name is Heather J. Sudderth (Wilson) and your Mothers name was Barbara Wilcox   
     from Bainbridge Island. I met your mother in Feb 1968 in Hawaii and got    out of the Navy in Nov 1969. and spent time with her
     then and held you when you were a new born  girl. Your mother gave me a picture of you then which I no longer have but still
     remember that you looked just like my sons at birth. You may not be aware of the possibility that I am your father. If you have a 
     brother or sister 9 or 10  months younger than you there is a good chance that I am there father also. Please contact me if you 
     read this and I will be happy to have a DNA test to verify what I believe.
     E-mail:     Posted September 2010
     Female Adoptee
     Adoptee's Date of Birth: 1961
     Adoptee's Sex: Female
     Adoptee's Race: white
     Hospital of Birth: n/a
     City of Birth: n/a
     County of Birth: n/a
     State of Birth: Washington
     Posted September 2010


Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 12/31/1982
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Sheboygay
City of Birth: sheboygan
County of Birth: sheboygan
State of Birth: Wisconsin
Comments:: I was  give up with a baby blanket and a shell.
Email Contact:
Posted 5/2011
Daughter looking for: Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2/27/1954
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: st vincents
City of Birth: green bay
County of Birth: brown
State of Birth: Wisconsin
Comments:: I believe mother had a affair.Found out through medical testing the man i thought was my father
wasnt. Lied on Birth certificate and claimed me as his own.
Email Contact:
West Virginia
Searcher looking for:: Sibling
Adoptee's Date of Birth: October 16 1937
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth: Clarksburg
County of Birth: Harrison
State of Birth: West Virginia
Comments:: Looking for Macel Cochran who gave up for adoption in 1937 and one in 1941.
Email Contact:  
Posted 9/2011



Female Adoptee looking for:

Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 03/16/1979
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Anglo
Hospital of Birth: Washakie County Hospital
City of Birth: Worland
County of Birth: Washakie
State of Birth: Wyoming
Comments:: I have very little information but I know my biological grandfather was a navy seal and that mt my biological parents were
very young when they had me. I want to know you...all of you to know where I came from...I hope you want the same.
Email Contact:
Posted 12/2011


Unknown State

Male Adoptee looking for: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: August 10, 1973
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: Black
Hospital of Birth: unknown
City of Birth: unknown
County of Birth: unknown
State of Birth:
Comments: My births certificate states that I was born August 1973. I was adopted to Charles K WIlson I & Gloria Jean Wilson
(Brown). I was born with an extra piece of skin on my ear. I also had a hernia. I now have 2 children, Charles & Amonda. I'm married.
I want to know where I come from and if I have siblings. I want to be complete and I know taht finding my birth family would fill the
gap. I just want to talk and hopefully meet.
Email Contact: Posted 01/2012


Outside of the US:
Female Adoptee looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 20/08/1946
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: English
Hospital of Birth: Brisbane Womens Hospital
City of Birth: Brisbane
County of Birth: Australia
Country of birth if not U.S.: Australia
Comments:  I am posting here because I don't know how else to find the information I am searching for. I am from Australia and I am
trying to get in touch with Lawrence Henderson Jnr who I believe is the son of Lawrence Henderson Senior who was a scientist with
GE? in the 1940's. Lawrence Henderson Jnr who was with the US Navy or Airforce was stationed in London during 1944/45.
Lawrence Henderson Jnr had a relationship with my biological mother Joan Mary Godfrey/O'Sullian and I was born in 1946 and was
adopted out shortly afterwards.  I have reason to believe that Lawrence Henderson Jnr could be my biological father.  Are you able to
help in my search?  Kind regards, Karen Stuart
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Birth Mother looking for:: Male Adoptee
Adoptee's Date of Birth: march9-12? 1958
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: white
Hospital of Birth: Henderson General
City of Birth: Hamilton
County of Birth: Ontario
State of Birth:
Country of birth if not U.S.: Canada
Email Contact:
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •      Birth Family
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 17 Jan 1964
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •      Adoptee's Race:
  •      Hospital of Birth:
  •      City of Birth: Ammersse Herching
  •      County of Birth: Germany
  •      State of Birth:
  •      Country if Birth outside of US: Germany
  •      Enter any additional comments below.: Birth mother was M. Sandate and grandfather was Ysidro Sandate
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 05/2010
   Male Adoptee is looking for:
  •      American Birthfather/ German Birthmother
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 14-11-1958
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •      Adoptee's Race: afro american
  •      Hospital of Birth: Diaconessen Marburg an der lahn
  •      City of Birth: Marburg an der lahn
  •      County of Birth: Germany
  •      State of Birth:
  •      Country if Birth outside of US: Germany
  •      Enter any additional comments below.: Ia am searching for my birthmother Waltraud Fischer, she
  •     was in 1958/159 in Stuttgart Boblingen Germanyin the pantzer kaserne Nr 1c.6 she gave birth to me
  •      and gave me up for adoption,she gave me the name Roberto,  my birthfather was also there in 1958
  •      his name was Frank Williams a negro of in that time arround 30/35 year old what we know he was
  •      married, and the army sended hem to another place when my mom confronted him with her
  •      pregnancy. I try to find them both, My mom posseble is in the USA now who can help me
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 04/2010
Birth Relative looking for:  Birth Father
Adoptee's Date of Birth: unknowm
Adoptee's Sex: Male
Adoptee's Race: black
Hospital of Birth: unknow
City of Birth: jamacia or islands
County of Birth: jamacia or islands
Comments:  im a 40 year old women who doesn’t know my birth father and he doesn’t know he has a daughter - him and
my mom broke up she never told him she was expecting.moms name is gwendolyn allen fathers name is joesph lord or
joesph hullett. hes from the islands or jamacia hes been here in detroit mi since 1971 when i was born him and his sister
use to live on 219 joesphine st. in detroit mi joesph was working at a car wash downtown detroit mi back then and had a
freind name archie the jamacian guy who owns archies nite club / after  on mcnichols hour. gwendolyn stayed on helen in
detroit.and he was married back then but his wife was back home in the island during this time. joesph sister use to hang @
the club archies
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012


New Zealand  
  •       Birthfather
  •       Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08 / 06 / 1950
  •       Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •       Adoptee's Race: white new zealander
  •       Hospital of Birth: whangarei base hospital
  •       City of Birth: whangarei
  •       Country if Birth outside of US: new zealand
  •       Enter any additional comments below.: i am looking for my birth father trevor howard pryce / price
  •       E-mail:
  •       Posted 04/2010


Puerto Rico
Birth Relative looking for:  Birth Family
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 8/24/66
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: hispanic
Hospital of Birth:
City of Birth:
Country of birth if not U.S.: puerto rico
Comments:  Im looking for my grandmother who gave my mother up for adoption in puerto rico in 1966.... She don't know
much but she was adopted to a woman named Aurora Santiago.... we don't know anything about are birth family.. we would
love to find out... please help us!!!!
Email Contact:
Posted 01/2012
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Date of Birth: 08/28/1990
Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: Puerto Rican
Hospital of Birth: Bayamon Regional Hospital
City of Birth: Bayamon
County of Birth:
State of Birth: Puerto Rico
Country of birth if not U.S.: United States
Comments:: Email Contact:


South Africa

Adoptee's Sex: Female
Adoptee's Race: White
Hospital of Birth: Johannesburg General
Posted 12/2011
Female Adoptee looking for:: Birth Mother
Adoptee's Sex: Female
City of Birth: Cape Town
State of Birth:
Email Contact: 
Posted 7/2011
Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •       Birthmother
  •       Adoptee's Date of Birth: 24th November 1945
  •       Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •       Adoptee's Race: White
  •       Hospital of Birth: Newlands
  •       City of Birth: Johannesburg
  •       Country of Birth: South Africa
  •       Enter any additional comments below.: Birth Mother SUSANNA CATHARINA JOUBERT (nee
  •      GOUWS)Married to FRANCOIS CAREL JOUBERT.  I was registered as PRISCILLA JOUBERT. FULL
  •       BIRTH CERTIFICATE No 472458 dated 09.09.1997.CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION No 11587 /
  •       574604 dated 05.06.1946. ENTRY No 14277/45 ADOPTION ORDER No 498/46 dated 04.05.1946.
  •       I would like to contact any living relative of my BIRTH MOTHER (HER HUSBAND WAS NOT MY
  •       FATHER)
  •       E-mail:
  •       Posted 02/2011
    Female Adoptee is looking for:
  •       Biological Father
  •       Adoptee's Date of Birth: 2 December 1979
  •       Adoptee's Sex: Female
  •       Adoptee's Race: South African
  •       Hospital of Birth:
  •       City of Birth: Pretoria
  •       Country if Birth outside of US: South Africa
  •       Enter any additional comments below.: I am looking for my biological father. His name is Chris
  •       Venter.  He was supposedly in his late teens or early 20's when I was born in December 1979.  My
  •       mother's maiden name is Bettie Fourie.
  •       E-mail:
  •       Posted 02/2011


Searcher is looking for:
      Birth Family
  •      Adoptee's Date of Birth: 20 December 1969
  •      Adoptee's Sex: Male
  •      Adoptee's Race: Caucasian
  •      Hospital of Birth: Home
  •      City of Birth: Germiston
  •      County of Birth: Gauteng
  •      Country if Birth outside of US: South Africa
  •      E-mail:
  •      Posted 06/2010

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