Phone Books & City Directories

SpyralSearch - Old City Directories & Phone Books on CD or DVD

Research Etc. formed SpyralSearch™ in 2005, a company which provides old city directories and telephone books from the 1900's to 1980's on CD or DVD. These old directories can help you find clues and links to persons and places of a past time period. Imagine the space you can save by not having a collection of old and musty directories in your home or office!  Visit www.SpyralSearchSales.com for a complete listing of available directories.

  • Reverse phone directory searches are usually not possible in city directories or telephone books, however with our CD's and DVD's, you may use the Adobe Search Tool to find any individual, even by their first name, living on a certain street, or with the same telephone number, etc. This search feature also works on the White Pages and Yellow Pages in each directory.

  • Features:  High quality - 300 dpi resolution of original pages in pdf format. Old reference sources have now been maximized far beyond their original value and have been transformed into powerful research tools with endless search capabilties. You can have this unique resource available on your own computer and avoid trips and calls for lookups at the library.

  • Old directories and telephone books have been scanned, page by page, so you can review the actual copy of the directory. But better yet - all the text is fully searchable by keywords such as name, occupation, business, street name, address, phone number, etc. using Acrobat Reader's Search Feature.

In the last twelve years, Research Etc. amassed over 2,000 old city directories and telephone books, and we have used them to help solve many cases. However, the more directories we acquired, the harder it was to access them, as we had to have them warehoused in remote storage and they were not on hand in our office. We decided several years ago to start scanning the ones we used most onto CD, which was a long and time-consuming process. But last year, we upgraded all of our scanning equipment and computer software. and developed a time-effective process of putting our directories into a digital format - with the added bonus of having them text-searchable.

Credit is always given to the original publishers of the books, but the actual digital images on CD are copyrighted by Research Etc., Inc. and protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. SpyralSearch CD's are only for the purchaser's personal use and not to be copied, distributed, or posted on a web site.

We are still in the process of converting our entire collection of city directories and phone books into CDs, but feel we now have enough to make them available to other searchers. Visit www.SpyralSearchSales.com for a complete listing of available directories.



Email Research Etc. Investigations  RSearchEtc@aol.com
10869 N. Scottsdale Road, Ste 103-114, Scottsdale AZ 85254
(800) 992-3571  ♦  (480) 664-4345
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